✔️Chapter 12: Deal With That

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Chapter 12: Deal With That
10:56 PM
April 21st, 2014
Lindsay's POV:

I jumped up and down a little, trying to get ready and shake the nerves before the segment.

For the first time in a while I hadn't had a stressful week. It had actually been a lot of fun.

Me and Windham had been texting and calling ever since our training session the other day.

He had this mystical aura surrounding him and it drew me in. I want to unravel his mystery and I think he is letting me.

I spent my Sunday with April and Phil, just chatting and me getting to know April better.

She is really cool and I have a feeling we are gonna be best friends eventually.

I haven't talked to Randal or the hounds for a couple of days now but it wasn't like I was ignoring them......per say.

I was kinda just not bothering to reply to their messages is all.

I was lost in my thoughts so when someone cleared their throat, I jumped slightly in surprise as I looked up.

Speaking of the devils.

It was Jonathan, with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Ready princess? We gotta go to the stands so we can make our way down" he told me, expecting me to go with him.

Me, walking that far? Ha, that's funny.

I shook my head with a small smile "Sorry to break it to you Jonathan, but I'm not apart of the SHIELD. Didn't you read the script? Evolution heads out and does their thing before I come out and start making fun of them before you guys storm down to the ring. Then we get surrounded and do random stuff."

He looked confused until he just nodded and walked away from me, but not before picking up a script that was sitting on a nearby crate.

I had to laugh at that, dumbo.

(Anything curved is what the WWE Universe is witnessing and will be in third person but once it goes back to regular print it will be back in Lindsey's POV)

Evolution slowly made their way down to the ring as the crowd booed as loud as possible.

Cole: Last week Evolution reformed in front of our eyes. We are seeing, perhaps one of the greatest groups in sports entertainment today folks.

Saxton: They we're together for years in the early 2000's, running the yard.

Cole: And you can see all of those moments that made them great right now on the WWE Network. John, Evolution was around in your prime, how was it to be up close with them?

John: They really are one of the greatest groups. The SHIELD maybe dominate now, but Evolution has always been the measuring stick

By this time everyone was in the ring with mics in their hands as Triple H started.

H: Everytime think about it, I just want to laugh. Haha, it is so funny. It is so funny that the SHIELD thinks they own this yard, they own this ring.

All the amusement and laughter dies from his face.

H: Well they don't. They never have. I've just given them the illusion they are in control. But that ends, today.

Batista: 36 World Championship Reigns between the three of us. SHIELD have no idea who they are messing with. Evolution......We are the most dominate, the most powerful people, wrestlers in this industry today. The SHIELD have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. Deal With That.

Randy: Evolution, we have been the measuring stick in WWE for a long time now and we plan for it to stay that way. And if you have somehow forgotten who we are.....here's a little reminder.

Plays montage of Evolutions greatest moments and what really made them great.

But right as the video ends The SHIELDS music plays making he men in the ring jump and hurry to leave the ring.

But instead of the hounds coming out, it's the Barb Wired Babe, Jasmine Faith.

She skips out from the entrance and stands with a giant smirk.

Jasmine: Hey boys, where you running off too? I thought you weren't scared of the SHIELD? Because that's what it looks like to me.

All the men glare at her in anger.

H: What do you think you are doing out here Jasmine?

Jasmine: Well I was just backstage hanging out and all and I listened to what you guys said and I just have something to input.

Batista: What is it?

Jasmine smirks and takes a few steps forward.

Jasmine: 36 Championship Reigns between the three of you. Nice. And you're right. No member of The SHIELD have ever been World Champions. But.....they have owned that ring since their debut, but none of you can say the same. You guys have many similarities with the SHIELD. The only difference is, to get to the top,they did it as a team, not a bunch of corporate, brown nosed, sellout, backstabbers.

She takes a few more steps forward.

Jasmine: The SHIELD, I may not like them a lot, but I sure as hell like them more than I like ANY OF YOU. Randal, do we have to replay what happened once you won your first title from Chris? That wasn't in the video.

Randy stared at the others as Hunter and Batista stared at the ground.

Jasmine: That's what I thought. Now boys, since you wanna talk tough, time to be tough. Deal with that!

Jasmine drops the mic before waving as the SHIELDS music plays around the arena and they come stopping down the stairs quickly making their way onto each side of the ring, surrounding Evolution.

Evolution knew they were gonna be destroyed, so they did the only reasonable thing.

Triple H picked up a mic

H: Now boys

As he said that 11 superstars filed from the entrance down the ramp until they were standing in front of Jasmine.

H: Now boys, if you want Ms.Faith to get out of this situation injury free, I would suggest backing up.

The boys didn't hesitate to slide off the ring and start backing to the barricade. But before they could reach the barricade Jasmine held up her hand, making everyone stop and turn to her.

Jasmine: Get back on the damm ring hounds. Don't worry about me, have some faith

She winks at the boys before forcing them to get back in position before turning to the 11 superstars in front of her.

Jasmine: Heath, Jinder, Drew, Titus, Rusev, Ryback, Alberto, Wade, Fandango, Jack....Have I ever done anything to you other than support and be your friend?

They all shared a look and shook their heads.

Jasmine: Are you guys really gonna attack your friend just because a stupid suit wearing sellout told you too. And, you're gonna beat up a woman? I know Hunter doesn't have morals, but do you wanna be like him? Step aside, let me through and come with me. Next week, you may change your mind but what do you wanna do now?

She waved her hands as everyone stared wide eyed and shocked at what she said.

The superstars slowly stepped to the side, making a path for her.

She smiled and made her way out of sight with the superstars following.

The SHIELD immediately pounced on Evolution once everyone was out of sight.

They immediately destroyed them, making sure to give a triple powerbomb to Triple H.

As the show went off the air the hounds stood over Triple H with their signature fist out as the crowd went wild.

Word Count: 1285 Words

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