Chapter 11 (Summoned By Bray Wyatt)

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Chapter 11: Summoned By Bray

11:43 AM
Lindsey's POV:

When I checked my phone I was shocked to read a certain text.

1 New Notification

BrayWyatt: My dearest Lindsey, I was wondering if you would like to come with me, so we could converse with one another and we could also work on your delightful speeches on air. Neither Luke nor Erick nor Braun will her accompanying me and I ask that you come alone also. For Privacy


So Bray Wyatt texts.

Never thought I would hear that one.

I thought for a minute of the pros and cons and when I couldn't think of any consequences I replied.

To BrayWyatt: Sure Windham. Text me the address. I have to get dress but I'll meet you their or we can meet somewhere else if u would like. And of course. I'll leave the hounds and the viper here :)

I waited for a moment and right as I was about to place my phone back down Windham replied.

BrayWyatt: Good Angel. I'll meet u in the lobby of the hotel in half an hour. Make sure to bring extra clothes so we can train also. I want to be able to live in the moment and just be able to see how amazing and elegant you are in the ring, up close

I felt myself blush slightly as he called me and angel and talked about my in ring ability. I quickly replied before setting off to get ready.

To BrayWyatt: Kk Windham. I'll be down their in 30 minutes. And stop being so sweet, you're making me blush ;)
40 Minutes Later
Lindsay's POV: Still In Hotel Room

I hurried around the room, double checking that I had everything before finally locking the door behind me and hopping in the elevator.

I was wearing a pair of dark jeans, a white lacy top with no sleeves, a black leather jacket, brown ankle boots with white diamonds and a pair of black sunglasses.

I carried my extra clothes for training in my black gym bag and put my purse in their that held me room key, car keys, house keys, pepper spray, wallet, makeup, makeup wipes, perfume, asthma inhaler, phone, portable charger pack, wireless earbuds, sharpie, deodorant, comb, reading glasses, contact case, passport and a bag of gummy bears.

Don't judge me

Once I reached the lobby I noticed Windham standing in the corner, looking slightly uncomfortable being around so many people.

I instantly felt guilty about being late and making him stand their so I quickly hurried over.

Once Windham noticed me he smiled slightly and gave me a gentle hug.

"I am so sorry for making you wait Windham. That was terrible of me to do. I just couldn't find my socks and I kinda wanted to look my best for you. And I'm sorry I'm such a mess. You probably regret coming out and trying to help me now. I'm so freaking sorry Windham, I shouldn't be so forgetful next time and I should be more organized. I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me" I took a deep breath as I finished my rant and just stared at my feet.

I felt a hand on my chin, lifting my head until I made eye contact with Windham.

He spoke in his usual, soft gentle tone "It is Fine my dearest angel. No need to worry. I'd wait for a million years and more if it meant I got the chance to be in your presence"

I smiled at him which he returned before we both started the long walk to the gym.

Half way their I felt Windham grab my hand and enter-twine our fingers and I let him.

For the rest of the way we walked hand in hand, just causally talking and laughing with each other.

I told him some things about myself and he told me things about him and some stories from his days with Nexus and some stories with his brothers.

I can tell that Windham really does care about Luke, Erick and Braun. And from the way he talks about them they seem like good guys to me.

Once we reached the gym we walked in and headed straight away to change even though we were only gonna work on promos first.

I made sure to hurry this time and came back in a record setting 6 minutes.

I noticed Windham done already so I walk over and sit next to him.

He smirked at me "So Angel, ready to begin?"

I knew from that smirk, this was gonna be a very long ass day.

Hopefully I do not embarrass myself, But I kinda do that better than anyone ever has. So theirs no chance their at all.
3 Hours Later
Lindsey's POV:

Both me and Windham were lying side by side on the mat, trying to catch our breaths after our match.

We had worked on promos for awhile and then we started wrestling and let me tell you it was awesome.

Once he got into his Bray Wyatt character, everything got so much cooler.

I sighed but sat up, realizing we have a meeting before our live event tonight so we had to go, like right now.

Windham sat up before helping me stand as we headed into the restrooms to get changed.

Once we were both done we slowly made our way out of the gym and down the street toward the hotel, hand in hand.

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