Chapter 9 (Ms. Lindsay Faith, Welcome)

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Chapter 9:

Bar........... I'll see ya later

That was all I texted Randy and Roman to let them know where I was so they would stop harassing me.

Hunter gave me my new storyline for after extreme rules.... And I was horrified.

I was turning heel. I had to betray the boys 1 week after extreme rules and join Randy and become his on screen girlfriend, talk about putting salt on a wound.

So here I was. In a bar. Drinking till I couldn't see. Trying to drown my sorrows, but it wasn't working. To tell the truth, I was only on my second beer and 3rd shot of vodka. Something just kept me from drinking. Maybe it was the thoughts of my past, what Adam would say, what Hunter and Vince would do, or how disappointed Randy and Jon would be but something stopped me.

I sighed but sat the beer bottle back on the counter.

I felt a piercing gaze on the side of my head making me turn to the right of my seat, noticing a man was sitting there.

I squinted a little and I recognized the figure as the so called Eater Of Worlds himself, Bray Wyatt.

I have never personally worked with him, much less talked to him but I always admired him and his character. He obviously was amazing and worked really hard to stay that way. He made an arena light up, just because he walks out. He helps create the magic I want to every time I walk out.

Bray noticed me staring, a small, creepy smile sliding onto his face.

He scooted into the stool next to me, just staring for awhile until he spoke in his normal, mystical tone " Ms. Faith..... Welcome to WWE. I've been waiting for you for a long time. I'm Windham Rotunda AKA the eater of worlds Bray Wyatt."

I don't know why but something drew me to him.

"Welp Hey Windham, my name's Lindsay Copeland AKA the Queen Of The Cell, Jasmine Faith. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've always admired your work." I told him, being 100% honest.

At my words Windham smirked slightly before hiding it behind a blank mask "Well Lindsay, it is a pleasure to meet you also. I've watched you in NXT and you are magnificent in the ring and your promos are good, but they need some work"  he told me.

Most people would be mad at his criticism but I liked criticism. It helped me improve my character and I was happy too.

I sent Windham a smile as I spoke "Well Windham, since you are so good at your promos, maybe you could help me improve one day maybe?"

That's when Windham finally smiled a true smile at me.

"Of course Lindsay, I would love to help you. Maybe in a couple days when we have a few days off so we have plenty of time to practice. And I won't bring my boys so they won't bother us either." He said in a gentle tone as he grabbed my hand just as gentle and placed a small kiss on it.

I felt blush rise to my face as I let out a small giggle at his actions. His smile only grew when he noticed my blush, making my blush also grow.

"Let me buy you a drink Lindsay, you look exhausted, mentally." He told me.

I just nodded at him.

How could Windham notice this in the 5 minutes we talked while Jonathan, Roman, Seth, Dave, Hunter and Randy didn't.

I just shrugged it off as he sat 2 beers in front of me.

I didn't waste anytime in downing the sweet liquid.

I quickly felt the effects take over but gave no thought as I kept drinking, which was a huge mistake.
Randy's POV: The Bar

I sighed as I shut the engine off and pocketed my keys so I wouldn't lose them.

When Lindsay texted me and told me she was at a bar drinking, I immediately left my hotel room and sped right over.

Something must have happened. Something huge must have changed because Lindsay doesn't drink.

I don't know why, but all she'll tell me is that it brings back memories.

I know to not ask Lin's aout her family or childhood but I'm still curious.

Once I walked in my eyes immediately searched for the beautiful dirty blonde but I didn't find her, 'cause it was so dark.

When I finally found her, shocked would be an understatement to say how I felt at that moment.

My best friend, the sweetest girl in the world, Lindsay Faith Copeland was sitting at the far end of the bar..... Talking and laughing with none other than the ester of worlds Bray Wyatt.

What the hell?!

Bray Wyatt? Lindsay was giggling at Bray Wyatt?

I knew this had to end, and it had to end right now.

First my Lindsay was getting mixed up with those stupid mutts and now..... Now she was getting mixed up with a sick, cruel man like Bray Wyatt. Ambrose was bad enough but if she tells me she has a crush on Bray..... I'm going to beat some people up.

When Lindsay told me about her crush.... I had to admit, my heart was crushed.

I have liked, no loved Lindsay for almost 2 years now. But I'm too much of a coward to ever admit it. And now..... Now I've lost her to a literal lunatic. And I'll never forgive myself for letting her slip away.....

Now I've been friend zoned for life.

I jogged over until I was standing behind there seats.

I waited for them to notice me but after a few minutes it was kinda obvious Lindsay was wasted.

I sighed making a drunk Lindsay and a slightly smiling Bray finally turn there attention to me. Immediately Bray's smile dropped as a scowl replaced it.

"Wyatt. I think Jasmine is drunk enough, I'll be taking her back to our hotel room." I told him.

He sighed but nodded before turning to Lindsay and kissing her on the forehead as he spoke "It has been a lovely night with you Lindsay. I hope you don't feel so bad in the morning. I will seek out your angelic company perhaps another night"

With those cryptic words he walked away quickly, makimg me lose sight of his bearded locks.

I turned my full attention back to Lindsay to notice she was tomato red while staring at her feet.

I was kinda mad that he called her by her real name and that she was willingly hanging out with him but her adorable, tomato red faced stopped that anger from coming to the surface.

"Randaaaaaallllllllllll!!!! What are you doing here? Silly, me and Windham were talking about Triple HHH!!! Isn't he such a turd face sometimes? He yelled at me earlier....... It made me sad. But you'll never yell right Randal? Well.... At least not again." She rambled on before putting on her best puppy dog face she could.

I chuckled slight at her words but deep down.. I was upset.

I knew she was sensitive and so did Hunter so we tried to not raise our voice around her but sometimes it happens and every time we do she starts to cry.

Before she could continue I reached down before picking her up bridal style and making my way back to my car.

Once inside I buckled her in before hopping in myself.

The entire way she was blasting the radio as high as possible as she belted out the song lyrics.

I just laughed and shook my head at her silliness. She was so adorable.
Word Count: 1294

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