Chapter 4 (Home Sweet....Nowhere?) Week Off and Horror Movies

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Chapter 4: Going Home For The Week
The Same Morning

Lindsay's POV:

After we finished breakfast I tried to wash my dishes but Jon just would not let me.

He grabbed my plate and empty glass's and sat them in the sink.

We all sat in the living room and watched TV in silence till Roman's phone pinged and he read the text aloud.

"To all SHIELD members and Jasmine Faith. Since you are not required for Smackdown you all will have the week off until Friday when you have a house show in California. Be at the arena by 2 PM on Friday. Have a good weekend, The COO, Triple H." Roman read aloud with a small frown.

Before anyone could speak my phone pinged and I unlocked it to find Adam, Randy, Dave and Hunter had texted me.

From RatedRSuperstar: Sorry. Me, Bethany have to take Maria to doctor since she had chicken pox. Don't come. Don't want u to get sick. Love u

From RANDALOrton: Going 2 visit Alanna since we got Smackdown off. See ya Friday. Don't forget to face time Alanna on Wednesday or Thursday plz, Love ya

From BatistaTheBomb: I'll see ya on Friday. Amber wants to ask u something, so call her soon. Love u

From TripleHHH: Reigns hopefully told u that u got rest of the week off. Be at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Friday at 2 for meet and greet then house show. Have a good weekend Lindsay, love u

I quickly sent out a few replies before turning to the guys.

"So since I don't want to go to my tiny apartment in Seattle tonight and I can't go see Adam cause there kids got the chicken pox.... I don't know where to go. I can't go to Randy's cause he has Alanna this week and Dave is busy... I'm so lost" I explained before collapsing on the person who sat on my right, who just happened to be Jon.

"Lindsay, if you want you can come to my house with me, just for a few days. I live alone and I am always lonely anyways." He explained softly to me, making me consider the idea.

I nodded, liking that idea "Thanks Jonny"

I kissed him on the cheek before sitting back on my part of the couch.

"So... We have 4 hours until our flights leave, what should we do?" Seth asked

Roman and me shrugged but Jon had other plans.

"Horror Movie marathon. From Saw, to the Hill Has Eyes, to Scream, to Conjuring, to Poltergeist to even Ouija. Well, that's if Lindsay can handle it" he said with a smirk, making all the guys look at me.

The truth was, I am easily scared okay? I hate horror movies because any jump scare makes me almost crap myself.

But to seem tough I just nodded and sent them a weak smile as Seth put in..... The orginal Saw movie.

1 Hour Later: Jonathan's POV: (Surprise)

I knew watching horror movies with Lindsay was going to be a bad idea but I just didn't realize how bad of an idea it was.

We had decided to watch the Saw movies first, which was also another mistake we made.

Me, Lindsay and Roman sat on the couch while Seth sat in a lounge chair alone.

What I didn't know about Lindsay was that she is scared easily for some reason. I mean really easily. Like every time someone gets a jump scare or a guy screams and runs after someone, she screams at the top of her lungs or whimpers and hides her face.

The only good part was that sometimes she would be so scared she would grab onto my arm or hide her face in my chest.

I had to admit, holding Lindsay felt great.

I think I'm falling for her and I've only known her for a day.

I know Roman has noticed because earlier at breakfast I saw him just staring at me and Lindsay with a huge smile.

Seth and Me.... We have never been close and I think he likes Lindsay.

Yesterday when I told them I would lay with her, be couldn't have looked more jealous. And this morning when I sat beside her and made her breakfast he didn't even eat and just frowned the whole time. I guess I'm not the only one who is falling for her.

We were on the second Saw movie and surprisingly Lindsay hasn't screamed or jumped into me yet.

I tried to turn my attention back to the movie but thoughts of Linday kept drifting there way back into my mind.

I smiled slightly as Lindsay once again hid her face in my chest as she let out a tiny, but adorable scream.

Everything about Lindsay was adorable to tell you the truth.

Her laugh, her giggles, her pout, her confused face, her smile and now even her screams.

I didn't know why Lindsay had to have someone sleep with her but trust me, it wasn't an issue for me. I believe last night was one of the best sleeps I have ever had because I had that angel in my grasps.

It takes me awhile to fall asleep at night so I could feel how every once in awhile she would cuddle up closer to me or hold on the my arm tightly to make sure I was still there.

My thoughts were broken by a loud scream, which had come from the woman beside me.

She tried to once again hide her face in my chest but I had enough.

I grabbed her gently by her hips and sat her on my lap.

She crossed her legs Indian style and leaned against my chest. I kissed her head before running my fingers through her soft, curly dirty blonde waves.

I was happy she didn't deny my movement and I was happy she wasn't so scared anymore.

I glanced at the guys and noticed Seth was just staring intently at the movie with a frown but Roman.... Roman kept glancing repeatedly at me and Linds with a small knowing smile.

I knew he realized what I realized.... I like Lindsay.

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