Chapter 21

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Jimin panted.

He ran.

And ran.

Until he reached his destination.

"Yoongi-hyung." Jimin whispered, he looked up, the building was tall.

Why would the person who kidnapped Yoongi, bring him here?

Jimin squinted his eyes.
This place looked familiar...

Jimin's eyes widened in realization.

This was the place where Soojung threatened him to stay away from Taehyung!


"Psst! jimin!"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as he searched for the person who called his name, he turned his head to his right and saw Soojung leaning on a wall.

"Soojung? Oh! are you looking fo-"

"Stop being a fake bitch and cut the act off!" Soojung hissed, Jimin shuts his mouth up and lowered his head.

Yes,he dislikes her, but he would never hurt a girl or even disrespect them.

After all, his mother taught him that. He should follow his elder's advices.

"Wh-what is it that you want anyways?" Jimin asked, Soojung smirked as she walked closer to Jimin.

"I want you to stay away from Taehyung-oppa." Soojung said, Jimin frowned, looking up and facing Soojung.

"What? why?" Jimin asked, he knew the reason why, but didn't Soojung even notice the fact that she has Taehyung's time all the time?

"Just do what I say, after all, I know something that your so-called bestfriend doesn't know" Soojung smirked, Jimin gritted his teeth in annoyance.

He knew himself that Soojung knew, But he thought she wouldn't use it as a blackmail, Since Taehyung tried to convince him for the 105th time, that Soojung is trustworthy.


Jimin dolefully looked at her before nodding.

Soojung looked at him with a smirk.

"You're a psycho." Jimin hissed, Soojung looked at Jimin before creepily giggling.

"I've been called worse Jiminie." She said with a mischievous smile. Jimin balled up his fist before letting out a huge breath of anger.


"Jimin! Soojung! what the hell are you doing there? the receptionist gave us our room number! Jimin, you're sharing rooms with Jungkook!" Yoongi said as he waved the two to come. Jimin looked at Soojung with a glare, who by the way, returned the glare with a creepy smile, before walking away from her.


Jimin was brought back here again.

Where it all started.


I know I haven't update for a week ,which I sincerely apologize, No excuses. 

I know this is a short chapter, but the next one will be longer :) please look up to it :)


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