Chapter 4

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The sleigh was now overflowing with all kinds of traditions as the gang was heading back to the castle while Olaf sang a song to the tune of "Jingle bells". What they didn't know was that a hot coal from the sauna fell out and into the pile of traditions, setting the whole sleigh on fire. Then an ax fell off the sleigh, slicing off a part of Sven's harness that connected to the sleigh. 

Olaf whistled not seeming to notice, but the twins started to feel their backs getting warmer. They started sniffing the air and could smell smoke. The sleigh was starting to turn around in front of the gang. 

"Hey guys look! Another reindeer going the opposite direction. Hi!" Olaf said, while the twins and Sven realized what was happening.

The four were being dragged down the mountain in the sleigh while Sven tried to avoid the burning traditions hurdling past him. Sven and the twins panicked once they spotted a gorge up ahead. 

"Wow, we're making really good time!" Olaf smiled. Even during the worst times he always looked on the positive side.

"Hang on Olaf!" The twins screamed while they held onto the snowman. As they were flung across the ravine, landing on the opposite side while Sven was still on the other side. 

"Is everyone okay?" Brock asked, trying to catch his breath. 

"I'm good" Sven gave a nod. 

The four of them looked over the gorge to see the sleigh crash at the bottom.

"Well it could've been worse" Brock told Olaf, through silver lining. 

"At least the fire's out" Olaf said before the sleigh then suddenly exploded. 

"You had to ask!" Ann said to her twin brother, annoyed. 

"Me and my big mouth" Brock groaned.

Meanwhile back at the castle, Kali found Elsa in the ballroom and talked with her about earlier. Elsa felt bad for walking away from Anna, so they went to go find her. 

"Anna? I owe you an apology for earlier" Elsa said as she and Kali entered Anna's room, but Anna wasn't there. 

They then heard a noise coming from upstairs. Curious they came up into the attic to have a look around. They gasped once they saw some dark shadowy figures come out from a trunk, before revealing to be Anna and Teeders. 

"Hi Elsa! Hi Kali!" Anna smiled, while Kali and Elsa sighed in relief. 

"Anna, you startled us" Kali said with a light chuckle. 

"What are you guys doing up here?" Elsa asked. 

"Looking for traditions" Anna replied, almost tripping as she climbed out of the trunk. 

"Yeah, check out the stuff we found in Anna's old trunk" Teeders brought out some possessions from Anna's childhood. 

"What's in your trunk Elsa?" Kali asked. 

"Gloves" Teeders said (she didn't even guess). 

"Mostly" Elsa replied, smiling slyly to herself while she rolled her eyes.  

"Right, rows and rows of satin gloves" Anna thought her sister was exaggerating, until she opened Elsa's trunk to see exactly that, "Oh".

"Talk about concealing your powers" Kali commented to the snow queen. 

"Yep, welcome to my world" Elsa said before frowning. "Anna, how are we going to find any traditions up here?" until she spotted something else in her trunk. 

"Unless..." She pulled out a small wooden box.

"That's always a sign of something good" Kali and Teeders thought. 

"What's that?" Anna asked her sister. 

"Look inside" Elsa told her. Anna opened up the box when her face brightened.

Back with Olaf and the twins~

"Well this sure has been an unexpected outcome" Brock commented sarcastically. 

"Okay Sven not gonna sugarcoat it, this is a bit of a set back" Olaf told the reindeer, who gave Olaf that look of annoyance. 

"What are we gonna do now? We have no traditions" said Ann. 

"Wait, we still have the fruitcake!" Olaf gasped with delight, pulling the lump of fruitcake out of Brock's jacket pocket. 

"Wow grandma was right, these things are indestructible!" Brock remarked.

"We'll just take this seemingly, harmless shortcut and meet you back at the castle" Olaf told Sven. 

The twins had a bad feeling as they noticed how this part of the forest looked dark and dangerous. The twins tried to stop Olaf from going in there, but it was already too late. They started to hear howling, when from out of nowhere a pack of wolves surrounded the three. 

"Oh, puppies!" Olaf said gleefully. 

"Uh, Olaf... those aren't puppies!" The twins replied, as they quickly grew nervous.

Sven panicked as he knew his friends were in danger. So he rushed back to the castle and burst into his stable, where Kristoff was. Kristoff didn't seem to get what his reindeer was trying to say, despite that he talked with Sven all the time. Kristoff was starting to wish the twins were here to help him communicate with the reindeer. 

Thankfully, Teeders and Kali (who also knew how to communicate with animals) just happened to be by the doorway with Anna and Elsa, and they instantly understood what Sven was trying to tell them. 

"Oh no! Olaf and the twins are lost in the forest!?" said Kali and Anna. 

"And being chased by hungry wolves!?" Teeders and Elsa added. 

"Uh-huh" Sven nodded. 

"You got all that from that cheap drama class you took?" Kristoff quietly asked Anna and Elsa with a hint of sarcasm. 

"Ring the bell, gather everyone" Anna and Elsa told the royal servants. 

The gang ran out of the stables before Kristoff came back and told his reindeer.

"Come on, Sven! Make yourself useful. Olaf and the twins need are help!"

Sven groaned in annoyance before saying into the 4th wall. "The drama I have to put up with around here"


Olaf was running from the wolves with the fruitcake still tightly in his grasp. While the twins did their best to protect Olaf from the wolves. 

"Please I know you're hungry, but I need at least one tradition for my best friends. The fate of the world depends on it!" Olaf told the vicious looking wolves while he continued running. 

"Olaf just drop the fruitcake!" Brock yelled. 

Ann picked up Olaf and they all jumped through a row of branches that blocked the way out of the forest. Escaping the wolves, as the three rolled down a small slope.

"Oh Olaf, are you okay?" Ann panted, to see the poor whimsical snowman was all scratched and bruised up. 

"Yes I did it! A tradition is saved!" Olaf cheered, holding up the fruitcake. When suddenly a hawk swooped down and took the fruitcake. 

"That just happened" Brock said sarcastically, when Olaf sighed sadly "I guess hawks need traditions too". 

Olaf and the twins started walking, trying to find their way back to the castle while Olaf sadly started to sing. 

"Happy, merry, holly jolly, tidings of good cheer. I never meant to let them down at that time of year" Olaf sang as he hung his head in sadness. 

"You did your best Olaf" The twins placed their hands on the snowman's shoulder, trying to comfort him. 

"Maybe I should just stay lost" Olaf sighed as he sat down under a tree. 

"No" The twins sighed, knowing they had to get back before the snow would get bad. 

The twins sat down next to Olaf under the tree, hugging him for comfort, when it started to snow.

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