Chapter 3

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The twins followed Olaf out to the stables, where Sven was. 

"Sven! Anna and Elsa don't have a family tradition!" Olaf exclaimed as he burst into the reindeer's stable. 

"Oh no, that's sad" Sven replied in animal langue. Though the twins could understand Sven and so did Olaf, even without the help of Kali's magic crystal. 

"I know it's sad, but I have a solution. Hey that rhymes" Olaf giggled. 

"What's the plan Olaf?" The twins asked the snowman.

"We'll go and find the best tradition Anna and Elsa have ever seen and bring it back to the castle!" Olaf explained, when the twins gasped in shock.

"Olaf, there are over thousands of traditions!" Brock told the goofy snowman with his arms up, thinking it was impossible. "We would have to search the whole kingdom. And that could take all day!" 

"Not unless if we work together" Ann told her twin brother with encouragement. 

"Then that's just what we'll do. Are you with me!" Olaf exclaimed. 

"Yeah!" The twins cheered (they did always enjoy a challenge). Sven high-fived Olaf, knocking his twig arm off, "Ow!". 

The twins borrowed Kristoff's sled, hitched up Sven, and they took off with Olaf in the sleigh into town. 

"Lets go find their tradition!" Olaf cheered. 

They soon stopped in front of the first house in sight. 

"Wow festive" Olaf commented, admiring the decorations around the house. Ann knocked on the door, which was answered by a woman and her son. 

"Good afternoon, i'm Olaf-" Olaf started before the kid shook his hand "Hey Olaf". 

"Please let me finish, and I like warm hugs. These are my associates Brock, Ann, and Sven" Olaf introduced. 

"We're going door to door looking for family traditions" Ann explained to the family. 

"Tell us your's and we'll decide if it's special enough" Olaf added. 

"Oh, we make candy-canes together" the woman said, offering Olaf a candy-cane. 

"I'll take one please" Brock said, wanting to get a taste.

"Ooh" Olaf took out his carrot nose and replaced it with the candy-cane, making his eyes go crazy, "Sugar rush!" he giggled. 

"You're suppose to eat it" The kid told Olaf. 

"Eat my new nose, why would I do that?" Olaf asked, puzzled. 

"Because it's that time of year!" The kid said. 

"Hmm, it's that time of year" Olaf thought before he grew excited. 

Olaf, the twins, and Sven went to every house in the kingdom asking for traditions, while singing a little song.

"Happy merry, holly jolly, season's greetings here. I'm wondering what your family does at that time of year" Olaf started singing. 

"Love and joy and peace on earth and tidings of good cheer" The twins joined in. 

"Do you have tradition things for that time of year?" Olaf sang.

"Well we hang a thousand evergreen on every single doorway~" 

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