Benji hears Coralei crying and quickly runs over to her. He hates seeing his baby sister crying. He then sees the sneaky skunk hiding behind the jungle gym and figured out what happened.

"Stay here, Cora! I'm gonna get Daddy and Papi!" Benji says as he runs into the house.

"Daddy! Papi! There's a skunk outside and sprayed Coralei!" Benji says as Will jumps off of the couch.

" A skunk? Oh my goodness! RJ, get the bath tub ready! Benji, stay with Teddy." Will says as he runs outside to see Coralei crying hysterically.

"It's okay, Coralei! Come here! What happened, sweety?" Will says as he picks up Coralei, carefully not trying to smell like skunk himself.

"A kitty hurt me! A bwack and white kitty! The kitty was mean and the kitty stinks!" Coralei says as she sniffles and wipes her eyes.

"Aw, I'm sorry baby girl. That wasn't a kitty! That was a skunk. Skunks do that when they get scared. It's okay. We need to give you a nice bath and you will feel better." Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

Will brings Coralei in the house and takes her upstairs to the kid's bathroom. RJ has the bath tub all ready for her, full of bubbles and toys.

"Ew! It stinks! Yucky!" Benji says as he covers his nose.

Theodore laughs at Benji as he plays with his blocks and stuffed animals.

"Do you know how to get rid of this smell? It's gross! My goodness!" Will says as he tries not to gag.

RJ also covers his nose and giggles loudly, trying to make Coralei smile.

"I googled on what to do because my mom ain't answering the phone. Google says you have to wash the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda or vinegar, and dish or hand soap. You mix it all up and scrub the spot." RJ says as Coralei cries a little.

"Coralei, sit right here with Papi. I am going to get the things we need to make you smell nice and clean again! Bye bye skunk smell!" Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"Coralei, we have to throw this outfit away. I'm really sorry." RJ says as Coralei and cries again.

"No! I wuv this skirt and shirt!" Coralei says as RJ begins to undress her.

"We can always buy you a new one, okay? I promise." RJ says as he kisses Coralei.

"Otay." Coralei says as he sniffles.

Will picks up the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and hand soap. He mixes it in a bowl and brings it back upstairs on the kid's bathroom.

"Okay Coralei, we need to use this to clean your skunk spot and then you can get in the tubby." Will says a she begins to wash Coralei's stomach with the mixture.

"Google says it's very hard to get the skunk smell out of clothes so we probably need to throw this outfit out." RJ says as puts the outfit in the trash can.

"That's fine, we have a thousand outfits for her. I think this mix is working, I can't really smell the smell." Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"I don't smell it either. Now you know what to do? Do not touch a skunk!" RJ says as Coralei giggles.

"I want my shirt and skirt." Coralei says with a frown.

"I can try to find the same outfit again and get it, okay! I'll try my best." Will says as he places Coralei in the bath tub.

Coraldi begins to play in the bath tub while Will sits with her. Will uses one of the bath tub crayons and write Coralei's name.

"Coralei. C-O-R-A-L-E-I!" Will says and Coralei smiles brightly.

RJ begins to clean off the bowl and throws away Coralei's skunk ruined outfit.

Benji and Theodore walk upstairs and wave at Coralei.

"Hi, boys! Coralei is getting a tubby. She will be done very soon." Will says as Coralei plays with the bath tub crayons. 

"Ya ya ye ye!" Theodore says making Coralei and Will smile. 

"It doesn't smell like skunk!" Benji says making Coralei giggle.

"Go see if Papi needs help downstairs, okay?" Will says as Benji and Theodore go downstairs.

Will begins to give Coralei a bubble bath. Coralei happily splashes in the water and plays with her toys.

"Ooo, look Cora! Papi got you a cute set of pajamas to wear!" Will says as Coralei's face lights up when she sees the My Little Pony pajamas.

"Here's your My Little Pony hooded towel." RJ says as Will wraps her in it.

"Let me see what the boys are doing. Papi is going to get you dressed." Will says as he kisses Coralei and Coralei smiles.

RJ hugs Coralei tightly and then tickles her.

"That tickles, Papi!" Coralei says as she giggles loudly.

RJ kisses Coralei and helps her get dressed.

"No more skunks right?" RJ says as he dresses Coralei.  

"No more skunks!" Coralei says with a grin.

For the rest of the night, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore play together and watch movies :)

Will posts a picture of Coralei in the bath tub with a sad face. He writes the caption as: "when your two year old thinks a skunk is a cat and gets sprayed 😖 she was devastated her favorite outfit is now in the trash. 👧🏻🚮"

RJ posts a picture of Coralei wrapped in her My Little Pony hooded towel. He writes the caption as: "Coralei smells fresh and clean after her skunk incident! She thought a skunk was a kitty cat and got sprayed! She was fine until we told her that her favorite outfit is gone!"

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