When dreams become reality. ( Harry styles fanfic)

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Hi  this is my first story.. im a noob.. this first chapter is  super short because it just gives you an overview of the story so you know a bit what to expect in other chapters ..etc

The main caracters are: Emma (me)

                                           Megan (bff)

                                           Harry Styles

                                           Justin bieber ( megans bf)

I hope you enjoy my story :)


Emma's P.O.V.

"MOM are you on the site yet? this is super important and i already told Megan that we'd go!!!"

"Emma calm your tits... the tickets are only going on sale in an hour for goodness sakes!"

"I know mommy but ive been waiting 2 years for One Direction to come here because the always seem to skip our city!"

"mhm... be patient"

1 hour later


" Em's make sure you call Megan and let her know the details about the concert okay?"

"Yes mom!! " :D

calls megan


"What? Whoah why you so excited??"

"You know the 1D concert?!"

"yeah, well obviously!"



" imagine when we meet them they fall inlove with us! That would be a dream come true man!"

" WOAH WOAH calm down i have a boyfriend, justin, remember?"

"Oh yeah.. MORE FOR ME! okay that was mean.. sorry"

" It's okay i have to go eat supper ill talk to you later ok?"

"yeah byeeeee"

Emma runs to her bedroom and cries of joy while also kissing her One Direction posters

*enter Emma's older brother Alex*

"Hey Emma i heard that you got...... woah what on earth are you doing?"

"hmm what oh sorry... im just very happy" she said wiping tears of joy off her face

" You and your posters should seriously get a room..."

" I'M IN MY OWN BEDROOM! You're the one who interrupted me!"

"Wel congrats on the tickets.. i will leave you and your posters alone so you can continue.. making out?"

"Well that was awkward" i said to myself

" now where was I? oh right kissing posters.... yeah ill stop doing that"

Megan's P.O.V.

"I'm so excited!!!! But what should I wear??? Nothing to slutty because i have a you but im not dressing up like a nun" i said to Justin

"Babe wear whatever you feel comfortable in! How about this?" Justin said pulling out short shorts, blue converse, a blue tanktop and a 1D hat.

"Thats amazing baby! You have great taste" I then gave him a big smooch on the lips... maybe it'll make him shut up once and a while :3

" I know I do!" He said this playfully probably tring to have swag or what not.

"JUSTIN!! stop being so cocky! I still love you though"

"SWAG SWAG SWAG ON ME! okay im sorry sweetheart, im being cocky.."

"It's okay... wait i just realized we picked out my outfit for a concert thats2 and a half months away.. aha!"

" I hope you remember the outfit by then!!! Anyway, i have to go... i have and interview in an hour" he walks out the door

" Bye hun!!"

Emma's P.O.V.

AHHH i could just faint! I actually can not believe that July 17th we are gonna meet 1D!! Damn i have

to think of some attractive outfit so somehow i can gain Harry as a boyfriend.. who am i kidding? That

will never happen.. ugh im  such a dork  and right now i have a zit on my face probably the size of Mt.

Everest... maybe if i wash my face a gazillion times it will go away. OKAY enough worrying for me its

time to relax and be grateful and happy!! YAYYYYY this is going to be so unreal!! LOVE IT!!

AHHHHHHHHH OKay i need to take a nap, cause i'll probably be up until 2am studying for my

exams.... wait what exam do i have tomorrow? ummm hmm OH RIGHT!! its music, gah i'll do good,

my teacher said it would be easy anyway. good bye world i will be asleep for a couple hours....


Thanks for reading! i know its not the greatest but it is my first chapter of my first book.


When dreams become reality. ( Harry styles fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum