Epilogue: The Difference a Year Makes

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Mended vs. Settled

Epilogue: The Difference a Year Makes

Date: End of October 2802 +o+ Andy is two years old

^^ One Year Later ^^

"Tris, will you be able to get that town ordinance filing completed before you leave for lunch? I don't need it until Thursday, but the sooner the better," Tris's boss, Sandra, asks while offering her a donut from a large box which is now almost empty.

"Yes, to the filing. In fact, I'm already done, but I want to review it in full one more time." Tris smiles before adding, "And no, thank you, to the donut."

"Wonderful! But are you sure about the donut? The donut shop on Main Street has already run out for the day. I got the last dozen for the office," Sandra offers again.

"I'm sure. My husband is in town making a delivery this afternoon, so we are grabbing lunch together. It's sort of a date, so I don't want to ruin my appetite," Tris adds quickly.

"Sounds fantastic! I'm impressed by how you both always manage to make time to be alone with each other. Michael and I have been married thirty-three years, and we have always worked hard to keep our connection strong," Sandra calls over her shoulder while walking towards another employee to offer them a donut.

Tris glances at the older woman before getting back to work. She's thankful to have a great boss, and really enjoys her role in the small town's city planning department.

When she and Tobias decided to leave Chicago for a quieter life in the country, Johanna was very supportive; she offered to help both of them with their job searches. With Johanna's help, Tris secured a part-time job in city planning. The couple left Chicago, and at the same time, the woman Tris currently splits the position with was about to go out on maternity leave to give birth to her first child. For the first three months, Tris worked full time while covering her co-worker's leave. Her co-worker's goal, when she was ready to return, was to only work part-time. So, they took one position and split it in two. Because Andy had just started preschool every morning, she and Tobias decided to wait until Tris's position switched back to part-time before Tobias started his job in government.

It could not have worked out better. With his mornings free, Tobias concentrated on fixing up their cabin in the country. It needed a lot of work, and when he was done, it was almost unrecognizable. Tobias had never felt so alive as when he was able to roll up his sleeves and work with his hands.

Tris has reread Tobias's letter — the one he wrote for her while they were at the Bureau — over a hundred times. The part where Tobias admitted his dream for their future and regretted not telling her before their mission has always resonated with her the most:

I had dreams, I should say dreams that always featured you by my side. Looking back, I wish had told you then. If even just to hear what your thoughts would have been. That last day in the training room, I allowed myself to dream of completing our mission. I knew that Chicago would be safe, the Bureau would be forever changed, and that you and I would be able to build a new life for ourselves somewhere. I dreamed of a place where I would trade my guns and knives for more productive tools, screwdrivers and nails and shovels. I had hope for us. I regret not telling you. Part of me will always wonder if that would have changed the choices you made that day.

They've successfully accomplished what Tobias had always dreamed for them. Not only had they started a peaceful life away from Chicago, his dream of using his hands with 'productive tools' in order to provide for his family had been fulfilled. Tobias started his own business as a contractor, also concentrating on custom carpentry work as a side passion.

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