Being One of The Inheritors - Part 3

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I started off my day with an apple before showering. I usually don't eat much for breakfast. Just one piece of fruit could get me going the whole day.

I didn't have anything to do that day since I've settled everything that I needed to do for now. Since I only need to start going to school the next following week, I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood today. Just to see what's in the neighborhood. If there's any nearby convenience store or music store, restaurants, cafes, anything.

After having all that planned out, I went to take a shower and got ready. I put on my jeans and my sweater with a jacket on top since it's cold outside. I decided to just let my hair down how they are since I'm lazy to style them in any way.

I checked myself in the mirror and fixed my bangs a little before leaving my room. I exited my hotel room with my phone and my purse.

I went down to the lobby and exited the hotel. I decided to just go on foot without calling Mr. Lee since it would be easier for me to spot things. The weather was also nice for me to just take a walk anyway. I've been cramped staying inside the hotel room all week.

I started to look around while I was walking along the streets. Seoul is a very beautiful place. I walked past a motorcycle shop. I stopped at the glass and looked in. I spotted a nice looking super bike. I don't know much about motorbikes but I've been dreaming to have one. But I guess that will be just one of my dreams.

I turned away and started to walk again. Then I spotted a convenience store on the other side of the street. I ran to the other side of the street and walk inside the store. I slightly bow to the guy at the cashier. He just smiled to me.

I looked in every aisle of the store and I found my favorite chocolate. I took one and head over to the beverage fridge. I took out a drink and paid for them. I decided to take a break at the table and chairs that they provided in front of the store.

I ate my snacks while just playing on my phone. I can sense people going in and out of the store but I didn't care enough to look. I just minded my own business.

Then I took my drink and took a sip. Suddenly somebody pulled out the chair in front of me and took a seat. To my surprise, it was the guy that I met on the elevator yesterday. I almost spit out my drink but I managed to swallow it before that happens.

He just stared at me blankly with a slight grin on his face. I slightly bow to him.

"Hello," I greeted him nervously.

"Hi," he replied.

Then he looked down to his bowl of ramen that he came with earlier. My eyebrows creased in confusion. I don't know how to react. Should I be friendly? Or just ignore him?

"So, you're staying in my hotel huh?" He asked before I could figure out what to do.

"Yeah. You too, right?" I asked. He nodded while still looking at his ramen.

"You live alone?" He asked again. I'm starting to get uncomfortable with his questions. Can I tell him all this? But then I thought, we're staying in the same hotel and he's just a high school student. So what could go wrong.

"Yeah," I replied simply. "But not for long though," I added.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My parents will come soon so I'll live with them then," I answered.

"Where are your parents now?" He asked.

"They're out of the country to settle some business before they come here," I think I've told plenty to this guy. I hope he doesn't ask more. I'm still uncomfortable with him. He had this unfriendly look that makes me shiver down my spine.

He finished his ramen soon after. I hopes he will leave soon because I didn't want to be rude and leave first before him. He closed the lid of his ramen bowl and brought out his hand in front of him towards me for a handshake.

"I'm Choi Young Do," he introduced himself briefly.

I also brought out my hand and took his.

"I'm Park Min Kyung,"


Author's note: I will be editing the story a lot. You can just read it from where you left off since the storyline won't change.

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