Being One of The Inheritors - Part 12

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We didn't bump into Choi Young Do upon reaching the hotel just like I hoped so. I bid Mr. Lee goodbye and entered the hotel. I wasted no time to get to my room. I went up the hotel elevator with lots of thoughts in my head. I couldn't seem to keep my head straight. I felt so out of place. I felt like I was completely played by all of those rich kids in my school.

Despite what happened between me and Choi Young Do in the classroom just a while ago, the scenario that kept replaying in my head was with the girls in the bathroom. I just hated the feeling that they made me feel then. They made me feel so intimidated that it made me hate myself even more for letting them treat me that way. I promised myself that I wouldn't let this happened again after moving here.

All of these thoughts in my head suddenly made me miss my parents. The more I thought about it, the more I felt tears brimming at the brink of my eyes. I rubbed my tears from escaping my eyes before exitting the elevator.

I took big steps to my room. Once I've reached my room, as I was unlocking my door, I glanced to Choi Young Do's room. I wondered for a sec whether he was in his room or not. I shook the thought away and went into my room.

Before I could close my door, there was a foot blocking me from doing so. I was beyond startled. I was so shocked that I let out a short but loud shriek. I felt like my heart wasn't even beating anymore. My mind went blank and I did the dumbest thing that a person could do. I flinched backwards and let the door flew wide open.

Once the door flew open, it revealed Choi Young Do at my door frame. I was dead in silence from shock. I was frozen in my stance when he easily allow himself into my room and closed the door behind him.

While I was still figuring out how to react, I thought of getting mad at him and even hitting him for scaring me but I was still so scared to do that. He was just standing there staring at me as if he was also figuring out what to do next after successfully forcing himself into my room.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I finally yelled at him.

"Are you out of your mind?" He was still standing by the door, staring at me. I've finally decided that I won't have nobody walk all over me again. I've had it.

"Get out of here now!" I screamed at him while pointing to the door.

"Get out. I don't care who you are, I don't care if this is your father's hotel, I don't care if"

That was when he pulled me towards him by my head and smashed his lips onto mine. My eyes were wide open and my arms were in a defense position against his chest. I was so shocked that I wasn't able to do anything. It felt like I was under some kind of a spell. I didn't manage to stop him since I was trying to figure out what was happening in my head. I realized that he has been trying to do this to me for several times now. Somehow some parts of me felt like I was also waiting for this to happen.

With his hands around my head and my waist, he pulled me closer to him. He brought my back to lean against the door. He was kissing me roughly with his eyes closed. My eyes were shut tight but my lips weren't returning his kiss. My hands were on his chest, trying to keep the distance between us.

I finally put in some energy to push him away from me to break the kiss since I was feeling myself losing my breath into his kiss.

"Stop," I said, once I finally get him to get off of me. He paused to look at me before leaning his head towards me to kiss me again. I pushed him away again by his chest.

"Please stop. I need a break," I plead to him while I was still heavily panting. My hands were still on his chest, pushing him away from leaning towards me again. I could see him smirking even when I wasn't directly looking at him as he was. Choi Young Do's hands were still holding the back of my head and around my waist.

He pulled me in to kiss me again. I just obliged as I still haven't able to break free from him.

He finally stopped kissing me before he was gasping for air. He then pulled me in for a hug. I could hear how out of breath he was. I was shocked by what was going on. Choi Young Do's hug felt sincere and warm. He was hugging my waist tightly. His other hand was caressing the back of my head, gently.

I couldn't help but get lost in Choi Young Do's warm embrace. I hesitated for a while before bringing up my hands to hug him on his sides. I could feel that he was hugging me even tighter after I started to hug him and even tighter when I tried to let go of the hug.

He proceeded to pull me further into the room while he was still hugging me very tightly. He brought me to my bed and laid me down on the bed. Choi Young Do's eyes were still gazing mine when he was trying to lay down on his side beside me.

He stared into my eyes for a while before lowering his face to mine. I pushed him gently by his chest to stop him from kissing me as I was still out of breath. He caught my hand.

"It's ok. We'll take it slow this time," he said, softly. He removed my hand from his chest and held it gently before leaning his face to mine. Hearing his words made me obey him like a slave.

He kissed me again. Very gently this time. It feels as if his lips were just caressing mine. It felt very warm and addictive. I opened my mouth to return his kiss then he swiftly slides his tongue into my mouth.

That took me by surprise. My hand that was resting on his chest the whole time, spontaneously grabbed the front of his shirt tightly when he did that. I've never done this before. I didn't know what to do. It made me nervous wondering about whether he could notice of how inexperienced I am.

Suspecting it was due to my hold on his shirt, he moved me further onto the bed since my legs were still hanging at the end of the bed. He managed to do that while still not breaking our kiss.

He laid me down on the pillow very gently. He was being so gentle towards me than before that it made me feel so safe in his arms. That safe feeling made me have the courage to hold the back of his head while we were still kissing. I could sense that he liked what I did.

Our kiss felt like forever. Every time I tried to stop, he would capture my lips again. There were even several times that I'd be too tired to return his kiss. He wasn't tired at all though. He continued to kiss me for who knows how long while caressing me. From my cheek to my neck and to my waist.

We were just to caught up in our own feelings that we lost track of time that we couldn't break out of. We were just kissing. How could this be so addicting?


Author's note: I will be editing the story a lot. You can just read it from where you left off since the storyline won't change.

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