“Ok missy, the doc said you’re good to go on home. As soon as you wake your boyfriend that is,” she winks at me.

“He’s just a friend.”

“Would a friend really offer to spend the night in a hospital for another friend? You should have seen the boy when he brought you in. He was holding you. You looked pretty unconscious. The doctors told me he was yelling to get your help quick.”

“He only did that to be nice. My parents are out of town.”

“Well, for whatever reason he’s here, don’t take it for granted. Feel better.”

“Thank you,” I wave to her as I swing my legs over the bed. Sterling doesn’t show any movement.

Looking around the room I notice a teddy bear sitting on the desk. Making my way over to it, I read that it’s from Lucy. It has a get well card attached. Still not awake, I throw the teddy at him as hard as I can with so much weakness.

He jolts awake and nearly falls out of his chair. I struggle not to laugh but it comes out as fast as the tears.

“What the hell?”

“You know, you should really think about broadening your vocabulary. I think I’ve heard that word come out of your mouth every minute.”

“Maybe if some psycho girl didn’t throw things at me when I’m trying to sleep, I wouldn’t have to use that word.”

I look at him with the most innocent look I can muster. Sterling gets out of the chair ad grabs my purse.

“Nice purse,” I joke.

He looks at me with a look that could sharpen knifes. When everything is picked up that we need, we exit the room. I stop in my tracks. “Sterling?”

“Yea, Piper?”

“I was wondering if maybe you could carry me out. Like you did when you brought me here,” I say with as much seriousness that I can.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Hehe. I am.”

The nurse waves to us when we pass her station. I point to Sterling who is still carrying my purse. She laughs and winks at me. I catch up to Sterling. He has stopped dead in his tracks and I run into his back. The impact causes me to lose my balance and I crash onto the hard floor. My bottom throbs at the sudden impact.

He doesn’t notice that he knocked me over. His focus is set on his dad talking to a pretty blonde outside the elevators. There’s nobody else around to help me up, so I get up in the most unladylike way possible. Sterling drops my stuff and then realizes his mistake. His dad looks at him with a guilty look. The woman has also frozen in place.

This reminds me of that scandal with Bill Clinton. A presidential affair part two?

“Crap,” he mutters. His dad starts to walk towards him but Sterling grabs my hand. His pace is too fast for my weak body. I feel like I’m about to collapse from the lack of food I’ve eaten in the past 24 hours. The mashed potatoes and turkey didn’t do it for me. My breaths come out in gasps. We reach the elevator in time before I fell. Slumping against the metal door, I press myself against the cool steel. Sterling is pacing in front of me. I feel insanely dizzy. There is no way I’m going back to that hospital room.

“Sterling,” I let out a gasp.

“I just can’t believe he would do this to my mom.”

“Sterling,” I plead.

“He blatantly displays his affair in the public with some trampy nurse.”

Knowing I won’t catch his attention, I use all the power I can and kick him in the ankle.

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