Chapter Two | Black

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Nick woke up to a pounding headache.

"What the hell?" He asked, but immediately regretted it as he felt a sharp jolt of pain go through the right side of his head. He rose a hand and pressed it against his head. He winced, feeling how sensitive it was.

"Okay, Richard!" He shouted, pushing back a cringe at the pain. "Look! I'm sorry for calling you Dick! Just, was the kick serious?" He rubbed his eyes under his glasses before looking around. His face paled as he saw a lack of tents and a dying fire.

"Guys?" He called, his voice becoming more meek.

That's when he noticed a large gate with a note taped to it. What the hell was a gate doing in the middle of a forest? But he stood either way and walked to the gate, grabbing the note. He read it aloud.

"'Hello. I'm sorry for the poor first meeting between us, but I knew there was no other way.'," he began, his nose slightly scrunching up as he stared at the paper in confusion. "'You see, I don't think anyone would willingly follow me to a giant gated place.'" His eyes moved around. He was within the closure. Great. "In the area you will be searching for generators. Complete two and you'll be able to move on to a house and rest. And don't bother trying to go off path. This is all I can say. Oh! And watch for the Nurse!'"

Nick's face turned another shade lighter.

"The Nurse?" He whispered before looking around. "Fuck." His eyes grew wide as he saw a figure walking in the distance. No. Floating in the distance. Generators. Right. He waited for the figure, most likely the Nurse, to move out of his sight before running off to a generator in the distance. As he ran, he frowned. Small thoughts were appearing in his head. He was confused.

The second he reached the generator, he dropped to his knees, popped open the panel, and got to work.


How the hell did he know how to fix a generator?

He kept his questioning to the back of his head as he almost expertly worked on connecting wires and flipping switches. But then he heard a heartbeat. His heart was pounding, but it wasn't his. This one was too loud and almost unnatural.

That's when he saw her and that's when he quickly moved away and ducked behind a nearby tree. He didn't move. He didn't even breath until he knew she was gone. And then he returned to the generator.

"Hell yes," he breathed the moment the generator whirred to life. But then he ran the second he saw the bright light blink into life. "Oh fuck that!"

He kept to the edge of the wall, hoping to come to another generator. And he did. He finished that one in just as much time, only encountering the Nurse one more time during that period.

He sprinted back to the gate he entered, not being able to help the grin that appeared on his face as he tugged down the lever.

That grin fell the second the gate door loudly started to unlock. "Shit, hurry up," he whispered in a rushed voice as he heard a faint heartbeat. It grew louder as the gate finally opened. He ran out. And then it happened.

He let out a cry and string of curses as he felt a searing pain in his left arm. It spurred him forward and he stumbled. He looked back in panic, but furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the Nurse turn back and return to the gated area.

Then everything went black and he fell.

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