"LOOK!" Sonya shouted, pointing up at the sky. They all looked up to see a bunch of storm clouds gather and circle around a tiny dot high in the sky.

Nigel got a closer look. "Wait... that's..." When he squinted harder, he saw that the dot was none other than, "DIMENTIA!"

The clouds were circling fast around Dimentia. She held up the Star Rod, allowing lightning to strike at it. Her body began to glow brightly, like a star. When the brightness cleared, her purple and yellow-striped clothes were gone. She now wore black and white-striped clothes, and a long black cape. Her hat was also gone, letting her black and white hair flow smoothly.

Once she was finished, Dimentia flew down to them. "Ladies and gentlemen! Behold the new and improved Dimentia!" Everyone gasped. "You didn't really think your pitiful vault would hold me back, did you? Now the Star Rod is mine at last. And it's time I showed each and every one of you my true power!"

"Not before you taste our power first, Freakshow!" Rachel exclaimed. "GET HER!" With that, all the operatives drew out weapons and fired at Dimentia. When the smoke from all their fire cleared, Dimentia was shown to be protected by a barrier.

"You'll have to do better than that!"

Lee threw his yo-yo and successfully tied her up. "HA HA!" he laughed. Dimentia merely smirked and warped away, making the yo-yo drop. "Huh?"

"Have some of this!" Dimentia exclaimed, appearing right behind him and shooting a blast of magic. Lee screamed as the Star Rod shocked him, and after a few seconds, he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"LEE!" Sonya exclaimed. When the smoke cleared, they all looked to see a hole in the ground. Sonya slowly walked over to it: inside was a little frog wearing Lee's hat.

"Not cool. RIBBIT!" the frog croaked in Lee's voice.

"Lee?" Sonya questioned, picking the frog up. Dimentia merely laughed.

"Ah, the old turning-someone-into-a-frog trick. A true classic to witch-doctors and magicians everywhere!" In an instant, Dimentia was tackled by Paddy and Harvey.

"That's it! Nobody hurts my friends, Circus Freak!" Harvey yelled as he and Paddy were holding her down. "Now you're gonna get it!"

"Oh, I beg to differ!" Dimentia replied as she warped again. She appeared right above and fired her Star Rod at them, turning Paddy into a hamster and Harvey into a beaver.

"Oh, how original." Harvey remarked.

"Anyone else?" Dimentia asked. She was then attacked by Fanny.

"No one hurts my brother except me!" she shouted.

"Well, this is a tad ironic." Dimentia replied, dodging Fanny's punches. "No matter. How 'bout THIS?" She fired a magic blast at Fanny.

"NO!" Patton screamed, running over and pushing her out of the way. As a result, he took the hit himself and turned into a tiny mouse.

"I expected as much! So, I got this!" With that, Dimentia spawned a black cat, which hissed at Patton. Patton squeaked as he quickly scampered over to Fanny and hid behind her boot in fear.

"Ugh." Fanny sighed, smacking her face in disbelief.

"Stoopid boy!" Dimentia exclaimed. "Thought you could beat me, huh?"

"Maybe he can't, but I sure can!" Eva exclaimed, throwing a kick at her face. "Ready for Round 2, Freakazoid?"

"More than you know!" Dimentia replied, attempting to whack Eva with her Star Rod, but the nimble news anchor dodged every swing. Afterwards, Eva leaped behind and threw more rapid punches at her back.

Operation: GALACSIAWhere stories live. Discover now