The Tale of the Nightmare King

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Alright, time for more story. This chapter, we should be learning some important stuff. Here goes.

Chapter 13: The Tale of the Nightmare King

It was yet another night where Numbuh 1 could barely sleep. He was having yet another nightmare (I guess would be the main point I'm trying to address).

He was completely surrounded by darkness in his nightmare. In the distance, he could see his friends screaming and falling to certain doom. They then appeared right by him and started to glow and crackle. In seconds, they morphed into Magiblots. Those Magiblots then formed together to make a giant, floating KND symbol.

The symbol chuckled. "Oh, come now. Why in the world would you care about them?" it said in Dimentia's voice. "I am the only one that matters! I am the one you chose! And THEY are the ones you left behind! You chose this fate, and the past cannot be undone!" With that, the symbol laughed maniacally as Nigel ran away.

He woke up, panting and gasping for air.


He turned to look at his alarm clock and silenced it. "These nightmares are getting out of hand." Nigel said to himself. "It's almost like... someone's trying to tell me something. But what? I think I need to speak to Dimentia." He said before getting dressed and going to find his leader.

The Massive

Back on the Massive, the Tallest were sitting on their couch, eating snacks, and watching their TV.

"We now return to Galaxia's funniest home videos! In this one, we have a young Irken soldier trying to catch a jelly-space-fish." The TV showed an Irken child trying to catch a giant, orange jellyfish on an asteroid with a net. The jellyfish quickly took the net away and began chasing the Irken child, who ran around screaming. "Looks like he's gonna need a bigger net!"

The Tallest laughed at this while coughing out a few snacks. It was then that Orbot and Cubot barged in. "Sirs: we just got a report from our spy." Orbot said.

"Yarr, it appear the landlubbers did away with them as good as they would a robot made o' wood, arrgh!" Cubot replied.

"Ugh. I should have known they would mess this up. Even with Rattlesnake Jake's help." Red replied.

"Yarr, we say you we do about those landlubbers now, eh?"

Red thought for a moment. "Call me crazy, but I wonder if HE might have a chance against him?"

"You don't mean..." Purple began.

Red nodded. "Let's give him a call. Computer: connect to Fort Francis on Planet Kateenia."

"Understood. Connecting to Fort Francis now." In a few seconds, an image of a chubby, green chameleon, wearing glasses, braces, and a yellow KND shirt appeared on screen. He was sideways and was holding and staring at a poster of Numbuh 10 wearing her vacation outfit.

"Neeerrrrr. Oh, Numbuh 10. You're so cute when you show off your-" the nerd silenced himself when he looked to the side and saw the Tallest on his screen. He threw the poster behind his back and said, "Oh, m-my Almighty Tallest. H-How may I help you?"

"Uhhh, so Francis: how are things going down there?" Purple asked.

"Oh, everything's going schweeeet! I've been capturing those rare Shrink Wisps just like you asked! I should have another shipment sent over by tomorrow!"

"That's all well and good Francis, but we have a bigger task for you." Replied Purple.

"It would appear your cousin, Leon, along with his comrades, were beaten by a little bald kid who goes around by the name, Nigel Uno."

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