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It's finally time, people. Time for the final stretch of this little game, er, story. I try my best to make it good, so let's hope it is. Alright, here we go.

Chapter 28: Zathura

KND Arctic Base

It was a quiet day at KND Arctic Base. The 44 Twins were standing guard at the sooper secret safety vault. "I'm bored." said Pete.

"Me too." replied Peter.

"Man, how long do we have to guard this thing?"

"According to Numbuh Infinity, until they catch that circus freak. Still, it would be nice to have a little break once in a while."

"Bored, are we? Well, then I'll relieve you of your duties."

They searched around to see where the voice had come from. "Who's..."

Dimentia appeared before their very eyes, wrinkles on her skin and her clothes still beaten. "Hey! You're the circus freak!"

"Shoot her, Bro!" The 44 Twins fired at Dimentia. After a few seconds, a puff of smoke was created. When the smoke cleared, they looked to see Dimentia was gone.

"YEAH! Who's laughing now?" exclaimed one of the twins, his brother cheering as well. Their cheering stopped when they heard a giggle, and looked to see Dimentia reappearing in that spot.

"Why, I believe it's me!" she smiled. The 44 Twins gulped as Dimentia waved her hands, and the spot they were standing exploded, blowing them away a few feet and knocking them out. "Well, that takes care of that nuisance! Now, to claim my prize!" With that, she shot pink lightning at the vault and slowly made a circle around it (similar to what Father did). When she was finished, the vault broke open, revealing none other than the sparkling Star Rod.

"At last..." Dimentia said as she reached for the wand. "It's mine..." and she finally grabbed it. The moment she touched it, any wrinkles or scratches on her being vanished. "Now, Star Rod: grant me that which I desire! Rid me of this accursed aging! Keep me 10 forever! And give me the power of stars!" The Star Rod engulfed Dimentia in a blast of light.

KND Moonbase

Rachel was once again filling out paperwork. She looked to see Fanny and Patton coming into her office. "Hey, Fanny! Is your leg okay?" she asked her friend. Fanny had to rest in the hospital for a few days after being bitten by Jake.

"Ya, Ah'm fine." she replied. "That snake sure knows how to bite. And Patton didn't leave me for a second."

"Aw, how sweet of you Patton!"

Patton blushed. "H-Hey! It's not what you think! I was-" He was cut short when the three of them were trapped inside a box-shaped barrier. "Hey! What's-" Before he could finish, they were teleported.

At their treehouse, the Sector W team was playing videogames, with Sonya just watching. Their playtime was interrupted when they were teleported.

Lizzie was doing extra credit work after school. But she was interrupted when, like all the others, she was teleported.

Grass field

Soon, everyone reappeared in the middle of a grassy field, where they met up with others, like Sector V, Eva and Kade, as well as Herbie. "Hey, what happened?" Nigel asked.

"I think we've all been teleported." Patton answered.

"No kidding." Fanny rolled her eyes.

"By what?" Rachel replied.

Operation: GALACSIAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora