The Purple Dragon

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." Kweeb replied, dreamily.

They were silent for a few minutes until Ava spoke, "Hey, Kweeb, how come I've never seen you around the base?"

"Because you never look down?"

Ava giggled. "Hey, I can only keep my eyes forward!"

"Actually, I have tried talking to you on a few occasions."

"Really? Why couldn't you?"

"Well, the first time is when I was watching you train in the gym. I climbed onto the matt while you were swinging your swords, and when you walked by, you stepped on me."

"Ooooh... Well, sorry about that. How come you never wished for Jirachi to make you bigger?"

"Well, because the people on my planet believe you don't have to be big to be strong."

"Well, you and Nigel handled yourselves pretty well against Francis. So, what's it like being so small, anyway?"

"It's not so bad. Sure, I always have to walk long distances, but this size is great for spying, and the food's big enough to last me a lifetime!"

"Maybe, but if I was your size and I was looking up at me, I'd be a little afraid."

"Oh, please, why would I be afraid of you of all people?"

"Because I'm a powerful Glomourian warrior who can smash you into paste."

"I bet I can take you in a fight!"

Without warning, Ava pinched the Kateenian between her fingers, binding his arms. "It looks like I already won."

"Hey, not fair! You didn't give me time to warm up!"


Hearing a cough, they turned to see Dimentia, Gabe, and Jeremy glaring at them. "Uh, Numbuh 256!" Kweeb exclaimed.

"Uh, we were just kidding around!" Ava chuckled nervously.

"What are you two doing here, anyway?" she asked.

"Uhhh, just hanging out."

"Yeah!" Kweeb replied.

Dimentia sighed. "Whatever, as long as you aren't dating. I need a drink from the fountain. Gabe, get me my mirror." With that, she and the Wisps headed into the sanctuary. Inside, Ava and Kweeb could hear her singing.

O great, mighty star

Let your power shine

Make the river turn backward

Give me what once was mine

What once was mine

"She sure does love drinking from that fountain, doesn't she?" Kweeb said.

"Well, she is over a million. Being the one to resist the disease the longest, she has to make trips there constantly. She spends almost all of her time there than in the base."

"How did she know about the disease, anyway?"

"I don't know. Maybe she-" Ava silenced as Infinity came flying out of the shrine and up to them.

"Actually, we're glad you're here 'cause we have a mission for you two and the others." The two exchanged curious glances. "We've just detected a Star on Planet Avalar, the dragon world. The five of you are expected to head out as soon as lunch is over. So, good luck." With that, he flew off.

"Well, that was brief." Kweeb said.

"Yeah. Hey, can you wait here for a bit? I need to go do something."

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