Up ahead on the track was a field of icicle stalagmites, which Luvbi avoided by going up the ramp along the left wall and using air gusts to blow herself upward. Ava was able to get ahead of Nigel as she tossed her swords to cut away the grounded icicles, leaving a path for both of them to follow. They were about to sled to another gap in the ground, but they went up a slanted boulder and started to sled across an icy bridge. They shot off the ramp on the other side and saw Luvbi up ahead as they were sledding down another series of snaky turns along the track.

At the end of that little canyon area, they found their selves miles above the ground below, having to leap with their sleds over a series of towering stone pillars. As they leapt across, Nigel was about to fall into the chasm before reaching one of the platforms, but Ava slid by and grabbed him and his board, so when they jumped to the next platform, both of them were still going down. They made it out from over the chasm and onto safe, regular sledding ground. Meanwhile, by this time, Dib was just getting front-ways again, his skis stopping for a few seconds when they flipped sideways, and he was in dead last.

"Oh man, if only I had rockets in my skis. Wait! I totally have rockets in my skis!" With that, rockets sprouted from the sides of the skis, allowing Dib to zoom past the others with ease. "Now to just sit back, relax, and watch my progress!" Dib said as a metallic dome came up and locked him inside.

The inside of the dome appeared to be a log cabin with a fireplace and a window. Outside the window was the scenery of the mountain zipping by, due to the rocket skis. Dib was kicking back in a soft, comfy chair, until a butler walked up and asked, "Would you like some more tea, sir?"

"Cool! Thanks, Crone!" Dib replied as Crone handed him some tea.

"Would you like to check on the race, sir?"

"That'd be nice." With that, Crone pushed a remote, opening a window in front of Dib. Dib screamed as he saw an incoming tree, and in an instant, the skis crashed and shattered, leaving a bruised Dib. Dib watched in dismay as his friends all sped past him. Hearing some music, he turned to see the mariachi band sliding down on a sled of their own.

"You know what they say, amigo: a cheater never winds. But on the bright side, we have these nice, warm scarves!" the band leader said as they sped right past him.

"Hey, wait!" Dib exclaimed as he ran after them.

The rest of the team was still sliding down the hill, neck in neck as they saw the Ice Palace in sight. They saw that they were coming to a large ramp that seemed to shoot straight for the Ice Palace. The three shot toward the ramp at great speed and shot off of it. The three felt as though they were flying as they moved through the air.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Nigel screamed.

"Mayhap if thou gets the chance, thou canst bring yon Rachel hither!"

Nigel blushed a little. "Hehe. Yeah, maybe."

"We're almost there!" Ava exclaimed as they were about to crash before the Ice Palace.

After a few more seconds of flying, the team came to a crash before the front gates of the palace. (End song.)

Nigel, Ava, and Luvbi shook the snow off their heads and stared up at the imposing frosty palace. "Have to admit, Ice King picks a nice choice of scenery."

"Brr-r-r-r-r." Ava rapidly shook her head to knock snow off and said, "Let's just hurry up and grab this Star."

Yeto watched as the group entered the palace and exclaimed, "OOO! YETO NEED MUCH PRACTICE IF EVER TO BEAT THOSE GUYS IN A RACE! UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH!"

Operation: GALACSIAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن