Suspicious Situation

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(Ramona's POV)

I looked at my watch, bouncing impatiently on my toes. Where in the world was Jackson? I had been waiting at our after school meeting spot for almost fifteen minutes and I was tired of it. I had texted him, but he hadn't answered, and he hadn't told me he had to stay after school. If I was being honest, I was a little worried.

I looked around seeing if he was coming, but, of course, he wasn't. He was going to get an earful when I saw him. Popko and Lola had left a couple minutes before because they had to get home and didn't want to wait for Jackson anymore. I would've gone with them... but I didn't want to leave in case something had happened to Jackson or something.

I decided to go look for him. It wasn't normal for him not to meet us right after school and not tell us he would be late. He was actually usually the first one to the meeting place every day, so it was especially weird that he still wasn't there after fifteen minutes. I grabbed my backpack of the ground and slung it over my shoulder. I would look in C hall first since it was closest to where I was.


(Jackson's POV)

I stared at Shiloh, eyes wide. She just kept leaning closer, and closer, and closer. I was so taken aback. I had thought she was super shy and I never would've expected her to be so forward and not aware of personal space. I didn't even know what to do. My brain couldn't process thoughts. Finally, I shook myself out of my shock and backed away.

Immediately, Shiloh's face took on a hurt expression. "Shiloh I'm sorry, but I don't know you very well and I have a girlfriend," I said, then glanced down at my watch, "Crap. A girlfriend who is waiting for me right now." I frantically got up and was about to grab my backpack and run to our meeting place, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Yeah. For fifteen minutes." I knew it was Ramona. I knew her voice. I spun around and she looked on the verge of tears. I noticed Shiloh had gotten up and stood close behind me. I moved forward, toward Ramona and away from Shiloh.

"Ramona, I swear this isn't what it looks like. I would never do that to you," I promised. She just shook her head. I reached for her hand, but she turned and started speed walking away from me. Without a second thought for Shiloh, I ran after Ramona. I caught up to her quickly and grabbed her wrist, making her stop.

She swung her head around, her long, brown hair flicking me in the eyes. She blinked away small tears. "I waited for fifteen minutes Jackson! Popko and Lola left. I waited by myself for you because I was worried! Turns out I was worried about the wrong thing," she spat bitterly.

I was speechless at first, but it only lasted a moment. "I would never cheat on you Ramona. I swear to God I've never even talked to Shiloh before today! I thought she was just some shy, awkward girl in the back of the class. I got another note, and I wanted to know who was giving them to me, so I could stop it. Cause I don't want any other girlfriend. You're my girlfriend and I want to keep it that way," I said determinedly.

"I dunno Jackson."

"Please. You gotta believe me. I wouldn't hurt you."

"Even if you are telling the truth, you still didn't tell me about the note or let me know where you were. I still had to stand at the meeting spot by myself worried about you."

"I know I'm sorry I'm stupid I don't think."

Thankfully, she gave a small smile at that remark... but then it slowly disappeared. "I dunno Jackson. Maybe I just walked in at the wrong time, but I don't know what to believe. What I saw seemed pretty suspicious and what you did seems pretty suspicious. I just don't know. I have to think about this," she said apologetically. She shook her head and turned, walking away from me.

I almost called out to her, but I figured I should let her be. I felt so stupid. I knew I hadn't done anything with Shiloh and I didn't want to, but I still kept the note secret from Ramona and didn't tell her where I was going. I still left her standing by herself wondering where I was and the scene was suspicious. I couldn't blame her for thinking that. I should've just forgotten about the note and walked home with Ramona.

I turned towards home and started walking, but I heard yet another voice behind me. This time it was undoubtedly Shiloh. "Sucks that she had to walk up right then huh?"

"Whatever it's not like you care. You were probably glad she walked up weren't you? Actually just don't talk to me," I snapped. I knew what had happened was mostly my fault if not all my fault, but I couldn't help taking it out on her. I spun around and walked dejectedly back home.

Sorry this chapter is sort of short, but I hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! 🙃

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