A Dream

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*Ramona's POV*

I went and sat down on the couch slowly, feeling dejected. I had done what I told myself I wouldn't do. I had gotten my hopes up, thinking that Jackson liked me, only to find out I was wrong. I flopped back, so that my head was touching the couch, and closed my eyes. I was fine. Why would Jackson like me like that anyways? He had even said I was kind of like his sister, so it's not like there was ever a chance of him liking me as a crush.

Just forget about it, I thought. I opened my eyes and got back off the couch. I wouldn't be hurt by this. I was beginning to walk towards the stairs when the kitchen door opened and DJ walked through. "Oh hey Ramona! How come you're still down here I thought everyone went to bed?"

"Uh yeah I was just headed up there now I just had to... um..." I hesitated, trying to think of some lame excuse.

"Wait did the thing happen?!" she asked excitedly.

I arched an eyebrow at her. The thing? I thought. Then I voiced the question.

"Oh I mean... what thing what I didn't say anything," she said awkwardly.

"Wait DJ what thing?"

DJ glanced around, looking cornered and then sighed. She inched closer to me. "Ok well I'm not really supposed to tell you this but..." she whispered, "Jackson really likes you."

My eyes widened. So I really had heard what I thought I did?! "Are you being serious?" I asked.

"Yes I'm being serious! But you can't tell him I told you. He said he was gonna tell you after the date tonight, but I guess he chickened out... wait a second do you like him too?!" she said excitedly.

"What no, I mean, I didn't say that what?" I sputtered. I mentally facepalmed. Could I be more obvious? DJ opened her mouth wide in an excited grin and lifted up her hands, screaming quietly. "DJ stop!" I said embarrassed, blushing.

"But Ramona this is great! You have to tell Jackson he's so shy, but he really likes you and you two are so cute ah!" she squeaked. She patted my cheek like a grandma and smiled widely again. I thought about her proposition for a minute. I could tell Jackson. I knew he liked me for sure now, right? So, really it wouldn't be hard to tell him how I felt and that might be the only way that he would tell me how he felt. But... somehow I was still too shy and embarrassed and unsure.

"I don't know Deej. Are you absolutely sure that he likes me?"

"Yes! I'm sure!"

"Ok... I'll think about it." I told DJ goodnight and trudged up the stairs. I was about to go into my room when I caught sight of a light in the corner of my eye. Jackson's door was cracked open slightly and his light was still on. Max had recently moved into Tommy's room so that Jackson could have his own room, which was nice of him. I briefly considered walking across the hall to Jackson's room, but then I changed my mind. If I was going to tell him, it wasn't going to be tonight. I was far too nervous about the whole situation.

I glanced at his door one last time and saw someone throw a shadow across the crack of light. My heart beat heavily for a few seconds and then I remembered that breathing was a necessary habit. The shadow kept walking, but then backed up slowly and opened the door. Jackson's head peaked out and he saw me across the hall. "Uh Ramona you're still up. Can I um... I need to tell you something," he said awkwardly.

"What is it?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Actually you know what it can wait you probably want to sleep and now that I think of it man am I tired," he blathered before fake yawning, "well see you tomorrow I'm gonna hit the sack." He retreated into his room and shut off the light. I sighed. This was complicated. I mean him being so skittish was a sure sign that he liked me right? And DJ had confirmed what I'd heard in the kitchen. I just wished he would tell me because for some reason I felt awkward telling him.

I tried to shrug off the night's events and turned around to head into my room. I flopped onto my bed and went out like a light without even changing into my pajamas and I spent hours lost in a dreamless sleep.


I woke up the next morning dazed and confused. I had had a stupid dream that DJ had told me Jackson actually liked me. I shook my head. Not gonna happen Ramona, I thought. If he really did like me, he would have told me after the date. The date... wait a second. It suddenly hit me that my dream wasn't a dream. And he had almost told me last night, I just knew it. I hopped out of bed and grimaced, realizing I had spent the night in my nice clothes. They were completely wrinkled and didn't really smell the greatest either.

I walked to my closet and threw on some casual, and thankfully clean, clothes. I capered down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Jackson smiled at me and my heart skipped slightly. I looked over at DJ and she winked. I smiled shyly. I walked over to the table, avoiding everyone's gazes hopefully not too obviously. About halfway through breakfast though, I finally snuck a glance at Jackson and he was already looking at me...

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