There are only two reasons behind it, one being that he wanted to catch a glimpse of Jimin and, the other being that he forgot his change of clothes while watering his plants that morning.

As he enters, he is greeted by the pleasant scent of lavender (that he has learned to love over time), and Yoongi quickly shuffles over to his normal spot by the various succulents.

He didn't know when these trips had become a weekly ritual for him but, he does know that it most likely has to do with a certain pink-haired florist. Something about him had struck Yoongi right in his little heart. Some could've said it was love at first sight although, he found that saying cheesy and cringe-worthy.

But Yoongi did often wonder why he had fallen for this boy he rarely even talked to. Could it have been the way his eyes turned into little crescents when he smiled? Or maybe it was the genuine aura of care and comfort that radiated off of him? Perhaps it was how accepted he always seemed to make people feel accepted.

Whatever the case, Yoongi knew that he was 'soft' (a word that Seokjin used to describe his feelings about this boy) for Jimin and it was something that confused him to no end at times.

"Back for the fertilizer Yoongi?"

There's a crispness to Jimin's voice that snaps him out of his thoughts but, it's balanced out by a sweetness that he can't really pinpoint but, Yoongi finds himself absolutely addicted to it.

"Yeah, the fertilizer." He breathes out, and quite honestly he's shocked because Jimin actually remembers him.

"I was expecting you to come back sooner or later. Did you at least give them enough sunlight?"

"Well," He pauses, wondering what Jimin will think if he tells him what he really did, "I left it on the floor.. By the window," Yoongi admits truthfully and he watches the florist cock an eyebrow at him.

"The floor—" And it's not long before he sees Jimin move from behind the counter, progressively getting closer to him by the second, "You know, maybe sunflowers just aren't your thing. How about we try.."

Yoongi watches as the other taps his short little fingers against his chin before letting out a small 'aha!'

Jimin's body is blocking whatever he's picked out and Yoongi, being curious, cranes his neck ever so slightly in order to peak at whatever it is he's holding.

"A... What is that?" He asks stupidly, immediately regretting the words as they leave his mouth.

Jimin doesn't seem to mind though, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he turns around to face Yoongi.

"It's an Aloe Vera plant," He informs the other, "It's relatively easy to take care of. Just water it until the soil is damp once a week, make sure it drains properly and perhaps this time you can place it by the corner of the window sill instead of the floor? It makes things a lot easier." A small chuckle escapes Jimin's lips as he shoots the other a playful look, "And the good news is, this one doesn't need fertilizer."

And by now, Yoongi is mesmerized by how someone can be so genuine and outright perfect.

"Right." He nods in response, following behind the other to the counter. Yoongi keeps his gaze locked on the ground, concentrating on his shoes because he can't handle the overwhelming feeling of admiration and attraction he has towards the other (Which he won't admit to anyone besides Seokjin because it's embarrassing.)

"You know," Jimin says subtly, placing the succulent on the laminate surface, "Now that I think about it you come here a lot." And Yoongi opens to his mouth quickly to respond, although he quickly realizes that the other isn't done with his sentence. 

"I feel bad, where do you even get all this money to spend? And on plants that die every week too." The little whine in Jimin's voice is evident and Yoongi can tell that he really cares about the satisfaction of his customers.

"It's fine. It's not your fault I don't know how to take care of a simple sunflower," His hand moves to his sides where he quickly shoves them into his pockets, "The coffee shop I work at pays a good amount anyways, I don't mind spending the extra on something to decorate my flat with." Yoongi mumbles quietly, averting his gaze from the other. 

"Coffee shop... Maybe I should stop by, buy a drink and tip you or something," Jimin laughs lightly, ringing up the total for the Aloe plant (which Jimin totally didn't discount because he felt bad), "That might make up for all those wilted flowers."

"Yeah." Is all Yoongi manages to respond with because he doesn't know what else he can say to the other without coming off as overly excited.

Once Jimin tells him his total, (which he finds suspiciously low) Yoongi gives the other a small 'thanks' earning a blinding smile and a simple 'good luck.'

Yoongi steps outside, his hand resting on his chest as he tries to calm his fluttering heart that was most certainly from Jimin's little grin. A long sigh escapes his lips as he begins to stalk down the street to his and Seokjin's flat.

The lengthy walk gives him time to relay the events that just occurred and it doesn't take long for Yoongi to realize,

He was so god damn whipped for some pink-haired boy that sold him plants.

flower boy;  yoonmin (discontinued for now.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant