Chapter 21

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Quickly I retreated into tunnels just before the Court meeting started, an evil grin plastered on my face.

Nimbly I strode down the pathway, illuminated only by little shafts of light emerging from cracks. Yes, there were torches burned up long ago, but what kind of assassin would I be if I couldn't walk around in darkness?

My eyes were watchful, peering through the shadows as I heard nearby voices. The Court meeting had begun, now where was our little spy?

There was a faint silhouette, outlined by the light coming from the Court room.

My pace quickened, but clearly the figure saw me. I couldn't see them under their cloak of darkness, covering almost everything about them.

A silver glint sparkled in front of me, I tried to dodge it but didn't quite succeed, hastily I pulled the dart out of the skin on my shoulder, seeing that not all of the liquid had made it's way to me yet.

There was a hiss from the creature in front of me before it lunged, it's hands callousing around my neck. I grabbed my sword and sliced the arms off, earning a high and shrill shriek of agony.

Already blood was pooling around me, the cut-off hands bluely lying about on the floor.

Shifting in front of the creature I knocked them out with the butt of my sword, not looking at their face no matter how much I wanted to. This was Blades responsibility.

Slinging the figure over my back I walked, calming myself and evening my breathing out.

"Midna? Are you okay?!" Nix demanded when he saw I was covered in blood.

"Yeah. I'm fine, Blade... I got whoever it was." I slurred, dropping the figure as my eyes blurred.

In seconds I found warm hands wrapped around me, encasing me in protection as I willed myself not to pass out.

"They got me with a dart." I mumbled, carelessly pointing to my shoulder.

However no one was really listening, all eyes were on the spy, starting to stir.

Blade yanked the hood off, revealing a petit familiar face.

It was Jessica.

As she regained consciousness she glared at us, hate was clearly shown.

"Of course." I muttered, slapping my forehead to wake myself up. "Aci! That's Aci. But you don't understand, Jessica backwards is Acissej! And as a nickname for Jessica people shorten it to Jess. Whereas in this case it's backwards, Aci. Acissej is shortened to just Aci, making a unique code name!" I blabbered out, slightly proud of myself.

Dia slanted over to the girl, "Do you know what the punishment is for this?" She spat.

"Torture?" Jessica mumbled, her eyes wide.

"No no. Torture and then death. Let's see how long you can have the Chinese Water Torture done on your forehead before you go mad. You shall be dead within the week." Blade smiled through gritted teeth.

"Why? What was your motive?" Nix mumbled, most likely the only compassionate soul in this room.

"He said he would pay me and get me far away from here. Rodrigues promised me. And then you got rid of him, now what do I do with my life?" Jessica questioned.

"There isn't much to do, as it will be over soon." I growled, Blade smiled at me whereas Nix gave in, not sticking up for Jessica anymore.

Swiftly two assassins poured into the room, taking the screaming Jessica and throwing her in the torture chambers.

Silence surrounded us.

"I don't know about you, but I think I've had enough drama for a night." I mumbled sleepily, the drug wrapping around my body.

"Wow. Okay you're about to faint. Hold up." Nix said, scooping me up bridal style before escorting me back to my room where he lay me on the bed.

Scarlett bundled in and had a hissy fit at him, taking me by the arm and into the dressing room before she clothed me in a nightgown. By the time I was back Nix was already in his nightclothes too, smiling peevishly.

"I take it you aren't leaving?" I smiled sleepily, half collapsing on the bed.

"No." He stated, getting in beside me as he cradled my head into his chest, becoming my heat pack.

I remember falling asleep in his arms, smiling at the sweet dreams that happened after.


"Honey. We have another client!" I heard Nix shout at me, having only been married for years he was allowed to call me 'honey'.

I sighed, getting off the desk which was formally Blades before stepping out the door, greeted by an elderly man.

"Milady. Please execute Sir Noall, I'll give you a heavy reward." The mans eyes glinted.

Clearly he and Nix had already discussed how much was going to be given, "Consider it done." I mumbled, two assassins escorted the man out the door before Nix was by my side, where he usually is.

"Do you ever regret marrying me?" He asked.

"Never. Especially with the little one coming along." I smiled at him as he stroked my stomach.

"Well, Midna Leader Of The Assassins Guild, may I ask you out for dinner?" Nix smiled, taking my hand.

"It would be my pleasure, Nix Second Commander Of The Guild." I smiled. Blade was on leave for a few years, hunting down some foreign target.

Together we strolled out the door just like all those years ago, being admired by passing people, many with a look of envy.

This was my life, leader of the Guild, wife of Nix, The Midnight Assassin.

And so far I was loving it.

A/N okay that's the end of it ^.^ Hehhee. So what do you guys think? Comment please your critiques and thoughts :)

Thank you so much to so many people.




(Sorry if I forgot anyone!)

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