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Bismillahir rahmanir raheem

It's simple really, very simple. You wake up one day and suddenly you came to a shocking realisation that the love of your life to whom you've been married for years happens to be an assassin and how convenient is it when his immediate target happens to be your beloved father. You heroically embark on a mission to save daddy dearest but you later on discovered the victim is not so innocent and he turns out to be the main villain in this cynic story.

The silence was deafening. You can probably hear a needle several miles away thinking of dropping in the large Michigan Lake. Metaphorically speaking of course. Najeeb took a tentative step forward, his gaze swept over Amal and he immediately noticed the sickening weight-loss. 'are you okay?' he managed to croak out. 'Never been better.' she answered him a ghost of a smile appeared on her awfully pale face. The stretched muscle stinks probably from the strange movement. Its been a while since I smiled. She observed.

'a very heartworm welcome to you najeebullah, we've been expecting you.' A booming authoritative voice echoed all around the room. Just then the two people looked around and sported the speaker just on top of the ceiling by a corner, no doubt meant to be hidden. 'if you may please make yourself confortable, for this will be a very long chat.' Najeeb felt his heart beat increase to a thousand times than normal, his blood rushed to his ears as his heart squeezed in his chest, his throat fell right to his stomach and his stomach to his chest. He no doubt is going to be sick any moment from now. Whatever this sick game is, he wouldn't like it any bit. But nonetheless Najeeb sat on the edge of the single bed where Amal sat, his fingers brushing his head, a nervous habit he picked up along the way.

'It's so nice to finally meet your acquaintance, words do you no justice, and you really are a very fine lad. It's a pleasure.' The voice said again with so much awe. It was like he was suddenly a very important character coming to life in their twisted sickening story. Najeeb glanced back at Amal as if asking her if the voice behind that speaker is really insane. She shrugged her shoulders but immediately regretted the movement. She was sore all over, the thought of having a very warm bath sound appealing. Too bad wishes were not horses.

'I must say the feeling is not mutual, not very accommodating don't you think, having this conversation behind the scene, I never took you for a coward sir.' Najeeb was surprised at his unusually calm tone, well with the circumstance and all.

'Feisty now are we? Well son, patience is a virtue. You are here aren't you?'

'If my presence is all you want you could have just asked. Why the theatrics?' Najeeb was now fuming; all that trouble was for nothing they seem to have been expecting him, but what the hell for? He was here to destroy them all. Could they be that ignorant? And he thought he had the upper hand, the element of surprise but unfortunately he was once again defeated by the assassins how can one be so unlucky? They played him from the very beginning, and he fell for it. Dragging an innocent person with him who from the looks of it suffered much more than he had. This is his entire fault, how can he be that naïve, Ya Allah!

'Well not your presence per se, you have something that is mine, I want it back. Just to come outright and ask you for it won't be as effective. Hence the theatrics, I mean who doesn't like a little bit of fun, not that you are no fun obviously I wouldn't imply seeing that I don't know you that much, but your sire, Najeeb was a bore I tell you so grumpy always straight to the point. He gives me unnecessary wrinkles and just thinking of him makes me shudder what with all the seriousness in the air surrounding him I tell you. I see not much is different you and him. Birds of the same feather.'

Najeeb felt all the air leave his lungs, his mind suddenly went to overdrive and he was lost immediately after 'his sire'. The man is no doubt out of his mind to be talking about his father, what does that have to do with his father? How does this psychopath know his father and to just mention him casually as if that was supposed to make a freaking sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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