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'Boo-yah!!! Gatchu biatch...'

I know you all are wondering who that was, obviously it wasn't me. I wouldn't say things like that. That, my dear friends is Nolan. Like you all must have already known in all team there must be the computer genius, well in our team that computer guy is... Nolan.

It turns out our little crusade is not hopeless after all, I mean we have a whole team!! Najeeb finally decided to trust me enough to introduce me to the whole team. To say that I was perplexed will be an understatement, a whole freaking team!!! So my dear friends, understand my excitement. He introduced me to so many people on the team that I couldn't remember all their names, but some of them are really hard to forget, hence, Nolan.

'Nice to meet you, Nolan, I am Amal.' I had greeted politely. Well needless to say the reaction I expected was not what I got. I expected Nolan to start talking non stop, I mean he is the computer genius shouldn't he be like the talkative one? Well he was eerily quiet, he did not even spare me a glance!

'Boo-yah!!! Gatchu biatch...' Nolan exclaimed excitedly as he hit the table hard and stood up raising his hands up. So he talks. I wondered. He turned around and faced Najeeb and i. 'the pleasure is all mine Amal.' He said smiling. He has a very lovely smile, his face sparked and his eyes narrowed which shows how sincere his smile was. Like all hackers, Nolan also wears glasses.


'What is it you got this time?' Najeeb asked smile. I guess we all were curious, his excitement is contagious. 'Well I've been working on this contact lens camera lately, and it is finally ready!, we are good to go boss.' He teased. 'Don't call me that.' Najeeb said gruffly. What do you know; our dear Najeeb is too humble.

'Alright people...' Najeeb said gaining their attention as he moved to the top. ' all know we've been tracking the assasins for years but we've always turn up blank, but not this time because this time, we have Amal. She is the closest we've come to the assasins since...' Najeeb's voice suddenly broke; he swallowed and took some calming breaths. I notice the hall became stiff, if that was even possible, all their expressions hardened even Nolan winced and I noticed his fist were clenched. What was happening here? Why the sudden change in the atmosphere? '....well since... sofiyya.' He clenched his fist as he released a heavy breath.

Sofiyya? Isn't that a new development? I will get to the bottom of this, whatever it was. Clearly Sofiyya is sore subject to everyone in the team.

'I urge you all, to put in your utmost best in seeing the assassins destroyed once and for all. We shall be victorious. Inshaa Allah.' They cheered and he stepped down as he headed towards me.

'let's go over this one more time, Amal puts the contact camera and goes into the party with Hameed, you will have to go to Maish's office and get some valuable information.' Nolan explained. 'I will do it, I will go get the information we need. Amal will stay with you in the van, you will guard the surveillance and give me the directions from th...' Najeeb started. 'Like hell you will. We've been over this Najeeb, I was the one who got the IV, and So I will do it. You stay with him in the van, and moreover how do you plan on going in? With magic?!' I asked exasperated. Najeeb is becoming unreasonably foolish.

'Amal, you can't go in there, it will be too much of a risk...'

'That is not your decision to make Najeeb, I am doing this.' I stood my ground.

'fine, but if I smell danger, no matter how little, I am coming after you. I can't afford to lose any more loved ones to the assassins and I don't plan to.' He said firmly. There is more to that statement I am sure of it, but that is a story for another day.

We are finally making a move for the assassins, it's frightening, that much is undeniable. But I have to do this, I need to, for my sanity. 


Assalamu-Alaikum dear readers.

I am sorry for the super late update, I've been busy with life and stuff, you get the meaning. anyway, EID-MUBARAK!!!  hope you enjoyed your eid, because i did. Barakallah feekum.

so, Hameed's POV how was it? did you like it? should i write some in his POV or not? please, please,please COMMENT and VOTE fellas!!! thank you for your support and for giving my book a chance. I appreciate it. JazakAllah Kheir.

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