Chapter twenty-two

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'Mama, aliyah is playing with her whipped cream and not eating her breakfast, I'm surely going to be late for school.' The boy pouted looking grudgingly at his three years old sister who no doubt thought her strawberry whipped cream was a very fascinating paint.

Amal looked up from the oven where she removed the now over-cooked cookies and placed them on top of the kitchen island. She was so mad at Hameed for luring her to bed while she was preparing the cookies; it was his entire fault that her well organised cookies are now burnt!

'Aliyah, sweetheart, that is not paint, you use that to eat those very delicious pancakes okay'. Amal took the cream away from her daughter and started feeding her so her brother will not get late for school. He obviously has no tolerance for any waste of time regarding his studies.

Halfway through their breakfast, Hameed came down trying wholeheartedly to tie his necktie which he always failed; somehow, he ended up strangling himself with the godforsaken tie! He stood beside Amal as he kissed her temple and ruffling his sons well perfected trimmed hair. The boy groaned and moved away from his father.

'Come on Aliy, stop brooding.'

'I'm going to be late! Aliyah is very annoying.' The boy snapped.

Just then, Amal heard a sound so faint that she looked up towards the direction of the sound but was met with nothing. She turned towards her husband and undid the horrible thing he did with the tie, she started tying it from scratch, she kissed him on the cheek after she was done and did the same to the lovely Aliyah.

Then came the sound again, this time clearer.

Amal ignored it as she headed towards her son and kissed him while ruffling his hair, for the second time that morning. He groaned once again as he wiped the spot where her kiss lingered. 'I'm a big boy mama, you should stop doing this' Amal shrugged and smiled at him. That reaction was not new to her, he always complains when she kisses him either t school or at home. He felt shy, he thinks kisses are for kids not grown-ups, where he got that mentality she didn't know.

That sound! More loudly.

Amal gasped as she turned towards her kitchen just to meet everything vanish slowly, from her cooker to her oven, every single thing was gone. She turned towards her family with panic in her eyes but to her horror, everything there also started fading starting with the unfinished dishes on the table to her lovely daughter, Aliyah! Tears welled up in her eyes as she screamed her name her voice filled with panic. She looked towards Hameed just in time to see him disappear and then Aliy started to fade. Amal screamed as everything around her vanished and she cried hysterically.

That sound, yet again!!!

Just as her mind slipped back to consciousness, Amal woke up with a start. Where was she? Where is her family? She looked frantically around the room when she finally recognised her surroundings. It was nowhere other than her hell. That godforsaken cell the assassins kept her. She rubbed her eyes trying to get rid of the little sleep that still lingered in her eyes. Then she heard that sound again, she looked around and then she realised that sound was in fact someone who was banging on her door, obviously, trying to wake her up.

It was a dream. A very perfect dream!

She stepped down from her bed cursing whoever was at the other side of the door, he was the reason she was back to this miserable place away from her sweet dream, her safe haven, and her sweet bubble of happiness.

As she reached the door, a food warmer was slid down from that opening. Yeah, her lunch was ready! She retrieved the food and went back to her bed. Amal said her bismilla and dug through the food, it was not bad. At least it was edible and even if it weren't, what choice does she have? Beggars cannot be choosers.

After the lunch, Amal decided to say her zuhr prayer but just when she stood up to go to the toilet, she experienced a very sharp pain that pierced through her stomach and she screamed, she clenched her stomach tightly as she knelt down on the floor. She felt something wet trailing down her legs; she closed her eyes tightly as the pain increased. She put her hand to wipe the wet liquid between her thighs, but just as she brought her hands out, she saw a very disturbing sight. Blood!

It was like the realisation was some kind of a trigger to her brain, because just then, she felt pain, a lot of pain that she has never felt her whole life. Slowly, she crawled towards the toilet but the pain kept on intensifying, Amal thought her death was fast approaching. She tried to swallow the big lump in her throat when she remembered the blood running down her thighs.

'No, no, no, Yaa Allah please no...' she cried hysterically and all the while the pain never stopped.

She cried for her loss, for her pain, for everything she suffered, for the life she knew deep down she will never have, for Aliy and Aliyah. The bundle of joy she will never come to know. As her eyes blurred, her heart clenched in sadness, she slowly felt herself drifting back to unconsciousness. Everything went blank!

Assalam Alaikum

first and foremost, i will like to apologise for the very late update. i am truly sorry for that and secondly EID-MUBARAK!!! i hope you had a very wonderful eid.

i will like to update frequently now Inshaa Allah, this book is slowly coming to an end, per-say, lol. like i said earlier, there will be a sequel but for now the journey of Amal is gradually coming to an end. Alhamdulillah.

keep voting and commenting.

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