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Assalamu Alaikum dear readers.

it seems  chapter fourteen is not showing and i dont know why. i decided to post it again for those who havent and for those who saw the chapter, you can just ignore.

sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your never ending support


Deep breath...

Deep breath...

Standing in front of the long length mirror is Amal in an emerald green dress with the combination of nude hijab and black heels. Amal looks absolutely stunning in that outfit yet something seems to be lacking in the outstanding look.


Amal took a deep breath for the thousandth time, she just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Or was she just nervous? She took a bottle of chilled water that was placed on the dressing table next to the mirror and poured the remaining content in the glass, she dawned all of it at once. That, without exaggeration was her fifth glass of water within the hour, it seems the was starting to kick in. about time!

She rushed into the rest room to relief herself and to build up her confidence one last time. 'Amal, honey we are getting late'. Hameed called from the sitting room. Apparently, she's been locked in her room 'dressing up' for about two hours or so and he is getting rather impatient to say the least. Why do women take so long to get ready anyway? Is it not to put on your clothes and get on with your day? what's so difficult in that? He wonders.

Amal rushed into the sitting room holding her shoes, she quickly put them on and walked straight to where hameed was standing, waiting for her. She seems to have calmed down from all the nervousness from earlier and looks more determined. It is no surprise that it has something to do with the phone call she made in the bathroom. Hearing Najeeb aimlessly try to dissuade her from the plan was motivation enough, if she has to listen to Najeeb's fruitless effort one more time she would lose her mind. 'Amal, it's okay if you can't do this, there will always be some other way to do this without putting you in the middle of it all'. Najeeb had said. But she'd be damned if she gives him the satisfaction.

'You look stunning my love'. Hameed complimented as he guided her towards the car.

'Thanks love, you don't look too bad yourself'. She kissed his cheek as she sat on the passenger's seat and fastened her seatbelt. Well it is now or never!

Throughout the ride, none of them spoke. They were all deep in thought but the silence was a confortable one. On reaching the company, Hameed guided Amal to the entrance where they stood to hand over their invite.

'Good day Mr Hameed sir, welcome to the Maish & sons fundraiser, who's the lovely lady?' he asked with a smile.

'This is my wife Amal, Jefferson, how are you doing today?' Hameed said curtly. He exchanged strange look with the gentleman called Jefferson. However, that look didn't go unnoticed to the gorgeous Amal standing by the side.

'As exciting as always, right this way if you may.' He said moving further into the hall and they followed suit.

The hall was, for lack of a better word magnificent. The hall was brightly lit with three enormous chandelliers, round tables and chairs were placed all around the hall. On each table are five chairs around it and three candles were lit, the place looked elegant.

Amal was standing by a corner with a cocktail in her hand, she looked deep in thought as a voice startled her that caused her to accidentally spill her drink on a lady passing by. 'innalilahi, I am so sorry ma'am'. Amal apologised quickly as she hands some rolls to the lady. 'it's okay really'. The lady smiled and headed towards to the ladies room.

'What the hell Nolan'. She hissed into the communicator she had with her all along.

'Well, that was totally unnecessary sweet, you know I will always be with you'. Nolan said through the device.

'Quit flirting with me Nolan, I am married'. She said irritably as he chuckled. She noticed Hameed walking towards her and she adjusted herself.

'Come, let me introduce you to some people'. He placed his hand at her lower back as he walked her to a group of men. Upon arrival, Amal felt her heartbeat increase as she instantly recognised the group of men. Because standing in front of her were the very people planning on ending her father's life. Maish was here in person and she couldn't help but cringe as he stared right into her eyes. For a splitting second, Amal was convinced Maish has spotted the camera that was placed in her eyes.

After all this time, here she is finally face to face with the devil himself and Amal couldn't help but wonder how he does it. She is so close yet so far.

'Assalamu alaikum Amal dear, I've heard so much about you, your reputation precedes you'.


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