Spice Up Your Last Day!

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I told you I’d have this up as soon as I can. I almost didn’t because my mom thought we had to do something but apparently that isn’t until next week. So yeah, that was lucky. And enjoy the last chapter of JPTT.


Be lucky I warned you.


James Potter and the Tri-Wizard Tournament

Chapter 27: Spice Up Your Last Day

“Are you sure about this?” James asked, obviously uncomfortable.

“Come on, don’t you want to leave a legacy?” I questioned excitedly.

He sighed, “I can’t believe I’m doing this. It goes against everything I believe in.”

“You don’t believe in cross-dressing and glitter? I don’t think this relationship is going to work out.” I replied seriously. “Like if you can’t do this. How are you going act when we dress up as Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga for Halloween next year?”

He rolled his eyes but I seem to be distracting him from being nervous. So strange put him in front of people dressed as himself, he is perfectly fine. Put him in front of people dressed in a costume, he is suddenly nervous.

I will never understand that boy.

“So you are going to go through with this?” I questioned, “You’re not going to chicken out?”

He motioned to his outfit, “It’s a little too late for that.”

I rolled my eyes, “It’s not too late until Rose, Ash and Gwen get here.” Speak of the devils and they shall appear. I looked at James, “Yeah now it’s too late.”

He pointed his finger at me, “I am only doing this because you begged me too.”

I made a whipping motion and sound and Ash joined in and we laughed.

Ash turned to me, “By the way, this is a terrible idea. Think about what this will do to my rep!”

“Who cares about your rep? It’s our LAST DAY here. It’s our LAST CHANCE to do something crazy and unexpected.”

“This is so childish.” Rose responded.

“Why not be children for the last time? Because when we come out those doors we will be adults. We will have responsibilities. In a few years, maybe a family. We have no idea. This is the one moment were we don’t have to worry about our future, this is the last moment to be teenagers. Our last moment as Hogwarts students. So let’s make the most of it.” I speeched, is that a word? Probably not. But you have to say that is a pretty amazing speech that I just improvised.

“Your right.” Ash admitted.

“She always is.” James pointed out.

“Let’s do this.” Gwen added excited.

We all looked at the “adult” in our group, she smiled and nodded. “Alright.” We all cheered and I high-fived her.

“Everyone ready?” Feeling anticipation fill me, they all nodded. I waved my wand and the music played.

We busted through the doors we entered so many times in a new outrageous way. Dressed as the Spice Girls. Yes, I got them to do it.

When you're feeling

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