Sketchy and Sketchier

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Sorry its been so long! I have been very busy and in a yucky mood. Sorry! Here is a recap so you can remember what happened last.


“Okay we need to figure this out.” James started to pace. I took the vial out of pocket, not sure whether I should wreck James’s pacing or not. “It all feels so familiar. Like these all mean one thing. But what is it? Or who is it?” James noticed the vial. “What’s that?”

“I don’t know. It was one of the bottles I found. It doesn’t smell like alcohol.” I replied.

James nodded and begun to turn away from me. “Whatever you do just don’t dr—WHAT THE HELL STRAI?!?”

I smiled sheepishly and lowered the vial from my mouth. “Opps.”

“What does it taste like?” Gwen asked.

“Like a bunch of bears took a bath in sewer water.”

“Bears?” Albus questioned with a smirk.

“Bears.” I replied with a grimace. “It’s yucky.” Turning away from them, then I looked at my hands. “AH! There all bubbly…oh.” I replied dumbly, “That’s why it seemed to so familiar.”

“What is it?” James asked frantically.

I turned around, now in the form of Mrs. Sunshine-Happy-Useler, “Polyjuice Potion.” I replied.

They all stared at me, “We need to get you to see McGonagall.” I nodded and we began to walk to the door.

“No!” I shouted randomly.


“I’m not wearing what she would wear. I need pink.” I looked at Gwen she smiled reassuringly.

Here goes nothing.

James Potter the Triwizard Tournament

Chapter 23: Sketchy & Sketchier

James’s Pov.

“Professor!” I called running into her office with Strai still as Mrs. Useler.

“Mickey Gee!” I looked at her. She shrugged, “I thought she needed a nickname.” I rolled my eyes attempting to hold back a smile.

McGonagall sat her desk, her eyes down casted reading papers. “Yes Strai?”

“Look up! I wanna show you something!”  McGonagall looked up and gasped.

“Strai Riddle! What have you gotten yourself into now?” She then proceeded to yell at Strai and I took that moment to escape.

I was heading towards the common room to get a piece of parchment to write a letter to my dad about this whole ordeal when I ran into Gwen.

“Hey James.” She greeted, awkwardly. This was the first time we had been together since we dated that we have been alone together. “Look I wanted to ask you something.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Are you mad at me for being friends with Strai? I mean I totally understand if you are, I mean I did put you in a coma.”

“I’m not mad, I mean I was kind of pissed when Strai told me you guys were friends but I don’t hate you for it. If Strai trusts you, then I trust you. You are a really nice girl, you know when your not putting me in comas or kissing me randomly in the hallway. Plus you did save Strai’s life and I owe for that.” I replied with a friendly smile.

“Thanks James. Strai is lucky. You care about her a lot. It seems the whole Potter/Weasley clan does.” She stated.

I laughed, “Yeah we do. Strai seems to have that effect on people.” I turned to leave but she stopped me.

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