Questioning the Questions

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James Potter and the Tri-wizard Tournament

Chapter 21: Questioning the Questions

James’s Pov.

Christmas break seemed to fly by, we all went back to school and I had a lot of catching up to do. What was worse was the fact that Strai wasn’t helping me.


“No,” she replied flipping through a copy of the The Quibbler.

“Why not?” I asked.


“But—“ I was cut off by Gwen running over to Strai and hugging her.


I stared between the them, with my mouth hanging open until Gwen smiled and asked, “How was your Christmas, James?” I glared at her in disbelief, was she really asking me that?

 Strai looked at me and tilted her head confused for a moment. Then she jumped up, “Oh James you were in a coma! I almost forgot!” she exclaimed, “During the second task, Gwen saved my life from a werewolf. So,” she put her arm around Gwen, “Are dating now.”


I just stared at her.

She was kidding right?

This is the longest joke ever.

Eventually a grin broke through of her seriousness and she laughed, “Just draking you! (A/N you know like Drake and Josh? No? Okay I’ll just keeping writing then) no but we are friends.” I nodded and pulled her to the corner of the room away from Gwen.

“Strai why were you near a werewolf?”

“Second task was a scavenger hunt in the forbidden forest.” She answered with a smile. “And I met a centaur named Cicero who said that he looks for to meeting someone named Benji…”

“Weird, I always like the name Benji.” I mumbled.

“Me too.” She replied. We stared at each other for a few minutes before I remembered this conversation was about Gwen.

“Anyways, I don’t think you should trust her.”

“Why not?”

“Because she tried to drug me Strai.”

“I ate alone with her before we were friends and she didn’t do anything to me.” She argued.

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I don’t  want to sprout fur every full moon and eat villagers!” Strai exclaimed. “Anywho she’s fine, I promise. Just give her a chance. Your family gave a me a chance.”


“She’s my friend too James. And for the record it wasn’t her idea to drug you.” Strai gave me the puppy dog eyes.

“That is not fair!” She kissed me on the neck. “Unfair advantage!” She kissed my jaw. “Grr-Strai—“ she kissed the corner of my mouth, “Fine! I’ll give her a chance!” She squealed and hugged me kissing me on the lips.

“Oh and if she does try to do anything to me, I can take her with or without magic.” She smiled before she pulled me back to the couch and forced me to do my work while she and Gwen gossiped.


“Moring class!” Mrs. Sunshine-and-Rainbows said coming into the room of our potions classroom.

“What are you doing here?” Strai asked.

“Your potions master is very sick, he enjoyed the holidays a little too much.” She explained, “So I will be your substitute. But the problem is that I don’t know anything about potions so I guess you get to do something fun.”

We all smiled, “Great, so you will be doing what teenagers love best! Talking about yourselves. You will be filling out these questionnaires.” She began passing back papers and I looked at the questions.

#13 what is your greatest weakness?

…My family and friends?

#17 Is there anyone you would do anything for?


#26 What is your favorite place to go to be alone?

Covered Bridge

#32 What is something that you’re not good at?

Answering questionnaires.

I looked over at Strai who was looking at the sheet with a horrified expression, “Why does she want to know all of theses?” She whispered to me. I shrugged. I looked over at her sheet and saw her answers, nothing was new to me but something that did stick out to me was the answer to number thirty two, she replied with, effort. I rolled my eyes and smiled when I saw that I was the answer to number seventeen.

I looked back at Strai and she was looking at Ms. Sunshine with a familiar glint of mischief in her eyes, “I am going to find out what she plans on using these for.” She smiled and then got up from her seat and made her way towards the teacher’s desk.

That’s when everything started to take a turn for the worse.

Sorry for like not updating in forever and then giving you a really short chapter! I am so sorry! But a lot has happened since like four months ago when I last updated. So I really hope you liked the chapter I know it was boring and yucky but it’s leading up to pure epicness of the next chapter and I will give you the chapter title: How To Get Detention.

So if you look at the picture on the…left(? I don’t my rights from lefts!) you will see a grid of characters and their names. I would like to see if you can guess who Strai’s kid is. And if you want to do the others have fun. I will explain what I am doing with them next chapter. J

Hint: the parents are all characters from this story.

That was a really obvious hint but I just kind of want to know if you can guess.


Okay, well bye!

V----V Vampireluver23

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