Get A Clue

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So sorry it's late! Thought I posted it last night but apparently it didn't. 


James Potter and the Tri-wizard Tournament

Chapter 22: Get A Clue

Strai’s Pov.

I placed my hands on Ms. Happy’s desk and smiled as I sat down in the seat that I dragged in front of it. “Hello, I have a question.”

She put on a fake smile, “What is it?”

“Why do we have to answer these questions?”

“Because I told you too.” She replied with a tight smile.

I pulled a chair up to the desk, “Look I understand you aren’t a fan of children, it’s obvious. But what I don’t understand it why you became a guidance counselor of all jobs and now this worksheet.” I tapped my finger against my cheek pretending to be thinking, then I pointed at her and leaned back, “I think you’re up to something.”

“You’ve got nothing on me.” She replied not looking very confident.

I smirked, “You really want to bet on that? Do you have any idea who I am? Or what I am capable of?” She stared at me, trying to figure me out. I leaned in, “Look, I don’t trust you. I think you’re lying. And I am giving you a chance to come clean right now and I won’t tell the administration or you can stay quiet until I figure out what you’re doing and then be sent to Askaban.”

“You have some kind of nerve to be threatening a faculty member.” She replied.

“You really have no idea who I am do you?” I questioned.

“What does being James Potter’s girlfriend have anything to do with this?”

“I’m not just his girlfriend, I am much scarier than that.”

“You don’t scare me.” I was now aware of how intense this has gotten.

I smirked again, “Weird,” I lifted my arm and watched as my sleeve fell revealing my wrist, “Because I should.”

Her face? Priceless. “Strai Riddle, D-detention!” She shrieked.

“I’m cool with that.” I replied casually leanly back in the chair.

James stood up, “Can you even give us detentions? You’re not a teacher.”

“Class dismissed.”


“James Potter I will give you detention also!”

James looked at me and I smiled, “James, go. I’ll be fine.” I winked at him. “See you after detention.”

I was alone with Ms. Sunshine.

“So, Ms. Sunshine—“

“My name is Mrs. Useler.”

“Oh.” There was a pause. “You have a real name?”

Then there was a growl. I smiled, and looked around her office. We were having a staring match (I think I’m winning, she’s really bad).  Suddenly a loud boom echoed around the room from down the hall. Finally, I thought to myself.

“What was that?” she asked me.

I shrugged, “How should I know? I’m not physic.” Oh the irony.

“Stay here.” She said before getting up from her seat, “Don’t move. I will know.” She sent a threatening glare before leaving the room.

As soon as the door shut I bolted from my seat and began looking through her stuff. I wasn’t sure what I expected to find but I was hoping it was something that could get her kicked out.

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