CHAPTER 13 : Happy People

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Everything was perfect. I had Troye in my arms and he bore my mark. Finally!

Since the council lifted the curse, we have taken every single opportunity to touch one another even in the smallest ways. We were basically making up for lost time, like now.

School had ended and we were all in the living room. My dad had mom in his lap and he was growling while kissing her. As disturbing as most people feel at the sight of their parents. I couldn't help feel happy.

Ezra and Cody were in the love seat whispering to one another and rubbing at Cody's baby bump and sharing sweet kisses here and there and I had Troye beneath me on the couch. He stared up at me softly.

"I've never been so happy." He whispered to me,his finger tips running over my jaw.

"I never thought this day would come," I told him honestly. "And it wouldn't have without your insistence." I grinned and he chuckled.

"Well,it's a good thing I grew to be so stubborn." I rolled my eyes and I kissed him passionately. I wanted to take him right then and there. I growled then and grabbed onto his thighs.

I sat up and pulled him up. I couldn't stay in this room full of sexual mention and not act on it. I heard a rip and with furrowed brows looked over at my parents and my eyes widened.

"Your dad is going to go all the way,like seriously." Troye whispered as I saw my dad move them so that my mom was beneath him and slipped his hand under her dress.

"This will get awkward soon." I said and met Ezra's eyes. He shook his head and snapped his fingers then he and Cody disappeared. That new trick would take some getting used to.

Walking around the couch I spotted Dave and Dylan on the floor making out, Dave had his hand in Dylan's pant. Those two had no shame.

Troye pulled my hair then and I laughed running up the stairs to out bedroom. When we arrived he jumped off and stripped immediately. I felt my mouth go dry then at the sight of his beautiful body. He bit his lip and walked over to the window.

I watched transfixed then as he held onto the frame and stuck his ass out.

"Well,Alpha?" He said looking at me from over his shoulder. I growled and ripped my clothes off and I went to town on the beautiful man I call my mate.

A few months ago, it was hard to imagine this ever happening and I would have probably tried to kill anyone who would claim that it was possible.

Soon he and I were a tangle of limbs on the floor. He stared down at me with eyes shining with love.

"So,when would you like to finally be introduced to the pack?" A small smile made its way onto his face.

"You mean," his finger trailed down my lips,"I get to be Alpha? Officially? " I grinned.

"What else could it mean?" He planted his mouth onto mine,his tongue curled around mine in a dance of absolute passion and I growled, grabbing onto his hips.

"As soon as possible." He breathed out heavily. I chuckled then before gasping as he grabbed onto my member. I stared at him and he smirked.

Happiness doesn't even begin to define how I felt in that moment and many more to come.


Cody (1 month later)

Everything was amazing. A month ago Troye was named the Alpha along with William,the celebration was beautiful. Things couldn't get any better really.

Today was no exception either.

Never had I imagined such a beautiful beginning. Ezra held my hand over the table as we sat across his grandparents, Josephine and Icarus.

They were really nice people and the atmosphere was calm and welcoming as we sat in the restaurant. Luckily,Josephine did a spell on me so that when people saw me,they didn't see the baby bump which was great because I don't believe that people are ready for males who can have babies.

"So,this idiot here wants to try for another baby,can you believe it?" Josephine giggled. "I swear he thinks I'm still in my 30's. " Icarus only rolled his eyes then and Ezra made a face.

"I do not need to know this." He sighed. "So,have you seen my mom?" He asked and Josephine sighed.

"Well," Icarus sighed in his beautiful accent. "We have and she is moving."

Ezra glanced at me.

"She wants to live with you." Josephine supplied and both our eyes rose.

"Really? Why?" Ezra asked, "what about Richard?"

"Oh they are getting a divorce." Icarus said with a smile,like it was all so simple and happy news.

"He was having an affair with one of the woman at church." Ezra leaned back.

"Wow,will you look at that." Ezra said.

"How is Fiona?" I asked feeling bad about it.

"Oh,she cried herself to sleep." Josephine nodded taking a sip of wine. "She's been staying with us for a while."

"She figured a new start would be great,besides,they have offered her a transfer to a company that is near where you live any way,so meh."

"Now! Is it a boy or a girl!" Josephine asked excited. I chuckled at the excited woman.

"It's a girl." Ezra said slowly with a small smile and I looked at him with a raised brow.

"Oh? And how would you know?" He grinned.

"I can feel it." He revealed to me and I rubbed my stomach. "I wasn't sure until this morning. When you were sleeping and she kicked. " he explained, "it was kind of weird buy I felt like I could hear her in my head,just as the name Ahreane popped into my head."

"Well," Josephine nodded," that will be one powerful child if she can already reach out to the outside world." I looked down at my stomach in wonder. "Makes sense though, an omega with a gift and a caster for parents." Icarus then looked at my stomach and grinned.

"Oh,yes,it's a she." He had a dreamy smile. "Oh she will be a hand full too." He laughed a loud masculine laugh which caused my baby to kick and I groaned because it was extra hard.

"Looks like she knows who her great grand parents are." They both laughed and the night went on smoothly. It was filled with laughter love and the awkward moment when Icarus said something dirty to Josephine.

Now that was weird. In a good way. And our baby just wouldn't keep still. Ezra took my hand then,staring into my eyes shining with joy. I winked at him and he chuckled,truly,things couldn't get any better.

HIS - Book 2-(mxm)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें