today's the day. | finale!

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"You think if Yi-Jeong ends the wedding without marrying that woman, he'll marry you instead?" I thought for a while.

"I think the question is if I'll say yes." I laughed and smiled.

"For as long as I've known So Yi-Jeong, he keeps his cool around girls he doesn't know personally, but when he is around someone he really loves, he gets irrational and sentimental.  He'll probably ask me to run away with him to Sweden or something right after the wedding, but I'll say no." He looked to me with a questioning look.


"Because my family would want me to graduate first, then start a family or even marry. They would want me to be successful for myself before making anyone else my first priority. And that's how I want to be to. If Yi-Jeong loves me that much, he'll wait for me. If he doesn't, it's easy proof." Ji-Hoo laughed.

"You're so technical."

"That's just how I am I guess." We laughed together and got into the car after looking at the time. I looked out the mirror.

We arrived shortly after and I still had his blazer on. I walked beside him and gave his jacket back, so I could go up and put my shoes on. I put on my heels and fixed the bobby-pins and ties in my hair. I went back downstairs and smiled at my friends. We all made our way into the grand room, the girls sitting with the audience and the boys being best-men for Yi-Jeong. We sat down and talked quietly.
I jingled the bracelets on my wrist.

"It's almost starting." I turned to them and smiled faintly.

"So let's be polite for now."

And the ceremony began.

We all stood up and clapped at the Officiant that walked down the aisle, as well as the groom shortly after. I smiled as his hair was swooped up and handsome. I clapped.

He came down to his respected spot and waited for his bride. The music began and an old Korean man with his daughters came down. She was stunning to say the least. We all clapped as she arrived to her spot, Yi-Jeong taking her arm, forcing a genuine smile. We all sat down as his hands began shaking. She controlled them. The boys sat back down next to us. I rubbed my finger together in slight anticipation. What will he say?

"Today we celebrate the marriage of Cha Eun-Jae and So Yi-Jeong." It started off smooth. Eun-Jae Sunbae seemed to have been hiding something, but it was unsure. She looked off to the audience and her eyes trailed off to me. She smiled weakly. I smiled back warmly with my lips closed.

Though in the middle of ceremony, everything looked off. I stared as Eun-Jae whispered something in his ear and stepped off the stage. The man who I assumed to be Yi-Jeong's father crossed his arms in confusion and followed her with his eyes as she walked over to me. She gently grabbed my hand and walked me up to the stage. I looked at her full of shock.

"Eun-Jae Sunbae!" I urgently said. She smiled and caressed my hand.

"I've been watching you two. And it seems Yi-Jeong is much better off with you, So-Young. I loved him once, but I cannot love him again. Because my heart belongs with somebody else." She looked off to a older male in the audience.

"You've been, watching us?" I asked. She nodded once.

"I may sound evil, but I'm truly not. I would never take away something as precious as your happiness and love from you." She looked out the audience and undid her hair.

"I can't be the only one to disagree. Tearing love apart is not right!" She glared at Mr. So. The F4 boys stood up from their seats. I looked over as Jan-di and Ga Eul stood up too. I tilted my head slightly.

"Eun-Jae!" Yi-Jeong said. "Are you really doing this?" She turned to him and interlocked his arm with mine.

"I want you to be happy. Just let me do it one last time." He held back tears.

"No matter what you say, I will not allow Yi-Jeong to marry me! So-Young is only qualified to that!" I blushed madly.

"Love can be distanced apart, but never broken. So-Young and Yi-Jeong have proven that." Eun-Jae walked over to me and put her veil on my head. She held my shoulders tight and smiled to me.

"Please. Love him everyday as if it's your last. Because you deserve to." She then sighed and walked out slowly, her head down. The same older male chasing after her.

I watched after her.

"She really is different." I whispered. I looked down to me and Yi-Jeong's interlocked arms. He looked and smiled at me, taking my hand. I stared as he flipped over the mesh veil and leaned in. I leaned in and closed my eyes. Our lips finally meeting. We pulled back and touched foreheads. He laughed with his eyes closed.

"We're finally together." He whispered. I laughed and threw my arms around him.

"I've been waiting long enough." All of Yi-Jeong's friends cheered as my friends hugged me.

I smiled with tears forming in my eyes.

And since that day, I've never been happier. My dream, had finally come true. We walked out hand in hand. As I hugged his arm, he held me tight.

"So-Young." He spoke. I looked up at him as we were alone. He smiled and brushed the hair out of my face, nostalgia hitting me. He pressed his lips in a semi-circle.

"I love you so much." I sighed. I hugged him and rested my chin on his shoulder. My eyes shut as we both enjoyed the bliss moment.

"I love you more, Yi-Jeong."

And as they say, when a door closes, another one opens.

And I hope this door was just as good as the last.

still holding on | a boys over flowers fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin