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a/n: mark's and Taeyong's hair colour really feeling Christmas day <3 i need a new nct unit or bring back nct u, i want to see ten!!


A beep. Confused, you open your eyes slightly. Everything is quiet again. It was probably nothing, you think, relaxing your body again. You had just fallen back to sleep when-

Another beep. Someone was texting you. Without opening your eyes, you reached for your phone that you knew lied at the night stand next to your bed. The brightness of the light was tearing into your eyes and it took you at least ten seconds to adapt to the white light.

Finally, you noticed the time. 2:36am. Who sends messages at this time? Opening the text, you found out who it was from; Taeyong , the boy you had been dating for a couple of months now. You hadn't been too serious, but you spent time together one to three times a week and really enjoyed it. It was really easy with him, nothing was scary or felt uncomfortable and he had even stayed over here and there.

You read the texts he had sent you, two messages, almost right after each other:
"Are you awake?"

"Please don't be asleep. I'm drunk and I need to tell you how much I love you." He'd told you that he was going to a party tonight, but you had no idea he would drunk text you. He's never done that before. In fact, he had never told you that he loved you either.

Still in shock, you quickly replied to him:
"Are you okay?"

He answered quickly after:
"No. I don't feel well and I need you." You felt your heart racing, at two reasons: For one you felt sorry for him and wanted to help him and for two, his sudden longing for you made you slightly emotional. But it made you feel closer to him, and you felt important.

"Taeyong , where are you?" You texted him.

His reply was rapid once again:
"I'm in a cab. I told the driver your address." Thank god, you thought. You were relieved that he still wasn't drinking or with many people. You got out of bed, slipped on a pair of shorts and went into the living room to wait for him.

15 minutes later, you heard some faint knocking on the door. You jumped up from the couch and paced over to the door, carefully opening it. There he was, his hair a mess, eyes drousy and still one hand slightly lifted after knocking. When he saw your face, he stumbled inside, right into you.

He leaned against you, burying his head in your neck. You closed the door, him still on you and wrapped your arms around him. Your hand reached for his hair and startes stroking it, soothingly.

"I feel like shit." He mumbled, not moving from his position. You pulled away slightly and cupped his face in your hands. His eyes were slightly teary, you didn't know if it was the alcohol that had caused it or the cold outside or just him being emotional.

"I'm happy you came to me. You need to sober up, let's go into the kitchen." You told him and grabbed his arms slightly. He stumbled through the corridor and sat down on the floor, leaning against the kitchen counter. You started finding some painkillers and a big glass of water along with some crackers just to get some calories in him. Turning back, his eyes were closed. You crouched down in front of him and poked his cheek.

"Hey, you can't sleep yet. You need to sober up first." You told him. He whined, but opened his eyes.

"But I'm tired." He said, looking at you as if you had asked him to clean the whole house. You handed him the glass and one of the crackers, asking him to eat and drink. He lazily did as you said and you sat down beside him. You started drawing circles on his leg and leaned your head against his shoulders as he kept on drinking his water.

After a good while he seemed to had come to his senses again.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice faint and raspy. You lifted your head and looked at him.

"Why?" You asked. He let out a short sigh.

"For just - barging in and demanding your help I guess?" He hesitated a bit and his eyebrows furrowed as he spoke.

"Taeyong , you know I'm more than happy to help you."

"I know but I'm a bit of a mess when I'm drunk, I get really ... soft and emotional." He confessed, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers. You leaned your head against him again and he leaned his on yours.

"You know that I love you right?" You assured him and you could feel him nod against you.

"I love you too. I feel like we both know, but never really talk about it." He stated, causing your heartbeat to quicken again.
"You're right, it's just - there I guess." You said and his grip around your hand tightened.

"God, I love you so much." He repeated his feelings to you again. You raised your head and met his eyes. He leaned closer making his lips meet yours, sending sparks similar to the first time this happened. Pulling away, you leaned your forehead against his. You could feel his chest moving with his every breath. This might have been quite serious after all.

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