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"So, when are you going to comeback to Korea?" You ask, walking around your bedroom with your phone pressed to your ears. "Hmm.. Tomorrow I don't know what time, but I'll be on the plane tomorrow" Jeno replies to you through the phone. "Okay, but call me when you get on the plane. I want too pick you up from the airport with my parents" you murmur, sitting on the edge of your bed. "What if I call you around two in the morning?" Jeno asks, raising his eyebrows, ignoring the stares from his band members. "Hmm.. Just call me, I'm not sure if I could pick it up exactly but just spam me through text message if don't" you said. Jeno nods his head and sit back down on the hotel's bed. "Alright, but I don't think that you would appreciate that" Jeno chuckles, you let out a light laugh and shook your head. "Maybe I won't, but I'll know that at least you're on the plane, coming back to Korea." You chuckled, twirling your hair in your hands. "True" Jeno murmurs, laying down on the hotel bed. It was quiet between you two through the phone, you laid down on your bed and closed your eyes. "Hey" you murmurs. Jeno hums in response. "What time is it over there in America?" You whispered, running your hands through your hair.

"Well, it's night time over here in America" Jeno replies, feeling his eyelids dropping. "Just got back from performing?" You ask softly, Jeno nods his head. "Yup" Jeno says softly, releasing a yawn. "What time is it there in Korea?" Jeno says, cracking his eyes open, refusing to fall asleep on the phone while talking to his best friend. "It's morning over here" you said, looking over at your windows, the sun shining through the blinds. "Just woke up? Just to call me?" Jeno asks in a teasing tone, making you blush.

"Yah! As your best friend, is it bad for me to call my best friend to make sure if he's okay?" You ask, raising your eyebrows. "No,no it's not bad (y/n)" Jeno says, his smile slipping off into a frown. Best friends, right. That's what you think the two of you are; best friends. If only you knew. "And what about you, Jeno? You're sleepy and yet still on the phone talking to me" you smirked, Jeno blushes and began to sputter sleepily. "Yah! It's rude to end a conversation for five minutes like that" Jeno protested, you pulled your phone away from your ears quickly and checked how long both you and Jeno have spoken before pressing the phone back on your ears. "Jeno, we've been talking for a few hours now" you chuckled, Jeno puffs his cheeks out. "I called you the minute NCT Dream finished perform. Which was at eight" Jeno replies, you chuckled.

"Three hours,Jeno. We've been talking for three hours" you respond, Jeno laugh. "Is it bad to have a conversation with my best friend for three hours?" Jeno asks, his cheeks turning crimson red. "No,no." You laughed, your smile slipping off. Best friend. Right. You're his best friend; oh if only Jeno knew.

"Yah, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed now, bye (y/n)" Jeno says softly rolling over onto his bed. "Night, Haha" you cracked a smile, both you and Jeno hung up the phone. You put your phone back on the charger and closers your eyes. "I can't wait to see you again, Jeno. It's been a month" you think to yourself, you pulled the blanket over and covered yourself with it and fell asleep. Maybe if you fell asleep, It'll passed sometime and Jeno will call you back. After hanging up the phone, Jeno plugged his phone and got up from bed, walking up towards his suitcase.

"Finally going to shower, Jeno?" Haechan ask, scrolling through his phone. "Yea" Jeno murmurs pulling out a clean pair of underwear, shirt and shorts. "So, you and (y/n) huh?" Jaemin asks, grinning at Jeno cheekily. "We're just best friends, nothing  more" Jeno replies, his heart sinking at his own comment. "Sure, for now." Renjun replies, wiggling his eyebrows at Jeno cheekily. "Yah! Leave the subject be!" Jeno groans, covering his red face with his hands as he's walking towards the bathroom. After Jeno closed the bathroom door, his band members got together and began to bicker. "Jeno needs to date (y/n) NOW!" Mark says, crossing his arms over his chest. "Isn't (y/n) older than him?" Jisung asks , hugging the pillow to his chest after he plopped down onto the bed. "She's a month younger than that kid. She also went to the same school as he does" Haechan replies, shrugging his shoulders. "Wahh! Why are they so stubborn when it comes to their feelings?" ChenLe pouted, burying his face into his pillow. "Hey! The kids are going through puberty right now! Feelings are to them." Mark says, earning chuckles from the members. "It's cute tho. It's cute" Jaemin smiles, burying his face into his pillow.

The very next day, Jeno and the members are at the airport, waiting for their plane. Jeno tries to call you but you didn't pick up at all. Again, he called you, but got the same result. You didn't answer. "She's probably sleeping, I mean, it's night time there in Korea." Jisung says, patting Jeno's shoulder. "I'm gonna spam her" Jeno replies simply, making Jisung chucked. "Okay, spam her all you want." A few hours into your sleep, your mom woke you up. "(Y/n) wake up. You told me that you wanted to see Jeno at the airport, right?" Your mom ask softly. "Oh crap" you gasped, you quickly get out from bed and changed into a hoodie and leggings. You put your shoes quickly, grabbing your phone before dashing out from the house towards the car. Your mom got into the driver seat and start the car. You looked at your watch and rubbed your sleepy eyes. "Are you excited to see Jeno again?" Your mom asks, smiling at you as she pulls off the drive way. "Yes! It's been awhile since I've seen him" you breathed, turning on your phone. You have seven missed calls and 240 messages from Jeno himself. "Wow! Jeno wasn't kidding when he said he'll spam if I don't answer his calls" you think to yourself, checking the messages one by one. "Hey (y/n) <3<3 we're going to get on the plane number 12. Look out for it in few hours!" You cracked a smile and placed your phone back in your pocket.

Jeno's on the plane and there's need now to text him while he's on the plane. He's probably sleeping on the plane right now. "Wait, how is he going to see me in few hours if the duration of the flight is 18 hours?" You blurted out, you mom glanced at you. "That kid probably too sleepy while texting you" your mom chuckles, you cracked a smile. "Maybe your right." You reply, resting your head against the car window and stared off into space. Arriving at the airport, both you and your mom walked into the airport your hands felt clammy as you looked around for Jeno. Wait, it's a long ride why looking for Jeno? He's probably on the plane! You face palmed and took a seat; looking over at your mom, you poked her arm. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when Jeno arrived" you said, laying down. "Alright dear" your mom chuckles, sitting down beside you.

You were exhausted, but you couldn't sleep at all. All you did was move around to find a comfortable position to sleep. But you couldn't find any. As if it only two minutes, you felt your mother shaking you. "What? Is Jeno's here?" You asks, jolting up from your spot. "Sweetie, what's flight is he again?" Your mother asks softly. "Flight 12, why?" You asks, looking at her. "Honey, flight 12 crashed" your mother said, looking at you sadly. "What?!" You exclaimed while standing up. "Flight 12 crashed and there was no report of whether someone survived or not" your mother said; tears began to create in your eyes. "J-jeno and the guys... They're.." You chocked up, you collapsed to the ground and began to cry into the plams of your hands.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)" your mom murmurs, kneeling down next to you and pulled you into her arms. You continue cry in her shoulders, your heart aching. You lost your guy best friends and the guy that you have a crush on so many years. You lost them in a plane crash. One, you're tired and two, because you no longer have any tears left to shed. You wiped down your stray tears away and looked down at your lap, your mom brushed your hair away from your face. "(Y/n)!!" You heard a screaming from a distance, you looked behind and your eyes widened. Jeno was standing there, smiling at you widely. "Jeno." You breathed, looking at Jeno, shockingly. "Jeno!"

You screamed, running towards Jeno in full speed. Jeno drops his luggage and dashed in your direction. You jump into Jeno's arms and hugging him tightly, as he twirls you around. "How are you still alive? Your plane crashed" you said hugging him tightly, tears are once again brimming in your eyes. "Plane crash?" Jeno looks at you with wide eyes. You nodded your head and wiping you tears on your cheek. "We aren't on that flight, (y/n). The thing was the guys and I were late and we kinda missed the flight actually" he shrugs his shoulders. "I've sent you a message when we first arrived on the airport! We didn't find out that we missed our flight until a few hours later because well... The people that worked there told us that we missed it!" Jeno scratched his head, with a sheepish smile on his face. " so, we have to get on another plane and waited for it for a few hours! It was a long wait but the plane was quicker that the plane that we should rode on" Jeno explains, wiping off your tears.

"But I'm just glad that I finally can meet you, (y/n)! After months, I finally can see your pretty face" Jeno smiles, pressing his forehead against yours. "Why are they not dating?" ChenLe asks, crossing his chest against his arms. "Beats me! But once we're all rest up, we are going to (y/n) and Jeno confess to each other. Their feelings are shown too obvious." Haechan says, the boys nods their heads in agreement.

[ Ha! This fanfic, there's no kiss scene. You know NCT dream are all like elementary students so no Kissy kissy 😂 jk jk. HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! I know it's late but who cares l. This story might be one of the longest that I ever wrote😂 ]

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