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[ One of my cringe-est NCT imagines that I ever wrote, any of yall watch PD101 S2 because I do :) and it's hard to choose a bias there 😂 and enjoy this 1025 words 😙 ]

It's White Day and Renjun tends to get clingy towards you. Renjun's head popped up from the fluffy blankets and looked around with wide eyes. "Whoa! What a night." Renjun's whispers, he scrambled out of his bed and walked to the bathroom while putting on a shirt. Renjun's stopped midway and looked at the clock. March 14 (March 14 is White Day, Valentines Day is on February 14). Why did March 14 seemed so important to everyone? Renjun squints his eyes and looked at the words in parenthesis. "White Day." Renjun's whispers, his eyes immediately widened. "I need to hurry up!" Renjun's whispers, quickly doing his usual morning routines before dashing out of the NCT dorm. "Aigoo, where is the kid going?" Taeil asks, watching Renjun dashing off. "He's probably going to see his Noona girlfriend." Doyoung spoke up, putting his hands in his pockets. "Ooh, a Noona girlfriend?" Haechan asks, smirking slightly. "She's only a few months older than the kid, plus he looks older than her." Johnny says, flipping his hair to the side. "So, is he going to buy (y/n) something for White Day?" Jeno asks, glancing at his band members who shrugged. "He'll probably just cling onto her" Taeyong chuckles, making his way back to his room. "So, is Renjun's the cheap boyfriend?" Jisung wonders aloud, making all eyes at him. "Probably." Mark shrugs his head, scratching his head.

You're sound asleep, snuggling against the pillow as you tighten your grip on your blanket unconsciously. As your were sleeping, Renjun arrived at your house. He knocked on the door and waited patiently, smiling widely. The doer opened, revealing your mom. "Renjun! What are you doing early in the morning here?!" Your mom asks, looking at Renjun surprised. "Its White day!" Renjun says happily, continuing to grin widely. "And?" Your mom says slowly, raising his eyebrows at Renjun. "I came here to be with (y/n)!" Renjun smiles, hugging onto the small teddy bear in his arms. "Renjun, you do know that (y/n) is still sleeping, right?" Your mom murmurs softly, watching the hyper teen bounce on the balls of his feet happily. "I know! I want to surprise her when she wakes up!" Renjun says, smiling at your mom widely. "Aigoo, this kid" your mom though to herself, letting him into the house. "Thank you, Mrs.Kim" Renjun smiles widely, skipping towards your bedroom, your couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head. "Aigoo, this kid really loves her" your mom thought to herself and went back to the kitchen. Renjun crept towards your bedroom and opened the door quietly and slipped into your bedroom. You're still sleeping, snoring softly.

Renjun squeals to himself, grinning widely. "She's so cute when she was sleeping!" Renjun quietly clap his hands, accidentally drop the small teddy bear. "Oops" Renjun mumbles, he quickly pick up the teddy bear and walked towards your bed. He knelt down beside you and placed the small bear in your arms, Renjun brushes your hair back and kisses your cheek. "Jagiya" Renjun whispers, you groaned softly in your sleep and stirred. Renjun's eyes widened and froze for a moment, watching you slowly wake up. The minute your eyes opened, your eyes landed on Renjun. "What the ...." you mumbled, blinking at Renjun in confusion. "Morning Jagiya! Happy White day!" Renjun chimed happily, grinning at you widely. "Renjun? How in the world you did get into my house?" You mumble, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "Oh! Your mom let me into the house" Renjun chimed, sitting on the bed. "Whyy..." you shook your head and sat up from your bed and stretched, stretching your head. "So, whats today?" You mumble, squinting at the calendar on your desk. "Its White Day Jagiyaa!" Renjun sang happily, wrapping his arms around you. "White Day? Dang it's already White Day?" You mumbled, your head resting on Renjun's shoulders. "Also what does it matter if it's white day anyway? Don't you feel sleepy, its freaking Saturday" you murmur, your arm snaking around Renjun's waist. "What does that matter? Oh! It means we can spend time together" Renjun chimes happily, resting his chin on your head. "What do you mean by that? We always spend time together" you chuckled, gazing at your adorable boyfriend.

"By that, i mean that I can cling onto you whenever I want without being judged by other people" Renjun squeaked happily, his luscious hair swaying to the side gently. Damn. That kid is like a real life anime character or something. "Not surw about the elders, but lets hope that they won't scold us about our skinship in public!" Renjun smiles, his cheeks dusting pink. "Renjun, I'm actually planning on staying in bed the whole day." You said sheepishly, trying to fix your bed head. "Oh, you wanna stay in your bed the whole day?" Renjun asks, blinking down at you. You nodded your head. "Why?" Renjun looks at you curiously. You grinned and laughed nervously. "Because I kinda of forget that I have a boyfriend." You said slowly, blinking at him. "Eh?? You forgot that you have a boyfriend??" Renjun squeks out, you nodded your head in response. "Well guess what, jagiya? I am your white day person thingy" Renjun says both dramatically and cutely at the same time. "In America they call it a Valentine, but what do people here call their 'valentine' for white day? That's what makes me confused" Renjun rambles on, continuing to wonder what people call their White Day people. "You're so cute!" You chuckled, poking his forehead. "I am! So you are!" Renjun exclaims cutely, tackling you on the bed and nuzzles his face into your neck. "So clingy!" You giggled, poking his nose happily. Renjun grins down to you and peck your lips. "Yah! I haven't washed my teeth yet!" You whined, covering your face. "Don't worry,jagiya!" Renjun grins at you, clinging into you tighter and pecked your cheeks.

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