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"(Y/N)!" You heard Chenle call from the other side of your fort, "Watch out!"
You had been friends with NCT Dream since they debuted; your sisters job as their stylist permitting you to meet them and get to know them while you helped. The boys had just finished promoting their new album, which allowed for them all to have some free time to goof off together, and since you were friends, they asked you to join with them.

It had been snowing all day; a rare occurrence over where you were. What's even more rare, is that the snow was actually sticking and not disappearing while it fell. With this in mind, you and the six boys had decided to take this to your advantage.

You all decided to have a snowball fight; you, Chenle and Renjun on one team, while the other four boys were on another.
You had had a crush on Renjun since you had met him and got to know him. He was sweet, funny, and nice, and completely and utterly adorable. You had loved spending time with him, but for some reason, you had never worked up the courage to tell him how you felt.

You felt something cold hit your back as you rolled snowballs to hand off to Chenle, the obvious icy snow sliding down your winter coat as you turned to see Jisung standing there with a smirk on his face.
"Hey!" You shouted, taking a snowball and chucking it at him as he bolted away laughing, "You came past enemy lines! That's absolutely not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war," Jisung shouted as he ran away from Chenle's tosses, "And this is definitely war."

"Hyung, that's not fair though!" You heard Renjun object as he walked over to you, wiping the snow off of your back, "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

"I'm fine," you giggled, patting his shoulder softly, "now roll the snowballs!"
"How about you come help throw them??" Mark shouted, "I'm all alone up here!"
Renjun chuckled softly, nodding as he went up to Mark, helping him throw some snowballs while you sat back and rolled them.

Soon, most of the boys had gotten tired and cold, but you and Renjun had decided to stay out and play a little longer.

"I'll make you both hot chocolate for when you come in, " Haechan smiled as he waved you two off, leaving you both to sit and enjoy the snow.

"Thank youuu~" Renjun sang softly as he went and stood next to you.

"Watcha looking at?" he asked, leaning his head on your shoulder as you stared up at the trees.

"The trees look so pretty covered in snow, don't they?" you smiled at him, sliding your hands into your pockets. "I love walking around in the snow. It's really peaceful."

"Want to go on a walk, then?" Renjun asked, lifting his head from its spot as he gestured to the sidewalk in front of you two, "They won't mind that we're gone."

"Sure," you smiled, following him as he led the way down the sidewalk. The streets were quiet with little signs of life, no one really bothering to come out from their nice warm homes to enjoy the snow as you two had decided to.

You had felt Renjun staring at you every now and then as you spoke, his intent gaze making a blush rise on your cheeks. You always felt very comfortable around Renjun, but today, you suddenly felt nervous, and you hadn't had the slightest idea as to why that could be.

"(y/n)?" Renjun asked softly, interrupting your thoughts as you two walked by a lake that had been frozen over, "Can i ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure," you said, eyes avoiding his as you laid your hands against your sides.
"The uh," he began, nervousness obvious in his voice, "the members told me.... that you liked me."

You had covered your cheeks with your scarf slightly, not wanting him to see your previous blush turn even darker as he made his statement.
"Is that true?"

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