Chapter 11

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George's POV

   John and Paul were quite strong, but I was stronger. I just wanted to see how long they could keep me down for. Until finally a broke free, basically throwing those two behind me. Ringo and the girl who was also in there ran to help them up. They looked at me with horrified looks on their faces.

   I didn't know what to do after that so I smiled at them, exposing my teeth. They looked even more horrified than they already were. I felt bad about doing that, but I had no choice. I wanted so bad to yell, "Guys this isn't really me. I'm not a monster, Tiffany is." But I couldn't.

   I could see them shaking, but then the girl stood up and walked towards me. I see we have a brave one here. I looked at her face and she seemed very serious. "George, you need to know that this isn't you," she started. "You need to fight it, be yourself again, that awesome guitarist that we all know and love." Her words her heart warming. 

   She kept looking at me and began to smile. I still looked quite evil, but not as much as before. She was quite a nice girl. She almost did look like Tiffany a little bit. Maybe they were sisters. The other lads still looked quite scared. I walked right over to them. I did something that none of them were expecting at all.

   I hugged them and started to cry. They hugged me back and the girl joined in. I felt like myself again, but not all the way. I still really wanted to scare them. But they wouldn't let go of me.

   After the hug ended and my tears went away, I pounded open the door. It did hurt my hand a little, but it wasn't that bad. I ran away and the others were screaming my name. When will they figure out that George isn't here anymore? They will soon.

Paul's POV 

   I have one quick question over all of this, what just happened? One minute George was scaring us, the next we hugs us and starts crying, then he smashes the door and runs away. What is wrong with him?

   We seriously need to get him back. I bet Tiffany might have him. We all ran out and found Tiffany unconscious on the couch. Looks like George has a mind of his own again, but not his normal mind. A vampire mind. Well Tiffany gets what she deserves. She could wake up anytime so we ran out of the house and didn't know what to do then.

   "Should we head to town?" suggested Ringo. "Good idea," I agreed. We went there and it wasn't as busy as it usually was. People must have stayed indoors. Good. There must also still be a search party for the mysterious vampire. I actually hope not. The news hasn't reported anything in days about the vampire.

   We decided to split up and look. I was getting really tired, so I sat down for a little bit. But then I heard something. It sounded like a scream. I followed it and found a lady and George. She looked quite terrified. I then jumped right at him and tackled him on the ground. "George stop!" I shouted.

   He kept trying to break free, but couldn't. I told the lady to run away, as far away as possible. He growled at me and I was thrown off of him. I got up and slapped him across the face. He looked at me like I was crazy. He thinks I'm the crazy one, he literally tried to attack an innocent lady.

   Out of nowhere, a lady holding a microphone and a man holding a camera walked up to us. "As you can see ladies and gentlemen, we have finally found him!" she said happily. We both looked confused, but I finally remembered. Oh no. Then some police came and put George in handcuffs. I watched horrified and didn't want to see my friend taken away from me.

   "No wait stop," I said before he got George in the car. "He isn't a vampire, he's just my friend and likes to role play a lot," I said. "He looks like a real vampire to me, I mean look at his teeth," said the policeman. "Those are just his natural teeth." That's actually true.

   "We were just reenacting a scene from a movie that we both liked. Please don't take away my friend for something he didn't do," I begged. The police thought about it for a moment. His answer surprised both of us. "Fine, we will let him go, but this is just a warning to you young man," he said while taking the handcuffs off.

   George then walked up to me and hugged me. "Thanks for that," he said. But he didn't seem quite happy. He then vanished in the streets, leaving me all alone while the police cars drove away.

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