Chapter 24 - The Great Escape

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A/n: I got overly excited about being so close to finishing my story. One more chapter and that's it.  Just wrapping up a few loose ends Epilogue style. And you all just went crazy with the likes on the last chapter, though I'm partly convinced it's just because I gave you a shot recipe. ;p Anyway all you lovely readers, here's Chapter 24, waaaaaay early and not edited at all. If you see something, let me know. I may or may not bother editing it! LOL. Also, it is a little shorter than some of my other chapters, but it certainly doesn't lack in excitement... at least I think it's exciting.

Luke's POV

"Luke," Victor says gently in my ear so as to not startle me, "we have a problem." I roll my eyes. When don't we have a problem? I mean, Cupcake is in the viper's nest surrounded by guys who want to do nothing but drug her and rape her and the only thing preventing her from leaving is getting this damned documentation downloaded. She really came through for us by getting that Trevor guy to go all gabby and gloat about the fact that Candy's dad kept all the records on his computer here in his office for them. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to flat out admit to that to someone you don't know? I swear, these guys are definitely not criminal masterminds.

"Is someone coming up to the office? That's the only problem I care about right now." I whisper my response in case someone is, in fact, in the hall.

"It's Sang." Those two words make my blood run cold.

"Talk to me, Vic. Don't leave me hanging buddy." I prompt him to continue.

"North and Haru accidently roofied Sang." What? I didn't possibly hear that correctly. I sat up and looked directly at the camera we had hidden in this office just hours earlier and raised my eyebrow, knowing Victor could see me clearly.

"Can you please repeat that Victor? I thought you said my dearest younger brother and Haru roofied Sang."

"That is what I said." Frustration and panic leaking into his voice.

"What's the plan now?" My mind automatically started going through all of the possible exits, noting every feasible escape we could make, carrying Sang, who wasn't going to be any help to us now.

"Sean and Marc will be waiting by the back gate in one of our SUVs to rush her to the Academy Hospital. You, North, Haru and Jimmy need to figure out how to get out of the house with her and to that back gate without being detected. The other three are currently being lead to the room where they keep the girls. We're going to hope it's a guest bedroom on the main floor. But I won't know what security systems to turn off until we know where they plan on holding her." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. If I knew North, he was already beating himself up pretty badly for allowing this to happen. I'll be lucky if he doesn't stop talking again and hole himself away. And, oh gawd, how is Sang ever going to trust us again after we drugged her?

"Does she know?" I ask Victor, my voice still quiet as I finish up transfering all the files to the portable drive he gave me.

"Corey relayed the information to her as soon as we were made aware of the issue. The cups were mixed up and so no one knew for sure if she actually got the drugged drink or not. But, before anyone could say anything, she had already drank enough to potentially affect her. Her drink was supposed to be safe so she didn't even hesitate when Jimmy handed it to her."

"Why did they even risk it? Why not just dump it down the sink or something? What were they thinking actually drugging one of the drinks?" It sounded like a stupid risk to run.

"I think North thought he might be able to drug some of the other guys by letting them taste his drink and slowing down or limiting the number of people coming after them when they made a run for it." That made a little more sense, but it's not the direction I would have gone with it. Too much could have gone wrong keeping one of the cups drugged, and it did. But, there was nothing we could do about it now. Cupcake needed us, and we would move mountains to make sure she was safe.

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