Chapter 13: Nathan's Date

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A/n: What's a chapter without a note from me???  I struggled with titling this chapter. The working chapter title, up until right before publishing was "Nathan's Super Romanticy Date". But I decided that some people might not think it was super romantic so I just shortened it. I'm going to be super busy with work for the next week, so my next chapter is going to be delayed, likely a week. It's not even written yet, so I can't make any type of promises. Thanks for being so understanding!!!

"I never thought you'd be one for a super romantic couples' massage." I said to Nathan as we slid into the back of the town car he had hired to drive us around today. My date with Nathan started with what looked like hand picked wildflowers when he knocked on my door. I don't know where he got them from, I'm not asking, for all I know he ransacked someone's garden. But, it was super sweet of him to pick flowers himself. It made my heart all gooey and my insides mushy. Then, he held my hand as we walked outside to the waiting town car with our own personal driver, whom I didn't recognize, much to my relief. It would have been awkward to be riding around on a date with Nathan while one of the other guys drove. My favorite music played softly over the car speakers and I grinned because this was not the music Nathan would have listened to on his own. He had it playing for me. Then, we went to an exotic looking place that offered romantic couples' massages with low lights and romantic oils. It was very relaxing. I loved it. Nathan and I spoke quietly as the massage therapists worked the tension out of my muscles. I was boneless by the time the massage was over.

"Well, initially, I had something different planned." He smiled warmly at me, his bright blue eyes shining down at me, his russet hair falling around his face. He needed to get that cut, it was getting long and I knew he didn't like it getting too unruly.

"Why did you change your plans?" I asked.

"Well, after last night and your confession that you'd never been on a vacation, I realized there was probably a lot of things you'd never gotten a chance to do and I wanted to make sure some of them were crossed off your list." His cheeks pinked with that admission.

"It's true that there is a lot out there I've never done, but I have gotten massages before with the other guys." I was being cheeky but I didn't want him to think I was without any experiences.

"I know, but you'd never had one there, with me. And you've never been driven by someone else while on a date." He was very matter of fact about that.

"I admit, even Victor never used a driver on our dates, one of you guys always drove or I drove. This is nice, not being to worry about either of us paying attention to the road. We can sit here and talk." He surprised me by leaning forward and placing a tender kiss upon my lips.

"And kiss." He added to my list of reasons I liked drivers.

"Where are we going now?" I was excited to see where our adventures took us. Nathan usually did fast-paced activities centered around sports. I wasn't dressed for sports so this was new territory for me with him.

"I wanted to do something a little different with you. I wanted to show you another side of me, of you and I. We tend to be competitive in sports and I love that, we play hard, but I wanted to open things up for a different option with us when we go out. I don't want you to be able to just expect that we're going to mountain bike, or rock climb or hang-glide, I wanted to show you a softer, more romantic side to me. I want to prove to you that I'm not one dimensional in this relationship." I was now a hot gooey mess on the seat beside him. I leaned forward this time and kissed him a little more passionately in response. He never failed to surprise me. He was always so genuine and earnest with me. It was true that we both enjoyed sports and were competitive when together. It became a battle and sometimes I won and sometimes he did. But, this new side of him so far amazed me. This gentle, sweet man could break boards with his fist, or clutch hand picked wildflowers.

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