Chapter 23: We Accidentally Roofied Sang

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A/N: Yes, I'm back. Yes, it's been a month, if not a little more. I'm sorry for the delay in getting this chapter to you, but as I previously stated, I was busy participating in NaNoWriMo trying to get some major work done on an original I'm working on. Thank-you everyone for sticking with me! I thought it would be fun to share the recipe for the Horny Southerner Shot that the Jamison Park Gang ordered from Sang in the last chapter. So, the following is the recipe. It is meant to be a shot.

1 oz. Southern Comfort

1 oz. Midori

1/2 oz. Sweet and Sour Mix

1/2 oz. 7-Up

***WARNING*** Just a heads up. There's swearing and could be some triggers in this chapter with regards to sexually explicit content, prostitution, mention of rape and drug use as well as underage sex. Things just got real on this mission, but it was kinda impossible not to touch upon some of this stuff given the content of the storyline and where we are with things.


Sang's POV

"I shouldn't be here." I sighed as Haru parked his beat up Ford F150 outside a gorgeous house hidden in the most run down neighborhood I'd ever seen. There was an eight foot brick wall surrounding the property, blocking my view from the street. The solid metal gate across the drive opened just enough for us to slip the truck through without damage before grinding closed behind us. Trapped. That's how I felt suddenly and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Sang, we are having a conversation when you get home tonight." Owen's controlled voice slipped across my ears, instantly relaxing me. The simple sentence conveyed more though, he wasn't happy about the details Axel undoubtedly gave him about tonight's revelations.

"Owen." his name escaped my lips like a soft breeze; caressing the skin gently. He must have realized how tight I was was wound because his next words were softer.

"You are safe. We have the house wired with cameras. Haru and Jimmy are right there with you. We've got someone inside as well. Nothing will happen to you, I promise. Be strong. Be smart. Come home safe." The last part was whispered to me like a lover would, not my team leader.

"I will Owen." I promised him, trying to bolster my own courage as Haru and Jimmy patiently waited outside. They gave me privacy as soon as Owen's voice came across the comm.

"I'll be here with you the entire way, do you hear me? No matter what happens when you go in there, I'll be here with you. I'll be waiting for you to come home to me tonight." I swallowed back tears as he spoke, fighting against my desire to run to him right now.

"I've got this Owen. We are going to kick ass like we have on every other mission we've tackled." My bravado sounded false even to my own ears.

"I was in the room when they briefed you on these guys, Sang. They are ruthless, violent and cannot be trusted. These guys are the opposite of Academy. Do whatever you have to to get out and come back to us. We won't judge you or hold this against you. We don't know what's going to happen when you walk into that party, but we will be here for you, all of us will be, waiting for you to come home. This is the most dangerous mission you've ever been on, your life could be on the line. We love you Sang." I couldn't hold back the tear that finally escaped. I was scared shitless. These guys were just as likely to kill each other as they were to attack me. I took a deep breath and centered myself. Just a few hours and we might be able to bring the hammer down and destroy this damned sex trafficking ring.

Gawd, I had a bad feeling about tonight.

North's POV

If it weren't for Sang baby about to walk through the front door, I would not be here. I hated all of these assholes. The stuff I'd heard in the last forty minutes should be enough to put them all away for a long time. I wanted to bury them all in the backyard and I don't think anyone else would have argued against it. They joked about how they slipped some of the girls roofies in the beginning and raped them at parties and would shoot them up with drugs against their will to get them hooked. It was their plan of attack when they brought in new girls who didn't already use. They invited them to these parties, gave them a few drinks, roofied them, raped them, drugged them and then kept them here for a few days, keeping up a constant routine of injections until the girls were too far gone on the drugs to put up a resistance anymore. Like hell would I allow her to be subjected to that behavior. I;m sure between Haru, Jimmy and myself, we can get her out of this situation. These sorry excuses for humans were actually excited about bringing my Sang baby on board. I've had to tolerate listening to them go on and on about what they were going to do with her once they had her unconscious. I think Owen owes me an award for how well I've contained myself to this point. I'm sure Raven would help me hide the bodies.

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