Getting Ready

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A/N: Thank-you all so much for reading, voting and commenting on my story! Thank-you to my Beta, Jennifer (ibewaiting) for your help and suggestions. I know I must be a huge pain in your butt sometimes. I know some of you are antsy for the Blackbourn boys, and I promise they are making an appearance in a few chapters.  Sang can't avoid them forever. 

 The rest of Saturday was uneventful. I spent the evening with Sean, which he was extremely pleased about, since he probably was able to spend the least amount of time with me alone due to his schedule. We went to a movie and had dinner, then went to a carnival that was in town. We loaded up on cotton candy, fried dough, and Caramel Apples, which were one of Sean's favorites. He said 'it was like having apple pie on a stick', only Sean would be excited about that. We rode the ferris wheel and played some games and just had fun talking. Then he took me to his bed and we were up until the early hours of the morning enjoying each other's bodies.

Sean got to sleep in while Owen handled the hours by himself on Sunday morning. It was the latest I had slept in a long time. Neither of us woke until Owen came back around nine in the morning and crawled into bed behind me, sandwiching me between their two hard bodies. I rolled over to snuggle into his chest, not quite ready to get out of the warm bed.

"Did you have fun last night with Sean?" Owen asked quietly as he played with a piece of my hair.

"Yeah." I responded just as quietly, I didn't want to wake Sean, he deserved his sleep. "We had a good time. I don't get to see him as much as the others. I didn't realize how much I missed spending time with him alone until we were out last night. I need to make time with him a priority when we can get it because of our schedules." Owen simply nodded in agreement.

"Awww! Pookie's making me a priority!" Sean's arm snaked around my waist as he rolled over to join in the conversation. His lips caressed my shoulder. I shivered between the two men, pressed up close to me.

"I have breakfast waiting downstairs. I thought we could discuss how we're going to handle Sang's mission with the Toma team." Owen slipped out of bed after placing a lingering kiss to my forehead and strode down the hall. Sean gave an over exaggerated yawn and stretched next to me, causing me to giggle at his antics.

"I have just the cure for those, young lady." He said with a smirk, in his best doctor voice, before pouncing on me and delivering said cure. It was an additional thirty minutes before we made it down to the kitchen to join Owen where he waited for us, our food still steaming on the plate.

"The rest of the family has voiced, in one manner or another, their unhappiness about the 'no personal time' restriction we placed on them and they were doubly upset about the no sleepover rule." Owen started as I finished breakfast. It was two whole grain pancakes with chocolate chips with strawberry compote and scrambled eggs on the side. Delicious. If Sean had offered to cook, I would have suggested we go out for breakfast, but Owen could cook for me any day.

"I thought they were going to mutiny yesterday when I told them the extent of their punishment. Initially, I just informed them of their hours for the next two weeks. Once we got to the beach and I had thoroughly worn them out, I went through the rest of the details. They all agreed, but they protested. I thought I was going to have to physically restrain a few of them." Sean piped up. We hadn't spoken about his experience with the boys for their first round of hours. I assumed Owen and Sean had communicated a little bit, and I was correct by the lack of shock on Owen's face. Owen reached over and mussed my hair gently.

"I spoke with them in a little more detail as they had a whole day to digest the punishment. I do believe that today's conversation was verifying where the boundaries were, and which boundaries were grey areas in the punishment so they could solidify their plan of attack. I'm only letting you know Sang, as a heads up. I did inform them that you have already been contacted by another team to assist them minimally with a mission and after discussing the details with myself and the other team, you agreed. The details as to which team have been kept secret as well as the details of the mission and your role. As is normal protocol with any of their individual missions for or assisting other teams. The family is made aware of your status, but no details about the mission are divulged. They were visibly shaken about that as well. Apparently the thought of you working with another team has hit a sore spot with them." I nodded, taking in what he said. He was warning me that the boys were going to try to figure out how to break the rules without breaking them. Also, they weren't happy about being cut off from me or the fact that I had agreed to take this mission with the Toma team. I was relieved to hear that Owen didn't share any of the details of the mission with them. But, I didn't put it past them to try and find out.

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