Chapter 5: New Family and Mission Specs

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 Why did I agree to meet them this early? I didn't realize the guys would be doing their hours starting at five in the morning. Especially on a Saturday. I could just hear them in my head, Luke and Gabriel complaining about the early hour. Oye. What the fuck are we doing up so early? Gabe would start with. Then Luke would chime in about a late night mission he's recovering from, even though we all know he was probably up playing video games, with Gabe. I hope they were all miserable. Owen and Sean decided to tack on two extra hours since it was a Saturday because they were feeling particularly vindictive. Sean wasn't thrilled when he found out he'd be facing the rabble alone, but was very supportive when he found out why.

I trudged downstairs in my pj pants and a t-shirt. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun. I didn't even bother brushing it. Gabriel would have a heart attack if he saw how I was dressed while meeting another team. That thought made me smile. Good. Maybe I'll take a selfie and text him just to piss him off. But then I'd be telling them I was meeting another team and nothing would stop them from marching over here to do their hours instead of at Folly Beach where they were currently meeting. Sean was a little too eager to make them do sprints in the sand. I rubbed my eyes as I sat at the kitchen counter, watching Owen finish breakfast. He plated two perfect looking omelets filled with cheese, ham, and vegetables. The egg was light and fluffy and the filling melted in my mouth. I moaned softly when the first bite hit my tongue. Owen froze, fork halfway to his mouth, eyes blown out, looking at me like he'd rather have me for breakfast. I blushed, but continued eating. It took him a moment to gain his composure before he could eat his breakfast.

Owen, as always, was impeccably dressed in a grey suit, crisp white button down, and surprisingly, he was wearing a tie I bought him for Valentines Day. I know a tie isn't the most romantic gift, but he likes his ties and I'd rather get him something he'd appreciate than try to get all romantic and sentimental and have it backfire on me. The tie was dark grey silk with a silhouette of a violin in a lighter grey color and some tiny pink music notes in the shape of hearts. Seeing him wear the ties I bought for him, or using the items I get him always made me feel warm and special. He could have worn any other tie in his closet, but he chose the one I gave him. I sighed, I looked horrible next to him. I really should go change. I can't sit here next to Mr. Perfection looking like a frumpy frog during the meeting. I hurriedly finished my food, rinsed my things and placed them in the dishwasher. I should have about fifteen minutes before the Toma team gets here. I should have known better, I just didn't feel like making any effort this morning. I was tired and feeling quite depressed over the state of our family. Sean had confirmed that all the boys accepted the terms of the punishment, including forfeiture of a favor each to me. It didn't make me happy at all.

I found a soft, dark grey tshirt dress and paired it with black leggings. I put on my favorite pink slipper shoes and ran a brush through my hair, pulling it into a low bun. I felt much more put together and more prepared for this meeting. I heard the doorbell and headed down to the dining room where we were meeting. I could see the guys from the stairs and observe them all before making my presence known. Silently, I crept, avoiding all the creaking steps, until I was at a good vantage point. I could hear them all exchanging pleasantries; it sounded like they were familiar with each other already. I guess that made sense since Owen pulled in a favor that Raven owed him. I should have thought to ask him last night about this team.

Owen sat in the middle of one side of the table, his back to me, placing the other team across from him and facing the stairs. He must have known I'd want a peak before meeting them head on. I preferred to assess the situation rather than run into it blind. I was more cautious than some of my other family members who tended to act before thinking or just rush into it without taking the time to take in the whole picture. Across from Owen sat a guy a few years older, maybe in his mid twenties. He had shoulder length black hair and looked like he might be part native american. His eyes were dark pools of chocolate that seemed intense. He was wearing a dark green tank that hugged his well defined frame, he was chiseled beauty. To his right was a guy slightly younger, maybe only a few years older than me, but no less handsome. What was up with Academy guys? Were they all runway models? My gawd. He had soft brown hair, a little longer on top, brushed to the side. His eyes were amazing. I'd only ever seen one other person with heterochromia up close and personal, and I ended up pulling a nail out of that guy's leg. He had one dazzling blue eye, like a summer sky and one brilliant green, which reminded me of a newly budding leaf in the spring. Marc was the nail guy! He wore a necklace consisting of a black cord and a silver sand dollar. His left wrist was covered in tiny braided bracelets. I wondered if he had a little sister who made those for him or something. Some of them looked cheap and plasticy. I bet there was a story behind them. Next to him sat a really tall blonde, was it appropriate to call guys bombshells? He was buff, straight out of Captain America or maybe he was more of a Hawkeye. His sun-kissed hair was a bit shaggy on top, like he was growing it out. It fell in gentle waves around his blue eyes. There was a hint of sadness there, they echoed what I used to see in the mirror when I looked at my reflection. I felt a piece of me call out to him, like we were connecting over some phantom pain we both experienced. I could only imagine how horrific his life was compared to mine if he still bears those emotional scars. He was built too, he could probably give Silas a run for his money, I wasn't sure which one was taller. It was hard to tell when they were sitting. To indian guy's left sat another really tall blonde. Wait, they're twins! Twins! Gorgeous, modelesque twins with really great genes. Twinsie had short cropped hair that spiked up a bit at the top. His eyes were the same cerulean blue as sad guy, but twinsie's eyes' sparkled with laughter, like he didn't have a care in the world. He was one of the only ones who seemed truly happy. Like everyone else lost something precious to them, or maybe someone precious. Next to Twinsie sat Raven, they were holding hands. Whoa, didn't see that coming. That's cool. Raven sat quietly at the end, staring right at me. Busted. His lips tipped up slightly when our eyes met. I guess my spying could only go on for so long before someone noticed me, I was being quiet, but not super stealthy. I was easy enough to see, if any of them just looked past Owen to the stairs. I took a breath, nodded at Raven and proceeded down the rest of the stairs quiety.

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