CHAPTER 6 : California

Start from the beginning

Soon my mom was back with milk and chocolate chip cookies. I was glad her hospitality hadn't excluded me. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and motioned for us to sit.

"Mom," I began, " this is Cody Roth, Cody this is my mother." I noticed then that her eyes widened slightly and she blinked trying to act like she wasn't affected but I could tell she recognised the name.

"Uhm...hi." I squinted then and took a cookie because I was hungry and I missed my moms cooking.

"It's a pleasure to meet you,Mrs. McCollen." Cody said with a smile so sweet my mother couldn't help but smile back.

"It's nice to meet you too." There was a moment of awkward silent as I gulped down the milk.

"So,how have you been?" My mom asked with a stiff smile and glanced at the clock.

"Good, on and off really and you?" I asked politely.

"Great, I got a promotion at work last week." I nodded genuinely happy for her.

"That's awesome,mom." I praised and she flushed. "So, I met grandma." I said abruptly and her smile dropped. I saw her glance out the window suspiciously.

"Oh, did that go." I blinked before taking a deep breathe.

"She tried to kill you." Her lips pursed then and she shook her head holding her forehead and then tried to seem composed.

"So,what did she tell you?"

"Besides the fact that I know something she wants, you hate me not only for being gay," I bit my lip knowing there was no other moment but now."Also that you hate how I'm a caster and you aren't." She took a deep breath.

"I guess she's still at it then." I furrowed my brows at her."I take it this conversation will be long." I nodded then.

"Only if you don't answer some questions."

"Well, I'm going to need a drink," I couldn't help but raise a brow and her eyes narrowed,"a real drink." She stood then and I turned to Cody who was as anxious as I was. She came back with a bottle of Jack Daniel's and three glasses full of ice. "Your both almost 18,right?" I laughed lightly and shook my head not wanting any.

She poured her drink then and blew out her cheeks. She chugged the glass and her eyes were suddenly bright.

"I guess I'll begun by saying that, I am sorry,Ezra. I don't actually care that your gay,or that your a caster. Your move was more for my marriage than anything. " she nodded sadly. "I know,selfish,but,that is the truth. Richard couldn't stand knowing you weren't his so,he said you either leave or he does and I couldn't stand the thought of being alone." I felt my jaw drop

"You would have had me." I said weakly.

"But not forever." She looked over at Cody. "I knew you would most likely end up having a mate, then I would be alone,also it gave you a chance to see your terrible family. " I felt my heart break then and Cody grabbed my hand.

"Okay,fine,as stupid as your reasons are,I'd like us to start from the beginning. Why did you break contact with your family? Aside from the obvious."

My mom poured another small amount in her glass full of ice.

"You have to understand,being born into a family of caster's as a human, isn't rare,but it brought about many questions. I grew up watching my sister learn to control her magic and use it and I couldn't. I had to know why and what I found out ruined any hope of being closer to my mom." She said as her eyes seemed to water. "I was born with magic,very strong because it showed the moment I was born. She took it from me. My mother,harnessed my magic for herself."

"What?" I said in shock.

"You have to know that she is power hungry. I also found that her sister,my aunt had also showed signs at a younger age than she and she tried to do the same to her but failed." She explained. "After, I found all of that out,I tried telling Mia but she didn't believe me,thought I was jealous and I realised how bad my mother sank her claws into her. I ran away when I found out that my father died because of her." She stared at her glass. "He knew too much apparently and she didn't trust that he could keep his mouth closed."

"Mom..." I said in awe. It was horrible all that I heard,how could this woman,my grandma be so cruel? It didn't make sense.

"It's why I grew to hate her. I don't hate magic, I just hate what it does to people,who it turns them into." She sniffed and licked her lips. "I was afraid of what you would do. What being around it would make you. I tried so hard,so hard to get it out of your life but..." She sniffed and a tear fell down her cheek. "Magic is a part of us all and no matter how much you try to suppress it,it just won't stay down."

"So,that's why you took my memories?" She nodded with furrowed brows,trying not to sob. "But how? You lost your magic."

"Richards mom helped with that."

"How?" I felt myself inch closer.

"She is a caster," she revealed,"and a part of the Caster council. "

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