four ; present

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Unwillingly Stiles felt sympathy for her due to the fact all along the boy really does have a good heart, the realization she appeared to be about the same age as him making him realize helping another imperfect teenager out wouldn't be so bad. "Oh. I'm no mechanic — I mean, all I have is duct tape honestly — but I could take a look and if we can't fix it, I'll give you a ride home."

"Really?" She said, gratitude found in her tone, "Thank you."

The sleep deprived boy nodded like it was no big deal, walking over with her right behind him to her black car that was pulled over to the side of the road, his white Adidas colliding with the pavement with each step. Moonlight shone down on them, highlighting certain features of their defined faces in the most flattering way that even exhausted Stiles took notice of how beautiful she was. She really did look no older than him and he questioned internally if the blonde did go to Beacon Hills High School like he did and he just didn't notice — actually scratch that; he definitely would have noticed.

Before the hood was popped open, the sound of the brunette's phone going off filled the atmosphere, the specialized ringtone letting him know it was Scott. When he pulled it out of his back pocket, the white lettering of his best friend's name on the screen confirmed it further, but Stiles decided he would call the werewolf back after he was done helping the girl who had just reappeared beside him after getting some tools out of the trunk. Besides, if it was important, it will still be important five minutes from now.

"Do you need to get that, Stiles?" Pru asked him innocently, gripping the crow bar in her right hand that she had brought along with her from the trunk also, the sinister look back on her face.

"No, it's just my friend Scott. Wait. I never told you my na—."

The poor boy didn't even get to finish his sentence before he was struck on the back of the head brutally with the hard tool, knocking him out before he hit the ground, unconsciousness not having a problem setting in. Pru then bent down so she could run her fingers through the unaware human's hair, knowing that she'd have to move him into her back seat, but she was still smiling slightly because after everything this was finally her chance. She was going to see him again after all these years, she was going to get to be in his enticing presence, and they would be together like they should have been all along.

THE BED CREAKED when Stiles' body was tossed onto to the mattress, the hotel room she was staying in being on the ground level so thankfully she didn't have to haul him up a few flights of stairs, eagerness practically seeping our of her pores. The fact that she assaulted and kidnapped someone didn't appear to faze her and really it slipped her mind the instant the Triskelion Box was yet again in her grasp. Though unwillingly the girl was just as nervous as she was excited, wondering if things would turn out like they did last time when emotions and tragedies ironically forced them to go their separate ways, but she was willing to risk that. Prudence wholeheartedly missed him after all these centuries although she didn't want to admit it, but she will always be that curious girl in the woods who found something that made her feel whole.

After letting out a deep breath, her fingers unscrewed the lid with ease, removing it from the object seconds later so he could be released from the imprisonment. It didn't take long at all for the black fly to escape the box after finally noticing the opening, buzzing around the room for a brief moment before it finally landed on Stiles' earlobe and crawled inside of his ear. And she waited, her alert eyes set on the body that she hoped would be compatible enough to be a good host for the dark kitsune, the urge to let her impatience get the best of her and slap him awake letting itself known. Though Prudence decided against that even if he deserved to feel a little pain of his own, knowing that it shouldn't be too long anyway, but the girl wondered if things would be different.

When the reckless being contacted her months ago for the first time in what felt like forever, she wanted to still let her anger towards him stop her from even listening to whatever he had to say, because after all, he was the one that went too far. Unfortunately though Pru's affection for him never seemed to fade away, and even with some rude remarks thrown his way, she listened to him, she let herself remember that there was something good in all the horrible situations they found themselves in. Talking on the phone was different from actually interacting though and she was fearful that he was going to ruin her all over again.

At the end of the day, despite their reckless behavior, they were just two people who found each other and changed for better and for worse. The pair drove each other more crazy than they already were, every heated argument always ending with an unavoidable make-up, and passion was behind all of their motives towards each other. He'd get her so angry and she'd get him so frustrated at times, but they were them, they were unstoppable together until one day they weren't. The very thing that had led them to each other in the first place tore them apart, which made a single question linger in her head: Would history repeat itself?

Movement on the bed broke her out of her thoughts, the blonde's blue eyes settling on the boy whose eyelids had just flickered open, his gaze finally finding her own before he whispered, "Chīsana Hato." And emotion struck her harder than anything has ever done before.

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