Chapter Three

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"Finally, the weekend is here." I plopped face down onto my bed after returning home from work. "I can get some sleep."

"Dinah, guess what I got today!" I heard Lauren call from downstairs.

Just then, I heard a patter of feet followed by a little bell, then felt something hop up on my bed and lick me.

"Ahhhh!" I jumped so hard I fell on the floor. "Lauren!"

"Hmm?" She popped her head into my doorway with a smile.

I pointed to the puppy, who stood on my bed with its tail wagging freely. "Who is his owner?"

"As of today, me," she came over and scoopped the pup into her arms, who licked her chin. "Isn't he cute? His name is Raider."

I got up from the floor and sat next to her. "He is kinda cute. Does Clara or Mike know about him?"

She shook her head, scratching behind his ears. "Not yet. But I went to the shelter today with Luce and I just had to get him."

"Lo," I threw an arm around her shoulder. "You know how Clara feels about pets. I don't think it was such a good idea for you to keep him. Take him back."

"But D, I can convince her!" She exclaimed.

"Lauren," I sighed. "He's super adorable and I even want to keep him but Clara is sure to say no. Just take him back."

"I don't want to." She looked down and kissed the puppy's head. "Come on. When she sees how adorable Raider is, she won't be able to say no."

I looked at Raider. His tail still wagged with the same enthusiasm as before.

"Well I say that you can keep him," I began, and Lauren's eyes lit up. "But,"

"Ugh, there's always a but." She frowned.

I chuckled a bit and continued. "But, you know you're going to have to find a really good way to convince her to let you keep a puppy."

"Will you help me, Di?"

"Oh, I don't know, Lolo..."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She batted her eyelashes and pouted.

I suppose Raider knew what was going on too, so he let out a whine and rested his head in Lauren's lap.

I sighed. "Okay, dork," I ruffled her hair. "Only for you and the Raidster here." I scratched behind Raider's little ears and he grunted.

"Thanks sis!" She threw an arm around me and pulled me toward her to kiss my cheek.

I smiled and clicked on my phone to check the time. "It's almost four. They should be home in a few minutes."

She picked up Raider and headed toward my door.

I perked an eyebrow, wondering what she was doing. "Where are you going?"

"Box hunting so I can put Raider in there," she patted his head. "Maybe if I pretend he was a gift, I'd have a better chance at keeping him."

I laughed. "Lauren, no. We're gonna go through with the plan and tell them, straight up. Deal?" I held out my pinky.

She huffed and linked her pinky with mine. "Deal."

I heard Mike call from downstairs. "Dinah, Lauren! We've got a surprise for you!"

I looked at Lauren. "Ready, Lo?"

She glanced down at little Raider and sighed, nodding.

We walked downstairs and Mike held up an animal cage. "Surprise—" He looked from Raider to Lauren then to me. "Cute puppy. Whose is it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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