A New Beginning

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(The death of 2 important character
We woke up and made our way to the battlefield. We saw Arthur. Morgana, Morgause, Cenred, Peter and I stand in front of the army. We gave each other the death glare. " We will fight for camelot..!!!" I yelled. " FOR CAMELOT!!!!" Our army said back. We hurry and run to each other. Everyone one was fighting. One vs one. So many people YELLING.. the I fought and made my way to Arthur. But Peter was already fighting him. So o went to find Merlin and i saw Peter flashing everywhere while fighting Arthur. I found Merlin and my mom. " You know a mortal blade won't kill me." She said as he held up a sword. He plugged it into her. " I know it's made from the great dragon." He said. " NO!!!!!...." I yelled and use magic to push him away. " MOM.... Please stay with me..." I said crying. " It's my time to go, I'm very proud of you.." she said as her eyes close and that was her last words to me. My eyes turn purple again. I flash to the battlefield and I hit anything in my way. I was looking for Peter and I could find him. The I saw in the middle him and Arthur. He plugged his sword into Arthur. Smirk. Good his dead. Then something unexpected happened. While Arthur was on the floor. He quickly got up and did the same to Peter. I flash to him and he fell in my arms. I was in tears. " Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!." I yelled and a gush of colorful air and throughout the field. Everyone fell to the ground. " Pe..Peter no... You can't leave.. I lost my mom, n...not you too
" I said as I tried to heal him with magic. " It won't work. " He said. " Take this..." He said handing me a necklace. " Whenever you look at it.. you will remember me." He said. Then he was fading away. Now his gone forever. I felt someone hug me. I turn and saw the kid that called me Emrys. " I'm sorry, but this is your destine. " He said as I cry on his shoulder. Was it real. Is this how my life supposed to go. Loose everyone I love. Then everything went black.
I woke up in a hospital. And I saw Emma and snow. " What happened.." I said get up. " We don't know, we found you outside the town line." Snow said. " Do you know why your here.??" Emma ask. " Well all I remember was, I was in Camelot and Merlin kill med my mom." I said as tears slide down my face. " I'm sorry but what about Pan." Snow ask. What who's pan. " What why are you talking about frying pans??" I ask. " Wait you don't remember??" Snow ask me. " I'm a supposed to??." I ask. " Let get you to Regina." Snow said. We walk to her house. " Regina , look who we found." Emma said. Regina look surprise to see me. " What is she doing here??" She ask me. " We found her oustside the town line." Snow said. " Y/n!!!!" Someone said. I turn and saw Henry. " What are you doing.??, Did pan do something to you??, Ohh no did he hurt you??" Henry said. " Why is everyone talking about this pan guy??" I ask him. He look surprise. " So let do a test on her, to see if this isn't pan plan." Regina said." For the last time who is pan??" I ask. " Wait so you're being serious. "She ask. I nooded. " Well we need to see your memories. " Emma said. We walk to Regina's vault." Just layed down and I'll do the rest." She said. I did and I went to sleep.

Emma p.o.v
When we try to find Y/n memories and we found something interesting. So Pan died that's why she can't remember. " Do you think we should tell her??" Snow asked me. " Uhmm I don't know how she going to take it . I mean you can't tell someone their boyfriend died and they can't remember them." I said as I look at her peacefully sleeping. " We have to tell her some time." Regina said. Then she woke up." Did you guys find anything.??" Y/n ask us. We look at each other. " Well umhh I think you should see this yourself. " I said and handed her the dream catcher. Then she put her hand over it and it shows her, fighting and it came to when her mother and Pan died. I saw tears sliding down her face. " I see but I still don't remember him." She said as she wipe her tears away. " Well it getting late let's go get you a room at Granny's." Snow said." Tomorrow we'll try to get you a job. " Regina said and I nooded. Then we went to granny and got her a room. I feel bad for her. We wall went to sleep and I need more information of why out of the all world would she be sent here.

A/n hey lovis, you miss me..?? Well I just to busy trying to come up with ways destroy Y/n life in this story. I know you love me.

Little brown girl is outttt bayyy 😂🤣ㅠㅛㄷ. ( This mean bye I think.)😆

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