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The officers of White Star Line were back in Liverpool. There was another Inquiry there too. Ella was dreading it. She didn't want to relive the events of the Titanic.

Ella woke that morning and sighed. She didn't know how much more she could cope with it all. She couldn't handle talking about how Henry had killed himself or how James had died alone.

Before the Inquiry, Ella and Will were going to Dalbeattie so Ella could meet his parents and sisters. Ella looked down at Will's sleeping face and smiled. She was finally glad she had someone who loved her. "I thought I felt someone staring at me," Will said in his strong Scottish accent.

Ella smiled at him. "Sorry I was just thinking of how lucky I am," she said.

Will rolled over a bit on the bed and kissed her. Ella kissed back and smiled. "I'm worried," she admitted.

"Don't be. We'll be okay. I promise you."

Ella nodded and cuddled into him. Will held her close. Ella began to giggle. "What are you giggling at?" Will asked with a chuckle.

"I'm thinking of ripping off those long johns of yours," Ella told him.

Will laughed. "I could say the same for your nightdress."

Ella grinned. "Well it's a shame. I'm hungry."

Will watched as Ella got out of bed. She grinned over at him. "Come along Mr Murdoch. Food is waiting."

Will and Ella went to Dalbeattie. They didn't have to be in Liverpool for another three days. "I'm dreading it."

"Don't. It will be fine."

Will took her hand and walked her towards the house. Ella smiled as they walked close to the water.
"This place is beautiful," she commented.
Will smiled. "It is. But not as beautiful as you my love."

Will kissed Ella's cheek. She smiled. Finally they arrived at the house. Will rang the doorbell.

His parents opened the door and cried with happiness. "Oh Will. We're so happy to see you," his mother said.

"And I you. May I introduce Ella, my fiancée and the mother of my child."

Jane looked over at Ella and smiled widely. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Likewise. You have a lovely home Mrs Murdoch," Ella said as she hooked onto Will's arm.

Jane smiled. "Thank you. Come in. Samuel is in the sitting room with Michelle and Erica," she said.

Will and Ella walked through to the sitting room. Will's father and his two sisters were there. "William."

"Hello father. I'd like you to meet my fiancée and the mother of my child, Ella."

Ella shook all their hands before sitting down beside Will. Will wrapped an arm around her waist.

They asked how Will and Ella met. They talked about the Titanic but the Murdochs could see how distant Ella was.

Ella tapped Will's knee. "May I use the bathroom?" Ella asked. Erica took her to it.

"I apologise. Ella... she blames herself for Henry's death. Talking about the voyage hurts her," Will explained.

Jane smiled. "Then we must cheer her up. I shall bring in the cakes and tea."

Will smiled and nodded.

Erica came down with Ella. Ella smiled at them. "Thank you."

Jane handed Ella a cake. "Here we go. Enjoy."

"Thank you."

Will took Ella to the bedroom. They were staying in Dalbeattie overnight. Ella cuddled into Will. "I can't believe it's been nearly two months since... You know."

"Yeah," Ella mumbled. Will held her.
"It wasn't your fault. Trust me," Will told her. Ella shrugged.

Will sighed. He kissed her head and held her close to him. Ella cuddled in. "My mother designed a wedding dress for you," Will said.

Ella smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. She wants to show you it tomorrow because you might need it."

Ella frowned and looked at Will. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Will grinned. "We're getting married tomorrow. Your father is here too. Everyone you wanted invited will be here tomorrow at our wedding."

Ella was shocked. She looked at him. "Are you being serious?" She asked.

"Yes. We're getting married tomorrow. Lights is there too," Will said.

Ella couldn't believe it. She was so happy.

The next morning, Will and Ella stood in the bedroom. "Is this so the baby isn't born out of wedlock?" She asked.

"Aye. I want you both to have my surname."

Ella grinned and kissed him passionately. He kissed back. Will's sisters walked in.

"We're your bridesmaids," Erica said.

Ella smiled. "Thank you."

They got Will out of the room and Jane came in. She brought the dress with her. Ella was shocked at how beautiful the dress was. It was a blushing pink colour with small pearls and sequins.

Ella hugged her tightly. "This is beautiful. Thank you," she said.

Jane smiled. "You're very welcome."

They began to help Ella get ready. Jane was doing her makeup while the girls were doing her hair.  Ella looked at herself in the mirror. She wished so badly that James and Henry were there. She missed them both so much.

Soon, it was time for the wedding. Ella took a deep breath. She saw her father and smiled. "Hi daddy."

"Hello Ella. Are you nervous?"

Ella nodded. "So nervous."

He smiled and took her hand. "Don't be. Let's go."

They got into the car and drove to the church. Ella held her flowers tightly. She couldn't wait to be Ella Murdoch.

When they pulled up, her father noticed Ella rubbing her bump.
"Is the little one okay?" he asked.
Ella smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I better go and get married."

Ella's father smiled. "Yes."

Will stood at the altar. Charles was his best man. Harold, Joesph and Herbert were all there. "Ready?" Charles asked.

Will nodded. "Aye."

Everyone stood up and Ella came down the aisle.

Will smiled widely at her. He thought Ella looked beautiful. Her pregnancy had truly made her glow.

Will pulled her vail over her head and kissed her cheek before the service began.

Eventually they exchanged their rings. Will grinned as he held Ella's hands.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," the vicar said. Will and Ella kissed passionately. Everyone in the church clapped for them.

Ella pulled away from Will and smiled at him. She wished Henry and James were there. "We may not see them. But they are here," Will whispered to her.

Ella looked at him and smiled. "Yeah. They are."

*Six Months Later*

Ella was now heavily pregnant. Will had been asked to become Captain on a new White Star Line Ship. Will didn't know. He knew Ella was close to giving birth to their child.

Ella was sitting on the bed. "If you wanna go, then go. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I can't leave you like that," he said.

Ella rolled her eyes. "I need to pee every ten minutes and I eat everything in sight. Apart from that I'm perfectly normal."

Will sighed. He knew Ella wouldn't tell him to stay.
"Charles will be looking after you."

Ella groaned. "Will, I don't need to be nursed. I'm pregnant. I don't have a broken leg."

Will sat on the bed and kissed her.
"I know. But you're my wife. I want you to be safe."
Ella kissed him back. As it began to get heated the door bell rang. Ella sighed.

"Tell Charles to call back later," Ella joked.

Will smirked and kissed her again. "No can do. I won't be gone too long," he said.

Ella nodded.

They walked downstairs. They had their own house in Southampton. Will opened the door and smiled. "Hiya."

Charles walked in and smiled. "How's the mother to be?" He asked.

"Fine thank you."

Will looked at Charles. "The slightest twinge, get her to a hospital."

"I will," Charles said. Will thanked him and shook his hand. He went over to Ella and kissed her passionately before he left.

Ella walked to the kitchen and grabbed some food for breakfast.
"Want some?" Ella asked.

"Sure," Charles replied.

He walked over to Ella and began to help her out. While the food cooked, Ella ran through baby clothes with Charles.

Ella grinned. "This baby has gotten so many gifts away from Jane and Samuel."

"It's their first grandchild. They're going to be spoiling him."

Ella rolled her eyes. "You're as bad as Will! The baby could be a girl," she said.

Charles smirked. "A boy."

"Never," Ella told him with a grin. She walked to the kitchen and began to put out breakfast.

Once they ate breakfast, Charles and Ella began to tidy up a bit. She felt a twinge in her stomach but said nothing about it.

Charles looked over at her once they sat down again.
"Are you okay?" he asked.

Ella nodded and relaxed into the sofa.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

Charles wasn't convinced. He walked over to her. "You don't look it."

"I'm fine."

A couple of hours later, Ella looked over at Charles. "Lights... I'm in labour..."

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