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The tension between Will and Ella was becoming more and more obvious. Everyone could tell there was something going on between them.

It was the day before Titanic set off on the maiden voyage. The ship was now in the docks which gave the officers chance to have a break.

Ella woke that morning and went to the officer's mess. Will was there along with Charles, Henry and Harold. She said good morning to them all. Will didn't look at her.

Ella sat down to have her breakfast. The other officers and captain joined her. Ella was beginning to get back to her normal self. She was wearing makeup and wearing her hair down again. Everyone was happy to see her like that.

The captain smiled at Ella. "You look nice this morning Miss Hanson," he commented.

"Thank you Sir."

Everyone was happy they could have some time out of the ship today. It was all anyone was talking about.

Ella smiled over at Henry. "So Mr Wilde. Any wild plans?" She asked.

Henry laughed. "Not at all Miss Hanson. Being Chief Officer means I have to be responsible," he said.

When Ella had eaten, she walked out to the promenade. She took a deep breath. She wanted her and Will to be close again. She missed their relationship.

Will came out and smiled at her.
"Hi," he said.

Ella smiled back. "Hello."

Will and Ella stood looking out at docks. Will looked at her.
"Are you planning on getting off today?" Will asked.

Ella smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Maybe to get a nice dress for some of the dinners we're having with the first class."

Will nodded. They stood in silence again. Will wanted them close again. He missed Ella. Ella was the reason he wanted to get up in the mornings.
"Maybe we could get off together and have lunch in a tearoom?" Will suggested.

"I'd like that," Ella said with a smile.

Will nodded and smiled. "Good."

Ella looked at him. "I've missed you a little bit."

"Same lass. Your witty comebacks," Will said.

Ella laughed. She took Will's hand. "So, you ready for tomorrow?" She asked.

Will nodded. "Aye. I'm looking forward to it. Being on the open sea," he replied.

Ella smiled. "You really do love being on a ship don't you?"

"I do. I can tell you do too," he said. Ella nodded.

"You're right. It's an amazing feeling. I love being on the ocean," Ella told him.

They walked around the decks doing a check before they were allowed to get off. Ella stood by the railings.
"It will be different when passengers come on to the ship," Ella said.

Will nodded. "It is but it's just as nice. We will still be able to walk around. But we'll be advised to stay near our deck more."

The captain eventually let them off. Will took Ella's hand as she walked off the ship.

Ella thanked him. "So Mr Murdoch. Where to?"

"Wherever the lass wants to go," Will replied.

A few hours later, they returned to the ship. Ella looked at Will. "I certainly enjoyed today."

"Me too lass."

Ella walked back to her cabin with Will. He smiled at her. "So, I'll see you for dinner?"

Ella said nothing. She took hold of Will's tie and pulled him into her cabin. "Ella-"

"Shh," she said. Will smiled and kissed her. Ella kissed back. Will laid her gently on the bed. He laid beside her. Ella smiled and kissed him. She began to unbutton his coat.
"What is going on?" Charles asked.

Ella and Will quickly pulled away and stood up. Will wiped the lipstick from his mouth. "It was a mistake Mr Lightoller. Trust me," Will said. He walked out with Charles and glared at Ella as he went.

Ella felt tears roll down her face. Why would Murdoch not show her any love? She knew he felt the same. He just wouldn't admit it. Ella dried her eyes up and brushed her hair. She fixed her uniform as she heard the dinner call.

Ella walked into the officers mess. She saw Will and didn't look at him. She couldn't. Ella sat down with Henry and Joesph.

Both of them could tell there was something bothering Ella. "You alright there?" Henry asked.

Ella nodded. "Can't complain Mr Wilde, Sir. Just wish I'm not too cheap," she said.

Henry was shocked at what Ella said. He knew she was hurting. He didn't know how to help her.

Ella ate her food quietly. Henry and Joseph were talking but both of them were concerned with Ella's mood. It wasn't like her. They were only starting to get their Ella back. They didn't want to lose her again.

Joseph left the table when he finished. Henry's and Ella's plates were taken. Henry sighed.
"You're not cheap Ella. Look, let's take a walk," Henry said. Ella nodded.

They went outside for a walk. Murdoch was still inside having dinner. Henry and Ella linked arms. "Why do you think you're cheap?" Henry asked. Ella told him what happened. She was in tears.

Henry sighed. "Bugger me. Will knew he wasn't to get too attatched," he said.

Ella scoffed. "More fool me thinking we had something."

"I'm sure you do. But you'll end up losing your jobs. Both of you," Henry said.

Will saw Ella walking away with Henry. Charles sighed. "I tried to tell you. Don't get involved with her," he said.

"Shut it."

"She's trouble Will. She's going to lose you your job. Of course she'll get hers back because of who her father is," Charles spat.

Will glared. Henry was listening in. "Leave her alone! Shut up about it!" Will yelled. He walked off.

Ella stood at the front of the ship. She smiled as the sea gently rocked the boat while they were docked.

She wished Will would admit or deny his feelings for her. She was tired of constantly going through heartbreak.  Ella heard footsteps. She turned and saw Charles. "Hello."

Ella smiled slightly. "Hey."

Charles came and stood by her. "Peaceful."

"Yeah. It's relaxing," Ella mumbled.

Will was standing on the bridge. He saw Charles and Ella standing at the bow. He didn't like how close they were standing. Henry came over. "You know, if I didn't know any better William, I'd say you were in love with her."

Will sighed. "No. She's a colleague."

"If she wasn't, would you be in love with her?" Henry asked. Will didn't answer but Henry knew the answer.

"Look at how close he's getting to her! He shouldn't be that close," Will said.

Henry smirked. He could see Will was jealous.

Charles and Ella came up to the bridge again. Will glared at Charles.

"It's a lovely night," Ella said to them. She had no idea of Murdoch's jealousy.

Henry nodded. "It is indeed. Mr Murdoch here was just telling me how excited he is for tomorrows boarding."

Ella smiled. "Well, he's an amazing sailor. He'll make a great captain one day," she replied.

"Thank you Miss Hanson."

Captain Smith came out. "Mr Murdoch, Miss Hanson, I'd like you to check steerage for stowaways. I've been informed some people were seen standing by the ship."

"Yes sir," Will and Ella said at the same time.

Will and Ella went down to steerage together. They took the lift.

There was a comfortable silence between the two of them. When the lift stopped, Will opened the doors.
"After you," he said to Ella. Ella thanked him. Will guides her out by placing a hand on the small of her back.

Ella smiled feeling Will's touch. She wanted to kiss him but knew she couldn't.

"You walk that way and I'll go this way. We'll meet in the middle," Will instructed. Ella nodded.

"Okay sir."

While they were walking, Ella tripped over and banged her head. "Ow damn it."

Will immediately ran to her. "What happened?" He asked.

Ella groaned. "I tripped up over that box."

Will laughed a little. Ella pouted a little. Will helped her up. They were pressed up close together. "I-I'll go this way," Ella mumbled.

"You need to see a doctor. We'll get Henry to see for stowaways," Will said. Ella nodded.

Will lifted Ella up and carried her upstairs. Everyone was shocked to see it.
"Can we get a doctor here?" Will asked.

The doctor came as soon as possible.
"I hit my head," Ella explained. The doctor checked her over while Henry and Harry checked steerage.

"You don't seem to have concussion or anything else serious. Take these painkillers," the doctor said.

Will brought over a glass of water for Ella. She took the tablets and smiled.
"Can we still check steerage?" Ella asked the captain. He smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Harry and Henry are working their way down through the decks. You two go straight back to steerage."

Will and Ella got back in the lift. "Feeling any better?" Will asked.

Ella shrugged. "I guess so."

"Good. What did you trip over?" Will asked.

Ella shrugged. "Something on the floor I'd guess," she said.

When they'd finished, Ella looked at Will. "C-Can we talk about what happened between us?" She asked.

Will sighed. "Ella, it shouldn't have happened. I don't regret what we almost did but it can't happen," he said.

Ella looked at him. "Why not? Cause I'm your subordinate? You're my superior? What is it Mr Murdoch?"

"I'm not risking my job! I have no money. I need this job," Will yelled. He sighed. He walked off. He was ashamed of having no money.

Ella sighed. She slumped against the wall of the steerage. She didn't mean to upset him.

Ella walked back up to the bridge. Will was standing there alone. Ella stood beside him. "You okay?" Ella asked.

Will nodded. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

Ella shrugged. "It's okay."

"Are you alright?"


Will sighed. "When I said I have no money, I do. I get a good paycheck for being First Officer but I meant I can't be with you. My job means more."

Ella nodded. "I get it. I really do get it Mr Murdoch. My father would kill me anyway," she said.

Henry was standing in the wheelhouse looking at them both. He knew they were both stubborn and wouldn't admit to how they were feeling.

Henry sighed and walked inside. Will and Ella were alone.

Will looked at Ella and kissed her. Ella was surprised but kissed back. She felt Will's hands wander. She didn't care. She wanted this.

Will smiled at her.
"Are you okay?" Will asked.

Ella nodded and grinned. "I-Im perfect."

They kissed again.

Henry walked out again. He wanted to speak with Ella. He walked to the bridge and gasped at what he saw. Ella and Will pulled away.

"Are you going to say it was a mistake again?" Henry asked Will. Will scoffed and walked off.

Henry looked at Ella. She was heartbroken.
"Why do you always run back to him when he keeps doing this on you? I love you!" Henry said to Ella. Ella was shocked at Henry's confession.

Ella didn't know what to say. She walked off quickly.

Henry couldn't believe he had told Ella he loved her. He knew she wouldn't talk to him now. Henry went after Ella. "Look, I'm sorry."

"I love Will. I don't know why I do when he treats me like he does. But I do," she said.

Henry sighed. "He's got your heart hasn't he?"


Will knew now he wouldn't stand a chance with Ella. Especially when he kept treating her like he had made a mistake. Will wanted to apologise to Ella. He walked on deck and saw her talking with Henry.
"What's going on?" Will asked.

Ella walked off. Henry glared at Will and walked over to him.
"You better treat her with respect," he spat.

Will ran after Ella. Henry followed.
"Why do you keep treating me like I'm a mistake?" Ella yelled.

"I don't know. I'm scared to lose my job. Now he knows we'll never be able to be together," Will said.

Henry chuckled. "I'm not going to tell. Ella loves you. I'm not risking her happiness. Come with me."

They reluctantly went with Henry. He walked them down to their rooms.
"Huh?" Ella asked.

Henry smiled. "You two need to talk. I'll cover for you both."

Henry closed the door. Ella looked at Will. "I know I'm not important for you to risk your job. I get it."

Will sighed. "Ella, you're one of a kind. You're amazing and beautiful. My aim is to become a captain."

"You could do that still. If we were together. We could keep it quiet," she said.

Will sighed and looked at her. "If we can hold off until New York, I will gladly be yours."

"That's ages away Will. We haven't even got the passengers on board."

"I know. I'm sorry," Will said.

Ella scoffed and walked off. Will took her hand and brought her close to him. He kissed her passionately. Ella smiled and kissed back.

Charles was looking around for Will.
"Where's Will?" Charles asked Henry.

"He wasn't feeling well. Went for a lie down," Henry said. Charles believed him.

"Let's hope he gets better soon. The Captain will only worry about his number one," he said.

Henry laughed. "Oh I'm sure Will will be alright soon."


Will laid Ella down on the bed. Ella grinned slightly. "I thought we were waiting?" She said.

"Bollocks to that," Will said.

Ella bit her lip. She wanted him so badly.

Will kissed her passionately. Ella kissed back. She smiled as she felt Will unbutton her shirt. Both of their jackets, hats and ties were on the floor. Ella's door was locked.

Will smiled as he pulled open her shirt. Ella's bare chest was greeted by Will.
"You were being honest when you said you didn't wear a corset," he said.

Ella grinned and nodded. "Yeah."

Will kissed her and threw her shirt gently on the floor. Ella grabbed Will's shirt and threw it on the floor. Ella's door knocked. "Miss Hanson. It's Captain Smith."

Ella and Will quickly scrambled to get themselves sorted. Ella walked over to her door. "Just a second Sir. I'm getting dressed."

Ella opened the door. Captain Smith smiled. "Tomorrow, I'd like you and Mr Murdoch to assist with the first class passengers."

"Yes sir."

"I have a little supper for us all. I'm about to get the bell to ring to call all the officers as it's our last night together," the captain said.

Ella smiled. "I'll be up in a minute. Thank you Sir."

The captain walked off and Ella closed the door.

Ella collapsed on the bed beside Murdoch laughed. She had locked the door.

Murdoch laughed and kissed her.
"Talk about close," he said.

"I know. Can you come back here after supper?" Ella asked.

Murdoch grinned and nodded. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Murdoch and Ella kissed again. They were going to continue later. The bell rang. They both groaned.
"You better eat fast," Will joked.

Ella laughed. "I'll try my best."

Will nodded. "Good."

Will and Ella walked to the officers mess. Henry noticed their dishevelled appearance. He smirked. "Everything okay?" He asked Ella.

"Everything is fine."

Henry nodded. "That's good."

While they were eating, Will kept on looking at Ella. She looked at him. "Mr Murdoch, I'd like you on boarding the first class people tomorrow along with Miss Hanson."

"No problem Sir," Will said. He smiled over at Ella.

Everyone began to talk. Henry nudged Ella.
"Did you two-"

"No. He disturbed us," Ella mumbled. Henry chuckled. They ate their supper and got a cup of tea each. It was too cold to go outside so Ella stayed inside.

Will came over to her while everyone else was with the captain outside. Henry stayed inside too. Ella smiled. "Mr Murdoch."

"Miss Hanson."

Ella stood up and walked to her room. She heard footsteps and knew Will was following her. While Ella didn't know what was happening between them, she didn't care.

Ella went into her room and left the door open for Will. She sat on her bed waiting.
Will walked in and smiled. He locked the door and took off his jacket and hat.

Will walked over to the bed after pulling his shirt over his head. Ella grinned and did the same. Will kissed her as he gently laid her on the bed.
"Where were we?" Ella asked.

Murdoch smiled and undid Ella's trousers.
"Here I think."

Ella smiled as Will gently pulled down her trousers. He left her underwear on. Ella reached over with a shaky hand and pulled down Will's trousers.
"Is this your first?" Will asked. Ella nodded. "I'll be gentle."

Ella kissed him as she felt him pull down his long johns. She was nervous and worried someone would find out.

Will kissed her passionately. Ella kissed back and grinned.

When they were both naked, Will looked at Ella. "Are you sure?" He asked.

Ella nodded.

Henry and Charles were walking around. "Where did Will and Ella go?" Charles asked.

"Ella mentioned she was unwell. I think she went for a lie down," Henry lied.

"What about Will?" Charles asked. Henry shrugged.

"No idea."

Charles nodded. They continued their walk around.

Ella and Will laid side-by-side breathless. She cuddled into Will as he pulled the duvet over them.

Will smiled at Ella. She cuddled into him.
"I love you," Will said. Ella smiled.

"I love you too Will."

Will and Ella made out passionately. Ella smiled. She truly loved Will. The door knocked making them both jump.
"It's me," Henry called through the door. "The captain wants a final briefing in a few minutes."

"We'll be there," Will answered back. He walked away. Will smiled and kissed Ella once more.

Ella groaned. "I don't wanna get up."

"Me either darling."

Ella grinned at him. "Darling?"

They went onto the deck. Everyone was there. "Tomorrow is the big day. Titanic sets off on her maiden voyage. Good luck to everyone."

Ella walked out to the bridge. Henry followed. "You're looking radiant."

Ella smiled. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're glowing," he said. Ella smiled. Henry chuckled. "You two did it?"

"Yeah we did."

Henry smiled. "If he hurts you, I'll hurt him."

Ella hugged Henry to thank him for what he did. Will came over. Henry smirked. "I hope you two enjoyed yourselves," he said. Will smirked back.

"We did. Thank you for your discretion and distractions," Will said.

"You're welcome."

Ella looked at Henry. "You've been helping us?"

"Obviously. Someone had to or else you'd have been caught," Henry said.

Ella cuddled into Will as they watched the night sky. "Tomorrow everything gets complicated," Ella mumbled.


Ella sighed. Could they handle it?

An Officer's Love {Titanic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن