Chapter 3 - Me, Myself &...

Start from the beginning

I'll explain later x

Feeling a little rude, I quickly gave Jake my full attention.

"Sorry, so you were saying that Aiden goes to the same music school as you?"

"Yeah, every Saturday. We learn to play the guitar," he replied.

"Oh, cool. He never mentioned that," I said.

"I think he tries to keep it pretty quiet, so don't mention it ok?"

"Sure, I wouldn't do that. I don't know why he keeps it quiet though, I think it's amazing to be able to play an instrument," I replied.

"Yeah me too," he said as he took a sip of the drink that he was holding in his hand.

"So would it be right for me to assume that someone as beautiful as yourself already has a boyfriend?" He said as he allowed his smile to display his beautiful white teeth.

"Actually, you'd be quite wrong," I said as my eyes dropped to the floor. Every time someone mentioned anything to do with relationships, boyfriends or anything within that subject my mind reverted directly back to Kyle.  

It may have been risky telling him that I was single after mine and Aiden's little act earlier but something tells me that he and Kyle are not likely to talk anytime soon.

"So, then it would be ok for me to ask for your number, right?" he said as a smile spread across his lips yet again.

"Look, you're really sweet and you seem great but I'm just not looking for anything like that right now," I said, trying to brush him off as gently as I possibly could.

"I understand and I totally respect that. What about if I asked you as a friend? We all need friends don't we?"

I couldn't help but smile, there was something very charming about Jake. Something that in some ways reminded me of the Kyle that I used to know

"Ok," I said as I took the phone that he was now holding out in front of me, out of his hand. I typed my number and then handed the phone back to him.

"Thanks," he said as an even bigger smile now filled his face.

"Well, I'm just going to find my friends so maybe we might bump into each other later," I said.

"Yeah that sounds good to me," he replied.

"Ok, bye," I said as I stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"Bye," he replied.

I wasn't really going to find anyone but my bladder was bursting and telling him that wasn't really something that I wanted to do. As I walked up the all too familiar, cream carpeted stairs I smiled as childhood memories of me and Crystal running from Aiden, as he tried to tag us, popped into my head. I had some great memories in this house and they never failed to make me smile. As I approached the bathroom door, I turned the handle, stepped in and then shut and locked the door behind me. I lifted the white toilet seat and began to pull my jeans down past my thighs. A sudden relief came over me once I had finished. I stood to my feet, fixed my clothes and flushed the toilet.

As I began to wash my hands, I looked in the mirror at my messy bun. I quickly dried my hands and opened the shelf above the sink in the hope that everything was exactly the same as it was before.

"Yes," I muttered to myself as I looked up to see that Crystal still kept all of her hair products in here. I quickly slid her brush off of the top shelf, gently pulled the band out of my hair and began to brush through my shoulder length, blonde hair. I closed my eyes as the soft bristles massaged my scalp. After a few minutes of enjoying the piece and quiet, I opened my eyes again and looked in the mirror at my reflection. Once I was happy with the result, I made sure to remove my hair from Crystal's brush, throw it in the bin and then place the brush back, exactly as she had left it. I unlocked the door, turned off the light and walked out.

As I came into the hall, a tall dark figure made me jump. As my eyes focused, I recognised who it was. His eyes looked somewhat serious as though he had something that he needed to get off of his chest. As I continued to stare at him, he finally spoke...

"We need to talk..."


So there you go my lovlies, Chapter 3! Don't forget to let me know what you think??? If you like it VOTE VOTE VOTE :)

What did you think of Jess, Jinnie, Erica and Jake?

Who do you think the person in the hall is and what will he say?

If this chapter can get a nice amount of reads/votes/comments tonight I may possibly upload chapter 4 and put you all out of your misery lol But don't forget to VOTE if you like what you read, thanks guys :) xxxxxx

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